The "Wirie" out of business

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Martin J

Feb 16, 2013
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Cheoy Lee 67
Well as I am about to complete the purchase on my replacement of "St Christopher" after hurricane Irma. I just went on the "Wirie" site to see about purchasing a new unit , to find they are out of business.

Over the last 20 years I've had many different wifi set ups. However none other than the "wirie" for the last 6 years.

I would appreciate any recommendations of fellow members with their current setups.
Buy the parts individually and create your own system, you need the Ubiquiti bullet which is the base radio for almost all the systems. Also if you want a router get the Pico Station.
That's a shame. Nice folks and a great product. But a small market to be sure.Someone smart should buy the IP and assets if possible. Shakespeare, Digital Antenna, Garmin?
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Wow they just gave me some tech support for mine 2 weeks ago. It's been a good product.
A 10+ year customer, they have been great for customer service. Sad to see them go........
Very unfortunate. I purchased one only a few months ago after seeing a decent review on Panbo, and while it works okay when it works it is less than reliable - often requiring power cycling for no reason to get the cellular data to work.

Their customer service was decent but I never really got tj device to work reliably. Now it seems anyone who owns their products is now stuck with an unsupported - and very expensive - product.

The risk of doing business with a small one man type company I guess. I’ll definitely remember this when selecting an eventual replacement.
Dang! I was hoping to make an upgrade to a 4G cell card for the one that came in my boat.
I have a Wirie on my boat and love it, but won’t be back onboard for several weeks. Do they sill work? I.e. can you still connect to
Mine worked well as well streamed movies and everything. Frequently had 5-6 tv's, phones, ipads etc logged on to it no problem..
I have a Wirie on my boat and love it, but won’t be back onboard for several weeks. Do they sill work? I.e. can you still connect to

Wirie ceasing business has no effect on the operation of your existing unit .....:thumb::thumb:
It'd be great if we could get a bit of extra info out of the Wirie folks regarding the setup. Like upgrading the modems, changing antennas and the like. It's a bit jarring to just jump ship with no explanation or transition plan.
It'd be great if we could get a bit of extra info out of the Wirie folks regarding the setup. Like upgrading the modems, changing antennas and the like. It's a bit jarring to just jump ship with no explanation or transition plan.

I totally agree. The Wi-Fi part of mine works great but it’s the cellular modem part that would be nice to be able to upgrade/update.

I also give a thumbs up to Bob at Island Time.

He built my 12v computer with solid state drive and its been bouncing around for 4+ years and never a problem.

I also got his Groove wi-fi extender.

He gave me the model number for the two Samsung 24" LCD monitors that will tolerate 12v, (actually down to 11.5v), so I was able to get them on Amazon for $200 each, thus completing my 12v makeover of my pilot house in 2014.

Best of all, every year or so, If I have a question for Bob and he's always prompt in calling me back if i missed him.

Richard on Dauntless
I could never get my Island time to work. Bobs support was horrible at the time. I sent it back for a full refund , got the wirie which basically took nothing to get up and running.
We just installed a WebBoat to replace Wirie and prior seperate component setup that was very complex. Love the new WebBoat. Only issue I have is that in the US it is ATT an TMobile only, NOT Verizon yet. They told they are working on Verizon but not sure if/when it will come out. What I like is how is simple to use. Takes 2 sim cards so we have both ATT and TMobile. and it switches back and forth from cell to our marina wifi behind the scenes without us having to think when we leave our slip and when we arrive at a location with wifi it switches to that wifi. Very cool setup.
We started with the Bad Boy receiver and the Unleashed hot spot aboard our boat. It had reception of over a mile, though the more distance, the slower it was.
When that receiver died we replaced it with a Bullet receiver and it works with the Bad Boy Unleashed w/o a problem. Good quality, reliable gear.

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