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Grand Banks 36

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sep 24, 2019
Hello All -
On the search for a Grand Banks 36 Classic, 1980's or newer. Not afraid of realistic service & maintenance, though not looking for a project boat. Searching Yachtworld and BoatTrader on the regular, figured I'd put a line out for any private owners that may have or know of one coming up for sale.
Thanks! - TP
Welcome aboard. Sorry don’t know of any around here for sale.
There is a Grand Banks Owners website out there someone will surely post.
Hey TP,
Have you inspected the one in Charleston, SC ?
The yachtworld listing indicates it’s a well kept 36 Classic with factory fiberglass decks
I have a 2001 single JD engine GB 36 Classic in Sidney BC in excellent condition. Looking to trade for a slightly older 42 or 45
Our boat is in the Pacific North West (Victoria BC)
I recommend any GB with factory fiberglass decks. Slightly different layup, very watertight.

A southern boat will not have gone through the freezes a northern boat could have.
A southern boat will not have gone through the freezes a northern boat could have.

Presuming proper winterization of mechanical equipment, and that there is not water where it should not be (waterlogged keel, etc.), is just "simple" freezing of good fiberglass a problem?

I ask because I have specifically been looking for boats up north. One big reason is 6 months stored out of the water (nice for hull, especially if not barrier coated), and in some cases, freshwater operation only. (This presumes boat is stored under cover and that there is no water trapped in the decks or keel; but then I'd want that in any location.)

I guess what I'm asking is, is there something I don't know about fiberglass boats (that are in good shape) freezing that is important and makes them less desirable? It would be a lot easier and more convenient to find a boat in the south, but in the past I have found them to be more corroded (fitings), more sun-bleached, and possibly more prone to blisters or hydrolysis just due to more time in the water I think.

I would be really annoyed with myself if I went to the extra trouble to buy a boat up north (especially now as the season is growing short), and it actually had problems BECAUSE of being up north.
When I was looking I inspected several vessels where the gelcoat had crazed from freezing.

Other than that I also looked hard up north.

A Southern boat may have more corrosion and sun deterioration. I think the water is saltier in the Gulf than elsewhere. Florida also does not have a lot of covered slips for protection.

You will know the boat when you see it. Then you have to balance your wants and condition. The more you can do the better off you are.

I redid my 36, and have enjoyed most of it. Go to, grandbankschoices, and see what your getting into.

Feel free to pm any questions.
When I was looking I inspected several vessels where the gelcoat had crazed from freezing.

I'll keep that in mind, thank you. I'm mentally laughing at an imagined conversation: "Oh yeah? Well it was so cold here that the gelcoat froze off my boat." etc.

You will know the boat when you see it. Then you have to balance your wants and condition. The more you can do the better off you are.

I'm reasonably adept. That said, I don't want to pay a potential premium (northern boat) for some sort of hidden problem I didn't even know existed.

I redid my 36, and have enjoyed most of it. Go to, grandbankschoices, and see what your getting into.

I have very much enjoyed reading your blog. Especially since the GB 32/36/Europa were top on my dream boat list. I only say "were," because as I'm solo - and I like to do my own work - I think there is a bit more regular maintenance than I want to take on by myself. (I've had boat partners in the past and it was SO MUCH easier to tackle big projects with two sets of hands, two wallets, and usually at least one person not flagging simultaneously with the other.

So I'll probably end up with something more "boringly" plasticky. Still want it to be in good shape though.

This probably hit me a bit harder than usual as I am right at this moment seriously considering making an offer on a boat that's lived on the Great Lakes all its life. So short seasons, fresh water, stored undercover and it looks it. BUT it has definitely been exposed to freezing temperatures as it was not stored heated. (It's also fairly devoid of electronics, but I don't mind that as I can do my own installation and it's fewer old holes to deal with.)

Feel free to pm any questions.

Thank you so much; that's generous of you.
You will be able to see gelcoat crazing. Other than that as long as kept warm inside no big deal. A fresh water stored inside boat would be tempting.
You will be able to see gelcoat crazing. Other than that as long as kept warm inside no big deal. A fresh water stored inside boat would be tempting.

I agree a boat with gelcoat crazing is as bad as one with blisters. However being a Northern boat does not immediately invoke this problem, you still need moisture penetration and then freezing. At least it is a visible problem a survey should report.
You will be able to see gelcoat crazing. Other than that as long as kept warm inside no big deal. A fresh water stored inside boat would be tempting.

That would be ideal! This one was stored shrink-wrapped but outside (freezing weather).

I was going to go to some extra trouble for this particular boat (namely buying a boat now that, after the sea trial I'd basically have to put away and ignore for 7 months :cry:) To me one of the main good points was *because* it was up north and stored on the hard much of each year. I may reconsider that benefit though. I'm sure it's a decent boat, but if the upsides aren't as "up" as I thought they might be, then I can expand my search area - or only go for heated storage northern boats. It would be nice to find a boat I could spend time on before next May (although I have pre-existing plans for part of the winter anyway).
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