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Wanted: Wanted 40-46 ft trawler, long range

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Dec 13, 2016
new bern
Wanted 40-46 ft or so long range cruiser in decent shape no teak decks something real economical have buddy switching from sail to steam I'm helping him find boat looking for a fuel sipper prefer stabilized and well equipped under 100 k much less if possible:dance: does anybody have recommendations on good prospect, brand looking for islands boat a fair bit of offshore here and there
Just a little hint, any boat in that price range WILL need work. I've been looking at buying a boat for three years in the PNW and every one under 150k needs work.
Just a hint. All boats need work.
I looked for the same thing. You are talking single engine stabilized full displacement. Under a $100k, no such luck. Its either an old ass steel ex fishing boat(slightly larger) which will need a total refit for another $100k, or a production boat, only 2 or 3 I can think of all of which bust the budget.

Maybe a motor sailor, schucker perhaps, add paravanes to a shortened sailing rig.

Good luck. I never did find what I was looking for in the price range I wanted to spend, buts that boat buying I guess.

It will require lots of luck, patience, and I would guess a reality check
trawler search

have several people I know that have decent boats in 100k range defever 44, ocean alexander 40 are 2 that come to mind that were bought for under 100k in decent shape like to have 600- 900 gallon tank for fuel
I guess I assumed "fuel sipping" to be a good bit less than 4gph. Twin engine anything with that fuel burn is going to limit "long range"

Anyway, didn't mean to poop on the thread, good luck to your buddy
I guess I assumed "fuel sipping" to be a good bit less than 4gph. Twin engine anything with that fuel burn is going to limit "long range"

There are boats out there with large fuel tanks.

But as Sealife has said, it's also a matter of efficiency. When I was searching I was looking for the same thing you are.

But I didn't limit myself on price because there was no point in buying a boat at the "right" price that was not capable of doing what I wanted to do at a cost I could afford.

Thus the efficiency issue was large for me. That greatly limited my options and led me to the Kadey Krogen 42.

In a nutshell, it was the largest boat I could afford and the smallest that could cross an ocean.

At 3.5 nm/gal and $3.00 fuel, fuel costs are about $0.85/nm, so I've always used $1/nm as a good ROT.

Good luck

have several people I know that have decent boats in 100k range defever 44, ocean alexander 40 are 2 that come to mind that were bought for under 100k in decent shape like to have 600- 900 gallon tank for fuel

What does yacht world show that meets your criteria? That is a site to visit if you've not done so.
look at my ad Marine trader 44
500 gal fuel and 2g/hr. per engine at 1600 rpm 7 knots
See Willard 40 foot boats.
The 36 Willard is a very big 36' boat and long range.
Where ya go'in so far away?
I looked at willard 40s before I went KK42. Nice boats. Seems "long range" needs to be defined. To some its ICW w/o fuel, to others it's across an ocean.

For me, papamac, 800nm is not long range.
(Power) Boats For Sale

Wifey B: I notice on page 1 (I used $50-90K) a 1985 Marine Trader 40' for $80k. Donna loves her Marine Trader as do some others. :)

There's a 46' Delta Trawler in Oriental for $79.9k.
I don't trust manufacturers' claims on a boat's range. Likely at most, they are theoretical estimates and don't allow for contingencies.
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Trawler for sale

Wanted 40-46 ft or so long range cruiser in decent shape no teak decks something real economical have buddy switching from sail to steam I'm helping him find boat looking for a fuel sipper prefer stabilized and well equipped under 100 k much less if possible:dance: does anybody have recommendations on good prospect, brand looking for islands boat a fair bit of offshore here and there

Hi ...I have a 46' cockpit trawler for sale with twin Yanmar Diesel engines, 10 kW Phasor Diesel generator, fly bridge with new Bimini top, and new Eisenglass all around.
The boat is a 1984 Baymar Trawler, like a CHB trawler.
If you would like more info, I would be happy to do so.
The boat is in Abaco, Bahamas at the present time. The Bahamas Customs duty is paid on the boat so it can stay in the Bahamas as long as one would like to.

My name is: Scott, my email address is: scottweatherford@hotmail.com

Thank you
Theres a 40' Willard in Palm Coast Fl on Yachtworld for around 110k ask.

Wifey B's suggestion of that Delta 46 in N.C has been on the market for several years. If it suits your needs, owner may welcome an offer?...
As my wife pointed out, there is a huge selection of boats in the size and price range the OP is looking for. Are any of them so pristine and perfect as to require no work? I doubt it. However, there are probably a few that could be used immediately and the work done gradually over time. If none of them fit his needs and pricing, then it's typically go older or smaller.
1970's / 80's Tollycraft 48'ers. Good prices. Great boats. Can be set up for distance travels. Some have newer, smaller, fuel stingy engines already installed. Areas for increased fuel tanks.
Paradox ll

Check out Paradox ll, 44 ft Sundeck Marine Trader, Apolloduck.com
All set for island cruising!
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