Stop buttons

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Senior Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Marine Trader
Neither upper or lower engine stop buttons work. Had to flip the rod on the engine to get it to stop. Both the solenoid and relay test fine. Since it's both upper and lower I'm thinking it could be wiring between where the two meet and the relay. Am I right to think that or am I missing something ?
You should be able to unhook the wires at the solenoid and ohm them out as you work the switches. And unhook the wires at the switches and ohm out the switches and you will know if it is the wires or the switches. I only have an upper helm and I did have a stop switch go bad and would not let the engine start so it is possible for a switch to go bad but not as likely that both switches went bad at the same time.
Somewhere else to look is the 12V supply to the stop button.
Same thing was happening to our boat during sea trials - got the price down a bit:thumb:. Turned out to be the 12 pin plugs under the gauge panels - they were cracking and getting loose. Cut them out and installed buss bars instead - problem solved - and now all of the gauges work correctly also :thumb:

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