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For Sale: Ready for the Loop for 30K

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Dec 13, 2009
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1996 36' Island Gypsy Classic
Adagio our 1983 Island Gypsy has just completed an enjoyable 3000mi trip to South Florida and back and is ready to go Again. This is a dry, comfortable couples cruiser, just bring your stuff and go. Yes there is no work required on her.

The back story is about six weeks ago we met a couple in Oriental NC on our return trip to NJ and the bottom line is we struck a deal and sold them the boat. We signed an agreement of sale and took a deposit. Gave them an hour long sea trial. They wanted to survey and close the boat in NJ as they had ties to that area. So we brought her home. Many emails and phone calls from our buyer insured their interest in our boat. They even drove from NC to Annapolis to visit us and Adagio again. Much happiness and excitement was expressed about their new boat. The survey and short haul was arranged and all was a go.
In the mean time we purchased Adagios replacement a 1996 IslandGypsy 36. A better fit for my tall self and more lockers etc for the Admiral.
Which brings us to the present. The nite before the survey the buyers arrive in NJ and call me to say how happy they are and can't wait to become the new owners of Adagio. Here is the punch line, One hour before we were to take Adagio to the yard for the survey the buyers called and said they were sorry but had a change in Heart!! Some personal reasons were given that might have disqualified them from the get go, but my only gripe was why wait till the last hour? They could have backed out In Annapolis on the second visit to the boat or anytime in the last six weeks!!

Moving forward Adagio is for sale, ready for new adventures and in great shape for anything close to 30k. 1983 IslandGypsy32 Ford Lehman 120 with 2600 original hours and a 4kw kohler genny with approx. 900 hrs.
More specs and link to images coming soon. Message me if you have questions or want to see her. JohnP
Ouch. What a mess. Hope you keep the deposit!!

Good luck with the sale. Sounds like she is well proven as a traveler and should sell quick.
This is when a good broker earns his keep.
This is selling and people get cold feet.
You need closer.
Someone who can "help" people get over their anxiety and complete the deal.
Sometimes on the buying side - sometimes on the selling side.

Give them a few days and call them back.
Those buyers were nuts not to buy that boat. I'd buy it myself now if it weren't on the coast and we didn't have one already.
Looks very well maintained. It seems tragic that so much boat is only worth $30 K.

It should sell quickly.
A hell of a nice boat for 30k, the buyers backed out of a great deal. Probably not much boating experience I would guess and got cold feet.
Very nice boat. Seems priced very low for its apparent condition. Good luck selling her. A bargain for some lucky person.
Mr. I. Tom's River NJ is about 1000 miles, as the crow flies, from Miami. Buy her and run her down. It would be a wonderful trip.
IMO the 32 has a great internal layout, better than the 36 in some ways. Really nicely balanced design, one of Halvorsens best in my book.
I would think $50K would be a deal on this boat. Did you steal it when you purchased it?
Mr. I. Tom's River NJ is about 1000 miles, as the crow flies, from Miami. Buy her and run her down. It would be a wonderful trip.

Send me your email or call 772-283-3212 Getting ready to make an offer on a Marine Trader but I think you may of changed my mind.
Thanks for all the interest in Adagio. We have another deal in the works took a deposit today next step will be the survey. Buyers are a nice local couple who always wanted a trawler.
Excellent, John! I'm sure those who procrastinated will have regrets. Nice boat at a very attractive price. Hopefully she will skate through the survey and seatrial.
Potential congratulations to Mr. JP as well as apologies for this thread creep and a word to Mr. I. and other "buyers".

If you are serious about buying now and you find what seems and may well be a vessel that suits your needs and is in the appropriate price range, do not hesitate to act. This does not absolve you from doing your homework and research. Actually looking at and putting in an offer on any vessel should be the end result of a LOT of work. Fun work but work all the same.

In anticipation of an immediate purchase, you should already have your financing arranged to a certain point (or at least have a very good idea of a $$ figure you have available), have an extremely good idea of vessels that you might be most happy with and be willing to travel at a moments notice to at least SEE what is being offered. IF you like what you see, put down a deposit pending a survey and proceed from there. A good buyer's broker can hold your hand through all of this but is not a necessity to have one.

I do not really see what location, other than being on an opposite coast perhaps, has to do with getting "the" boat. If you limit your searches to close by locations you could easily miss "the" boat for want of a delivery adventure.

Perhaps you won't have a continuous month for a delivery trip but that doesn't mean you can't do it in stages.
Sage advice for potential boat buyers from Mr RTF. If you think a boat is a serious contender for your budget and want to lock it up, do so with survey and sea trial contingency .
Don't waste a sellers time if your not serious.
Adagio is Sold

We are one boat owners again-- Our "new" boat is a 1996 36' Island Gypsy Classic. Her name will be "D U E T".

Thanks for all the interest in Adagio, she now has a great new home.

John and Miri
This thread makes me angry.

Up to my shoulders in fiberglass work and DIY on my 25k mainship.

This is twice the boat.
I would have been on a plane with cash in hand if I would have seen this boat before it was sold. From the photos, I think someone got a hell of a good boat.

The second boat I have missed...

Perhaps my luck will change.

Don't give up IT took us 6 months of traveling all over the place and crawling all over a million boats before we found ours.
I also missed this. This is what I have always wanted in my retirement and that is coming up next year. If the new owner of Adagio happens to read this post and you want to part with the vessel for whatever reason, please contact me.
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