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Wanted to buy: older 36'-40' trawler southeast US

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 24, 2019
I am looking for a trawler/trawler-esque boat under $100,000.00. I’m very familiar with what’s currently on BoatTrader, YachtWorld, etc. but I am posting here to catch any potential sellers who DON’T have their boats listed with a broker. (So no need to post links to stuff already advertised extensively online unless it’s some obscure broker who ignores the big online listing services, etc.)

Mission/use: Will be back and forth between Abaco and Key Largo. Have (had) a family second home in Abaco destroyed by Dorian that will ultimately need to be rebuilt and need a “beach house” there until then. Have access to free slip in Key Largo and will likely do some exploring of Florida Keys as well.

NOT looking for a project boat, would like to get it "in service" right away, but open to some small projects on an otherwise good deal.

Not a lot of “must haves” except for sleeping arrangements: “Second” cabin (i.e. not the master) must be set up as two single berths in some fashion (V berth or Bunks) will have two teenage boys sharing that space and snuggling up in a port-side double (like on some Monk 36 models) is not an option.

Other Must haves (some of these are obvious, I know):
Fiberglass hull
Functional depth finder
good Air conditioning
40’ or less (strict LOA requirement at the marina in Key Largo - but’s its free, so….)

Strong preferences, but not deal breakers:
No teak decking - would consider teak decks if they are in good condition and leak free and other aspects of boat (price, electronics, features, etc.) outweigh the "risks" of teak decking.
Tall Refrigerator/freezer (as opposed to under-counter)
Aft cabin with centerline berth - would be fine with pullman on an otherwise "perfect" boat
large gas/freshwater/holding tanks

“perfect” boat would be something with
fiberglass decks
aluminum window framing
recent (ten or less years old) electronics package
replaced (not black iron) 300+gallon fuel tank(s)
200+ gallon Freshwater tank
40+ gallon holding tank
Generator and inverter with good house bank capacity
some sort of solar/wind charging capacity
bow thruster
nice v berth up front
centerline queen berth aft
full canvas compliment (window covers, cockpit covers, etc)
dingy included
recent bottom job/prop tuning, etc.

Yes, yes, I know… That’s quite a wish list. But I’m flexible on most everything except the “must haves” and am balancing various equities in my "online shopping", including proximity to Miami/Key Largo area to minimize transport time/costs. I might go as far as Virginia or Louisiana for an amazing deal on a nice boat, but I think anything past that is probably too far away. Closer is better, obviously.

As stated before, my price range is SOMEWHAT flexible, based on condition of boat, but NOT anything above $100,000.00 so we are definitely talking about older boats like Albin, Monk, etc.,

This would not be my last boat, but also not my first. Been boating in Abacos for almost 30 years and also fairly avid lake sailor.

This would be my largest boat (so far) but I have a 28’ inboard diesel cruising (heavy) sailboat (on a lake in Georgia) so I'm familiar with a lot of aspects of “big” boats (as opposed to outboard runabouts) including 12V systems, basic diesel maintenance, multiple thru-hulls, etc.

I'm sure I forgot something important, but thanks for reading and happy new year
When you subtract 3-4 feet for the anchor pulpit and swim platform, that only leaves 36-37 feet left and if an overhanging dink, even less.

Good luck on your search.
Yep, but the regulations for this "marina" (it's a small marina that's part of my dad's condo complex) appears to simply go by the official LOA on the registration/manufactirer's specs. My guess is, if there were complaints from other residents (apparently this has been a thing in the past), any disputes as to size of the boat are settled by simply referring to manufacturers specs as irrefutable proof of LOA and beam.
All that said, I really think something 36'-38' is what I'm shooting for. Wouldn't turn down an awesome deal on a 40' that meets all my main requirements, but would prefer something slightly smaller.
Thanks. The marina actually regulates it based on “published” official LOA as opposed to actually measuring individual boats. So I could add a 4 ft custom bowsprit right some other customization to increase actual overall length if I wanted, as long as the LOA on the registration reads 40’ or less. Unfortunately, it works the other way to my detriment as well.
All that aside, I think 36-38’ is what I’m looking for.
With a fairly generous budget like you express, you should be able to check most of your boxes. Nice thing about where you live is that you can bring her home on her own bottom from Florida, the Great lakes and some East coast locations.

