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Feb 17, 2019
Hi everyone,
We are new to the forum and new to Washington State! We are in our mid 50's and plan to live full time on our boat. We have been doing a lot of research on different types of liveaboards and seem to have worked ourselves in to a circle in regard to boat make and model.
What has stayed consistent is the size, between a 46' and 50', however the type of power boat continues to allude us.
What do you like or don't like? Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Check out this website.

Make sure you work your way through all the threads. A lot of info about living in WA on a boat.

I can’t give you answers but I can give you questions.

Do you need a guest room.
Do you need a separate shower stall
Do you need a tub
Do you need a dish washer
Do you need a washer/dryer or a washer and dryer.
Do you need a water maker
What kind of heat do you need
What size bed do you need
Do you need a walk around bed
Do you need your kitchen to be up or down
Do you want built in furniture or store bought
Do you need TV
Do you need internet
Do you cook gourmet or just simple
How much storage do you need
What non boating items do you insist on having on the boat
Will the boat ever leave the dock
Will the boat leave the dock frequently
Will the boat travel to Alaska
Will the boat travel to Mexico
Will the boat travel to Hawaii

These are just some of the question you need to answer

If you go to the live-a-board forum you will see all kinds of different boats being lived on. You will be surprised by the differences and why.
Thank you so much for the quick reply. Much to think about and consider.
Welcome aboard. The big question is whether or not it will be a dock queen ot are you going to cruise a lot. If a dock queen the the power doesn’t matter. If you are going to cruise a lot I would look at diesel powered trawlers.
While you are pondering those questions, have you seen anything that seemed to fit both of you? Any attractions or dilemmas?
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