looking for my fourth boat

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Dec 25, 2019
United States
Hi to everyone and Merry Christmas. I am a male75 years of age but still kicking. Just dont know very much about forums.
You’re probably about middle-age for this group! Welcome, we’ve got your back.
What?! 75 years old and still haven’t learned your lesson about boats?
Me neither.:blush:
Welcome to the forum!

Only your 4th? :confused: I currently have 5 (soon to be 4) registered or documented boats.

You'll fit right in.

75 is the new 70, no worries!
Welcome aboard. We are on our 23rd boat, but I am always looking...
Once you learn how to do it... boating is quite similar to breathing... can't go too long without inhaling another boat!!

We've got three - currently...


Happy Boat-Ownership Daze - Art :speed boat:

Merry Christmas :thumb:
Welcome aboard and Merry Christmas, Smoky!

Great username. There must be a story behind it. Hope it's not a smoky boat...we just had one of those. :hide:

Tell us about your boats. If you post pics, we can see what you like.

Your first forum can be a lot like your first big boat. Lots of new parts and controls and no idea what many of them do. This thread can help in making sense of some of the forum stuff. Feel free to ask questions if you'd like help settling in.


Let us know how we can help you spend your money on your boat. That's one of our best talents of our little community.

Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Welcome aboard! I was down to only 4 boats until October. Now back to my normal 5.:dance:
Welcome aboard! I was down to only 4 boats until October. Now back to my normal 5.:dance:

5 boats??? - ->That's almost obscene!! :rofl: :D

We boat lovers maybe should be careful printing how many wayward boats we "take-care of"... there might be some sort of a law against "harboring" that many runaway vessels! :dance:

I try to keep mine maxed at the lucky # 3! :thumb:
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