Go For It,

I don't think 100K is a very generous budget for a 36 footer he wants to jump the stream in. It isn't as much about being able to check boxes prior to purchase as it is about what it will cost if the box gets unchecked while he owns the boat. An older $100,000 boat could become an older $200,000 boat real quick.
I didn't realize the O.P. wanted to do Blue Water, Better double the budget for the purchase and he will need quite a reserve to make the fantasy come true.

I’m not sure 2-3 RT’s per year from Florida to Bahamas qualifies as “doing blue water”, but I guess opinions vary.
I am looking for a trawler/trawler-esque boat under $100,000.00. I’m very familiar with what’s currently on BoatTrader, YachtWorld, etc. but I am posting here to catch any potential sellers who DON’T have their boats listed with a broker. (So no need to post links to stuff already advertised extensively online unless it’s some obscure broker who ignores the big online listing services, etc.)

Mission/use: Will be back and forth between Abaco and Key Largo. Have (had) a family second home in Abaco destroyed by Dorian that will ultimately need to be rebuilt and need a “beach house” there until then. Have access to free slip in Key Largo and will likely do some exploring of Florida Keys as well.

NOT looking for a project boat, would like to get it "in service" right away, but open to some small projects on an otherwise good deal.

Not a lot of “must haves” except for sleeping arrangements: “Second” cabin (i.e. not the master) must be set up as two single berths in some fashion (V berth or Bunks) will have two teenage boys sharing that space and snuggling up in a port-side double (like on some Monk 36 models) is not an option.

Other Must haves (some of these are obvious, I know):
Fiberglass hull
Functional depth finder
good Air conditioning
40’ or less (strict LOA requirement at the marina in Key Largo - but’s its free, so….)

Strong preferences, but not deal breakers:
No teak decking - would consider teak decks if they are in good condition and leak free and other aspects of boat (price, electronics, features, etc.) outweigh the "risks" of teak decking.
Tall Refrigerator/freezer (as opposed to under-counter)
Aft cabin with centerline berth - would be fine with pullman on an otherwise "perfect" boat
large gas/freshwater/holding tanks

“perfect” boat would be something with
fiberglass decks
aluminum window framing
recent (ten or less years old) electronics package
replaced (not black iron) 300+gallon fuel tank(s)
200+ gallon Freshwater tank
40+ gallon holding tank
Generator and inverter with good house bank capacity
some sort of solar/wind charging capacity
bow thruster
nice v berth up front
centerline queen berth aft
full canvas compliment (window covers, cockpit covers, etc)
dingy included
recent bottom job/prop tuning, etc.

Yes, yes, I know… That’s quite a wish list. But I’m flexible on most everything except the “must haves” and am balancing various equities in my "online shopping", including proximity to Miami/Key Largo area to minimize transport time/costs. I might go as far as Virginia or Louisiana for an amazing deal on a nice boat, but I think anything past that is probably too far away. Closer is better, obviously.

As stated before, my price range is SOMEWHAT flexible, based on condition of boat, but NOT anything above $100,000.00 so we are definitely talking about older boats like Albin, Monk, etc.,

This would not be my last boat, but also not my first. Been boating in Abacos for almost 30 years and also fairly avid lake sailor.

This would be my largest boat (so far) but I have a 28’ inboard diesel cruising (heavy) sailboat (on a lake in Georgia) so I'm familiar with a lot of aspects of “big” boats (as opposed to outboard runabouts) including 12V systems, basic diesel maintenance, multiple thru-hulls, etc.

I'm sure I forgot something important, but thanks for reading and happy new year

Ahoy Bill, I have a 40' trawler that I would like to tell you about. Give me a call @ 954 547 9172
Mark Bailey
Did you find a suitable boat? If your limitations have changed, my 42' Grand Banks Classic fits the bill.
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