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For Sale: 52' classic

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Apr 15, 2017
United States
I'm probbing the idea that it's time to consider selling our family airlume-. About the boat- originally built in the 1920's by Major Casey of fairhaven, MA documented length 52'. She was professionally glassed over 6 years ago. She is powered by a freshly rebuilt Detroit 8v71. She holds 500 gal of fuel in 2 tanks, approximately 100 gal fresh water and 60 gal waste water tank. A schooner hull design, she spent the last 80 years as a commercial fish dragger out of Provincetown MA. 3 years ago my late father converted her fish hold into an expanded focsul, his dream was to spend 'retirement' on board up and down the East coast, and last year he achieved his goal. She's presently in the water and mostly retired. I would say she's 75% coastal cruiser and 25% fishing boat. Currently one of, if not the last working eastern rig dragger in America.
All fishing related gear would be removed with the exception of the hydraulic capstan and outriggers (stabilizers).
If your still interested, Google search F/V Richard and Arnold and you'll find tons of pics, articles and history.
I don't have a firm price, and I won't sell her to just anyone. (I'm not even sure the family is emotionally ready to part with her, but reality says it's time to start getting ready). Call or message me for further details. 508-280-2642. Bob


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Removing the commercial fishing gear and I assume the commercial fishing license, will likely make it much tougher to sell.

That's the thing, she'd do much better as cruiser, hence why m not trying to sell her as a fishing boat The permits aren't for sale.
It was my good fortune to get to know Captain Dave when he and his lovely wife dropped anchor in my town. The book she wrote about their life and adventures as a fishing family are among my treasured artifacts. It was our pleasure to share a few brief months of time talking boats. Very sad that he is gone too soon. I know how hard it must be to sell a boat that is so connected to the family, but if that is your decision, I wish you the best in the sale.

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Why was the hull glassed over? On such an old boat that's usually considered an undesirable feature.
Is that a mermaid painted on the wheelhouse?
Sorry, mermaid stays with us. It's painted on a piece of plywood. Been her signature for as long as I can remember.
Ok, that`s it, end of discussion.:)
Seriously,I hope you find the right new home for your lovely vessel. It resembles older style timber fishing vessels seen around our southernmost island state, Tasmania.
Why was the hull glassed over? On such an old boat that's usually considered an undesirable feature.

My Rose was fiberglassed over in the 70's. She is double planked cypress and when done correctly will last for several lifetimes. The process down here is called C-flex and was invented by a local man Bill Seemann here in Gulfport Ms. I've seen some less than desirable glass over wood jobs that would be a deal killer in any bodies book but if done by a professional would add tremendous value and peace of mind to the purchase.
The crucial thing is the age and condition of the hull when its glassed over. Its usually one of those last resort steps when the planking has gotten so soft and rotten that its cost prohibitive to re plank.
Let's move our discussions of glass over wood to another thread to preserve the intent of this Classified Ad.
Did the op's boat receive this C Flex repair or just the old style FG job? The C Flex process looks like a good one.

FW, we were typing at the same time I think. No harm or intent meant to the OP, just curious.
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I can tell you the process when it was done, the foreman and my father ( he worked as helper) ground the entire hull down to bare wood, then let it dry for almost 2 months inside a shrink wrap building. When a moisture meter determined she was as dry as she was going to get, they hull and deck putty the entire hull with a 1/8 trowel. Then they did 2 layers of 3oz mat un alternatingly directions. She was then hand nailed every 12" on center with stainless ring shank nails. Another layer (or 2? I don't recall) of mat then gel coat. The keel up 12" on each side and areas where the fishing gear touches the hull were give 2 additional layers.
I can tell you the process when it was done, the foreman and my father ( he worked as helper) ground the entire hull down to bare wood, then let it dry for almost 2 months inside a shrink wrap building. When a moisture meter determined she was as dry as she was going to get, they hull and deck putty the entire hull with a 1/8 trowel. Then they did 2 layers of 3oz mat un alternatingly directions. She was then hand nailed every 12" on center with stainless ring shank nails. Another layer (or 2? I don't recall) of mat then gel coat. The keel up 12" on each side and areas where the fishing gear touches the hull were give 2 additional layers.

sounds close to this method

Covering Wooden Boats With Fiberglass
by Allan H. Vaitses (Author)

says he has never had a failure

Properly done, C Flex or other similar method can give a wood boat a life expectancy similar to cored boats. It's important to keep the wood dry or you'll have massive rot. Epoxy or polyester resin also makes a difference.
You need to decide if you really want to sell. Being too particular will limit your market and cost you money.
Whats your asking price? That will help any folks that are looking.
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