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Oct 26, 2018
Hi all,
My wife and I are a couple years out from retirement and we decided that one goal was to not spend our summers in Phoenix. Since we are both from PNW/BC and grew up in sight of the salt chuck, I said one day, how about a boat to spend our summers on. She said that’s a good idea, what kind of boat. Once I regained my composure after several minutes, I started showing her trawlers. We actually are now discussing merits of single versus twin diesels, turbo or not, Lehman’s or Perkins vs anything else. (My wife is mechanical- her dad was a marine engineer).It’s kinda fun. So, I am here to read and learn and forgive me for asking the odd question that would be obvious to the old deckhands and Admirals out there. Cheers!
Like wise. The desert is a great place to be 7 to 8 months out of the year, the remaining months not so much. The only issue we have had is if the boat needs attention and we are down here.
Welcome aboard. I like your plan and wish I could convince my wife to do something similar. But she says that her liveaboard days are over.

I am sure that you don't have answers to these questions, but some to consider:

1. Do you plan to spend a lot of your time anchored out away from marinas or mostly stay in marinas?

2. Do you like the journey or the destination? If you like the journey at least as well as the destination then consider a slow 7-8 kts trawler although you don't have to always go that slow if the boat has more speed capability such as a semi displacement hull with high hp engine(s).

3. Are you ok with a boat needing significant refit that you will do yourself? If not DIY then it is almost always cheaper to buy a newer boat or one with upgrades done than to pay yard rates to fix up one.

4. Since you won't be using the boat maybe 7-8 months out of the year, plan to keep it on the hard. Fewer bad things happen to boats on the hard vs in the water. Land storage is also cheaper although you will probably pay more for a slip mo to mo rather than year round.

Welcome aboard eh? There are NO bad questions. I like your wife already. Plan on some road trips to attend boat shows and to look at potential candidates. This is a REALLY fun stage in the process IMO.
Exactly. Getting to the pleasant part of the year. I can see where being away from the boat could be worrisome. Don’t know what marinas have in the way of monitoring services.

I'd suggest some charters up in the WA/BC area. This will give you some ideas as to the features that you like and don't like in a boat. It will also give you some ideas as to where you might like to base the boat. There are charter companies on both sides of the border.
Hi, well you hit on some good points. Since we have family and friends in Washington, BC and Montana we thought of the boat as a base of operations to visit, explore and have marina time and cruising time as well.
We would be in no hurry so a trawler would be just fine. As far as DIY, I am okay with some things, farm out others but my biggest concern are the leaking windows and fungal damage. Still in research phase on manufacturer, GB being the standard, but open to others although the Roughwater 41 intrigues me. As far as moorage, not really sure, but you mentioned hard storage, and that was in a recess in my mind- have to look at that more. Thanks though, for reaching out. I appreciate that. One more thing to google. Excellent!
Yeah, the summers get longer every year it seems. This one was interesting weather-wise, but would rather be tied up somewhere pulling a crab pot.
Mr. dh. Don't neglect to mention the charters available in the south east and the Caribbean. Given the PNW is on the cusp of, dare I say it, winter, a week or two in the warm winter of Florida or beyond might be in order. PNW/BC next summer, for sure.
Good thought. My boat experience has been on a friend’s 30’ Catalina for the most part. I can start it, back it out, Sail with some competence and take it home. What certifications are needed to charter? I need to do some power squadron classes, I know.
Welcome aboard. We used to live in Tucson. Spent 30 years there before moving to Michigan to live on the water. Good luck in your search.
Mr. D. I've never chartered but many here have so they would best know the requirements BUT for your first go, I think you can charter WITH a captain included. More $$ but...

Power squadron courses are always a good idea. I don't know how many might be offered in AZ though...

The first time I chartered almost 30 years ago at the Moorings in BVI, I filled out an experience profile that showed I had worked my way up from sailing dinghies to belonging to a sailing club where i sailed 30-35' cruisers, all day sailing. That got me in the door and I am sure that they made another evaluation when I got there and must have passed.

Today at least in the US I don't know of specific certifications required, only enough experience. Tell them you sailed your friend's boat by yourself and you will probably be ok. At worst if you fail the in person evaluation they will require you to use a captain for he first day or two.

Frankly, I believe it is all about how confident you present yourself not necessarily specific experience.

Canuck, have you been following us around? We're down in Sun City West right now for about 3 weeks, coming down from our home in SE WA. We have a 13' Boston Whaler that we keep down here to take care of our boating fix.

I've chartered 2 times in the PNW. The first was a 32' Grand Banks and I had to take a "driver's training" course to prove I could handle the boat. The second was a 45' Bayliner from the same owner. He already knew me so no driving test was needed.

Taking a charter with a captain will cost you more but you will have a week or so to learn how to handle a boat. We didn't do that because we wanted to be on the boat by ourselves. (HEY, it was my honeymoon, what can I say???) The second charter was with another couple. We had the boat for 8 days and had a great time.

Enjoy your time in SC. The days are beautiful and the weather is only going to get better.
Salt chuck...haven’t heard that one for a while!

Welcome aboard :thumb:

We’ve been doing the cruising thing now over 3 years up here, with Vegas being our residence. I encourage you to research where you want to store the boat in the off season. We chose Oregon, primarily for tax purposes, and the fresh water of the Columbia was another.
Highly recommend charter a couple times before you purchase your own boat, you’ll learn a ton and helps to decide on the type and size. We are heading south next year to warmer climate. The PNW is fantastic cruising grounds and you wont be disappointed in spending a few years or more up here.
Best of luck and welcome aboard!
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