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Looking for Steel Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Sep 1, 2017
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Seaton 56
We are looking at steel LRC's (40'-50', full displacement, single engine, large tanks, offshore capable). 10-20 years old, good condition, no project boats. We have scoured most websites and are aware of current listings. If anyone is thinking of selling in the next 12 months we might be interested. We have experience with steel and offshore passages, so this is not intended to start a string of opinions/recommendations about materials, designs or builders. Thanks.
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Nice to see some peeps actually appreciating and seeking a steel boat. Good choice, your a rare breed among yachtsman. Good luck in your search.

I saw that boat advertised in Boats & Harbors last month. A lot of boat for the money if in decent shape. The 4-71 is an indestructable engine. Maybe its Detroit loud, leaky and a little thirsty but its dependable. Gladding Hearn makes a Great Boat that most people on hear have never heard of. Most of the serious pilot boats in the country are GH built. They nail it.
It looks like the gladding Hearn is a steel HULL only..deckhouse is all wood or am I mistaken?
There are far more of these in Northern Europe than in the US and often enough cheaper for the difference to cover the freight to the US depending upon the size of the original budget. I would expect around 40K in freight to the Gulf from Northern Europe based upon my experience last year.
The conversions are manageable in terms of the electrical. Bit of a pain but worth it in my view.
I assume in your searches you have run across the custom based on a Seaton in Florida? I thought that was a nice boat when I was looking but could get more for the money in Europe.
Still Looking

Thanks to all who responded with leads. Interesting and capable boats, however, all had some aspect which did not fit our particular wish list:

Vinette: Nice. Called to arrange a visit but the boat has been sold.
Smart Trawler: Too big for us
Gladding Hearn: Close to a fit but somewhat long in the tooth (we have a 1973 steel ketch, so understand aging steel), wood/steel joints could eventually be rust points, flush foredeck + no rails looks scary. Listing could use pictures of hull, engine room, interior layout. Price would certainly allow significant customizing.
Vripack: Too big, twin engines.
1994 Custom: Looks like a great boat but too big, twin engines.

Anyone thinking about selling or know of a matching boat that may be coming on the market? Thanks again.
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Could the low price have something to do with..."In 2005, the entire area forward of the engine room was gutted and the hull was replated as necessary"...might want some clarification on that bit :eek:

It means the hull is solid and ready to go.
I'm betting there was no damage and nothing got wet. Preventative maintenance is a thing, steel won't last forever. Very common thing on commercial ships.
"Could the low price have something to do with..."In 2005, the entire area forward of the engine room was gutted and the hull was replated as necessary"...might want some clarification on that bit"

I have no affiliation with the seller however at my request he emailed me a copy of the ultrasound that was done to the hull. It all was good except for a couple of thin plates which are easily taken care of. A good welder will have new plate on in a few hours. Steel like everything else ages and needs to be replaced now and then. I am watching a friend re-do a steel tug. The welder makes quick work of any rusted or thin plating that was found during the survey. Was surprised At the simplicity of the repairs. Angle grinder and welder are your best friends. Much quicker and easier then fiberglass.
The most likely nicest steel hulled vessel in the 60' range you will ever see is Delfin. PM him for some steel information, he and his vessel are the real deal.
"the entire area forward of the engine room was gutted and the hull was replated as necessary"

You guys may be right, but then why was the entire area forward of the engine room gutted? Did it flood, or did the owner want to change the decor to a crushed velvet painting tropical beach / bamboo motif?
it appears that he just gutted the interior stuff to make one big area down below for a bed. I see it as a solid boat that will leave you some $$$$$ to make it your own. I am contimplating a look see. Will report back if I make the trip.
it appears that he just gutted the interior stuff to make one big area down below for a bed. I see it as a solid boat that will leave you some $$$$$ to make it your own. I am contimplating a look see. Will report back if I make the trip.

Words are slippery things...the way they were used in the add got my radar up!

Hope your viewing goes well :thumb:
I second Delfin. Awesome boat for big blue water cruising. And the owner knows his stuff and keeps her up.
In Northern Europe, especially Holland virtually all the boats are steel so I suggest you look around the brokers. We passed the Dutch boat builder Pedro,s yard last year and there was about 20 steel boats that had been traded in and could be had for a keen price. Contact them, they're very nice people and all speak good English.
40k seems excessive for shipping, it would be cheaper to ship it to Liverpool as a return load, than put it on a MAFI trailer and ship it on the roll on/roll off Atlantic Container lines service to the US.
The savings would more than cover your travel expenses.
Just a thought.
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Our Diesel duck 44 is listed at JW Yachts (Ft. Lauderdale, FL) which gives prices and specs or you can contact me for specific details.

How hard is it to cruise around Greece or in the Med in general if one only speaks English? I've often wondered about trying to hail someone on the VHF there, signs, etc. Is English fairly commonly spoken on other vessels? At marinas?

I have done some land-based travels in Greece and Italy and found English pretty common in most touristy areas.
Hi cardude01,
I've cruised around the Greek isles and you'll find all commercial skippers speak English and virtually all businesses bars and restaurants although as always in another country its good manners to learn basic etiquettes in Greek.
I spent 5 months learning Greek before I went and when I spoke in Greek they all said 'Speak English please, we like to learn English'.
There is an influx of immigrants from North Africa and I would suggest you pay close attention to you and your boats security.
An absolutely beautiful cruising ground.
My favourite port is Lakka on Anti Paxos. superb, harbour entrance between 2 white cliffs and then the bay open up like magic.
Bow to mooring is common in Greece. The wind generally gets blustery around mid-day until 4/5 pm. try to be tied up by 4 and explore the town.
Kleftiko, slow cooked lamb is delicious. Maphrodaphne is a cracker of a local Greek wine. Watch out for the Ouzo, it screws up your internal GPS for navigating home from the bar.
Wonderful cruising ground. Enjoy.
Hi again cardude01,
After I posted I went through some old logs.
A site that you may find useful, Google jimb or jimbsail and you'll pick up some useful info.
I hope you find this helpful.
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