Thanks for having me.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2019
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
43' Ocean Super Sport
Long time boater and participant on a handful of forums. I even recognize some boats and screen names here. Currently own a 43' Ocean Sport Fish. But I'm not a fisherman. Enjoy cruising New England with my family. But as they get older and head off to college my attention has been turning to the next boat. Perhaps going slower and traveling further afield. This place looks like it's got some great resources. Looking forward to participating.
Long time boater and participant on a handful of forums. I even recognize some boats and screen names here. Currently own a 43' Ocean Sport Fish. But I'm not a fisherman. Enjoy cruising New England with my family. But as they get older and head off to college my attention has been turning to the next boat. Perhaps going slower and traveling further afield. This place looks like it's got some great resources. Looking forward to participating.

Wifey B: Glad you're here but still trying to digest the title you gave to your thread and not even going to comment on it. :eek:
Wifey B: Glad you're here but still trying to digest the title you gave to your thread and not even going to comment on it. :eek:

Looks like you did comment on it but afraid I don't follow. Please fill me in.
I wasn't confused by the title.
You are certainly welcome aboard TF... sounds like your boating interests should fit in well here. Good luck w/ your search and adventures
Welcome to the forum and you don’t always have to change boats to go slow and enjoy the scenery. We regularly run at 7 to 8 knots. Have fun with whatever you decide.
Prospective, welcome to TF. Pretty good bunch of folks on here who have a lot of knowledge and are willing to share it. So, fire away with questions. Just be ready to have to filter out some of the answers.
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