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For Sale: Botex 8 Hard Dinghy with oars

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Veteran Member
Oct 28, 2016
Vessel Name
White Knuckles
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42
We have an 8 foot 5 inch by 4 foot 4 inch Fiberglass Botex 8 Hard Dinghy with oars for sale.

Dinghy is used but in good shape. Easy to row or add your outboard motor.

Color is white. It's very cute - I bought it for my wife because she thought it was very cute. It has great lines. Located in Southern California. Pickup truck with 8 foot bed needed to transport.

8 foot HARD Dinghy - Fiberglass - CHEAP !





That's amazing.
An 8' rowboat w two station rowing. Gottabe a first.
8 foor Hard dinghy

Yes, glad you noticed it - it does have the factory set up for two station row positions to select from in an 8 foot row boat. Select which ever positions meets your needs & for your load your carrying.

The rigid tender is tops when it comes to reliability and ruggedness. This one is in excellent condition.

BTW - it has a place to add Weaver snap davits to be able to store it on your trawler vertically off the swim step on your boat.

Fiberglass hull exterior is formed to a look similar to a lap strake outer skin set up which gives a dryer ride. Weighs 75 lbs.

I have the 2 factory ores & ore locks, not shown in picture - all in good condition.

Also works great with a little 2 HP Honda outboard & scoots along better than an inflatable.

One of the best hard dinghies out there for the size.

Carries 3 people in comfort.

Here is what "Cruising World" had to say about this great little boat :

Boatex 8: Ontario-based Boatex makes four different moderately priced tenders (rowing or sailing) between 7 and 12 feet. The 8-foot-3-inch rowing tender we looked at had an optional navy-blue sheer strake, which highlighted the Boatex's graceful sheer and the classic tumblehome. With a 54-inch beam, the boat is very stable for its size, and the fine full-length keel gives it excellent tracking ability. With virtually no exposed wood, the standard version manages to produce classic looks without adding to upkeep.
Virtues: The towing eye is a failsafe metal grommet installed laterally through the stem, leaving no hole into the hull or fasteners to fail.
Vices: The hanging-thwart design leaves some hard edges and a few tough-to-clean nooks and crannies.

So I was thinking about $ 500.00 - OBO. I can deliver in So-Cal area if you cover the gas money.

Here is the factory web-site : www.boatexltd.com or phone: (905) 294-9454

So if you would like a Hard dinghy, then come on down.


Alfa Mike
Dinghy -- SOLD - SOLD - SOLD - Sold

The Dinghy is SOLD - !


Alfa Mike :thumb:
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