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Great Loop capable...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Feb 3, 2019
Vessel Name
Play Harder
Vessel Make
Chaparral 276 SSX
Looking for around 36’ trawler located along Great Loop. Prefer twin diesels, large salon, 2 staterooms. Doesn’t need to be perfect cosmetically but should be mechanically. I can handle cosmetics but not well versed in the mechanical side.

Asking price needs to be real near $40k.

Please reach out to me if you have something that might fit my requirements.

There are boat loads of those on the net. (You may have to travel to see them) Go here and punch in your wants. https://www.yachtworld.com/
I see you are in Illinois- twin diesel, Trawler, 36 s are RARE on Lake Michigan- so above is right on- search Tennessee, Alabama, florida first- loads to choose from.
This boat just went up for sale in my marina..

36' gulfstar with twin 4-236


19k and from what i've seen just needs some cleaning up.


I was going to comment about $40 being a very marginal starting price to expect much, but there are a few deals out there.

The above boat is dirt cheap at $19, and looks like close to $19k worth of upgrades in the past few years... fuel tanks, AC units, radar, AP, flooring, etc. Certainly worth a look, check times, etc. And the Perkins are pretty bullet proof.

My friend recently sold his mid 80s Grand Banks look alike, single engine, reasonable times, rebuild engine, new fuel tanks, electronics, sold for $40. Very economical boat.

BUT, one really has to do their homework on boats, especially older ones.
Is it the voyage , or the vessel?

If you do not plan on keeping the boat for long after running the loop ,any 25ft + IO that you are comfortable on board would do.... .EZ to learn , EZ to maintain & repair. EZ zero round trip.

These are usually fine for a couple and OK for 2 weekend long guests .

Longer than that they get Very small, on a rainy week.

All will have similar facilities, smaller interior , but usually a far better cockpit and sun covers.

$5K and up , frequently with a trailer .
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Our mainship almost fits but is single stateroom. Under $40, turn key, twin Perkins diesels, huge salon for a 40'er with a slider out to the cockpit. I guess I need to re-post it. It's been a quiet winter...

I was going to comment about $40 being a very marginal starting price to expect much, but there are a few deals out there.

The above boat is dirt cheap at $19, and looks like close to $19k worth of upgrades in the past few years... fuel tanks, AC units, radar, AP, flooring, etc. Certainly worth a look, check times, etc. And the Perkins are pretty bullet proof.

My friend recently sold his mid 80s Grand Banks look alike, single engine, reasonable times, rebuild engine, new fuel tanks, electronics, sold for $40. Very economical boat.

BUT, one really has to do their homework on boats, especially older ones.

I can tell you that this boat is not used often at all. As a matter of fact I can't remember seeing it leave the dock in over a year.

The same can be said for boats I know are in great shape too though.

I saw some iffy fiberglass work being done on it as well but things like that are to be expected for 19k. If anyone is seriously interested I can take a quick look around for you.. Just PM me.

I also found a Mainship 34 MK2 with a yanmar for 15k. Even if it needs tons of work it's a steal. Looks to be in middle of the road cosmetic condition(exterior looks really good actually). Someone buy it so I don't have to feel bad about the Value of my Mainship 34 :-/

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Welcome aboard. As Mr. FF noted in post #6, the "loop" can be done in almost any boat.
Don't forget to include motorsailers in your search. There are a few of those out there that are good deals. Even if you don't ever sail, would work great with the larger engines and out of weather pilothouse.
I can tell you that this boat is not used often at all. As a matter of fact I can't remember seeing it leave the dock in over a year.

The same can be said for boats I know are in great shape too though.

I saw some iffy fiberglass work being done on it as well but things like that are to be expected for 19k. If anyone is seriously interested I can take a quick look around for you.. Just PM me.

I also found a Mainship 34 MK2 with a yanmar for 15k. Even if it needs tons of work it's a steal. Looks to be in middle of the road cosmetic condition(exterior looks really good actually). Someone buy it so I don't have to feel bad about the Value of my Mainship 34 :-/


The craigslist ad says it's a 30' Mainship
Don't forget to include motorsailers in your search. There are a few of those out there that are good deals. Even if you don't ever sail, would work great with the larger engines and out of weather pilothouse.

Wouldn't a mast be a problem on the loop ?? I thought there was a max clearance of 16 or 17 feet ?
The Loop can be done with a max of 19' 1" There are parts that could be done at 15' or so. Those passages can be done wit a work around that allows higher. The passage out of Chicago has a bridge that has no work around. Max height is 19' 1".
I might be interested.

Can you forward more details and pictures?
I have a 42 ft steel trawler single 6v53 in Mississippi only 25k but will take 40k . Needs paint only sips fuel great loop boat.6015492159

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