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For Sale: Oldies and Goodies,

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 12, 2007
Had hoped to DO one more fun build , a 39 ft cruiser that would fit into a Sea Land box.

Ship it anywhere in the world , roll it out on wooden rollers and go cruising.

Cross oceans by Boeing in hours, instead of weeks or months,

So I am parting with a small stash of goodies that perhaps would have worked on STROLLER , the name selected for the cruiser.

OOOPS tried to add photos byt it timed out.

Perhaps tomorrow at 5AM our local network will function better.

Stay tuned,
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Second try, Worked with only 3 photos.

The bronze chrome plated wheel is a Columbia very heavy , and heavy duty. 16 inch diameter for 1 inch shaft, Has proper center nut. A hand stand on it would be no problem $100.

The ports are 15 x 7 also heavy duty bronze , the flanges extend about 1 3/8 beyond the port. $ 250 for a pair , I have 2 pair. about 25 lbs each.

The Morse single lever shift is for cables , will work with outboard 33 but really deserves the heavier HD cables 43 or bigger.Like modern shifters idle can be adjusted in neutral.

Came from a small Navy launch from the 60's , and we all know the USN only purchases the best , $100.

Everything can be picked up here in Ortona FL, or in CT this summer , if you are not in a hurry.

Otherwise they will have to be packed and shipped at your cost.


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Some more photos , slow but ,,,

THe adjustable aluminum devices are for deck mount to hold a dink in place , they are about 14 inches on the top.

NOS,, Have 4 , for $100 for all 4.

The charger is a 24v unit that was removed from a new large boat that wanted a bigger output unit,

,3 output 25Amps $175 , what I paid for it.


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More stuff from the storage bldg.

First is a NOS cleat THAT CAN BE PUSHED DOWN TO HAVE A FLAT DECK 1/2 price of whatever you can find it for .

The SS item is a transom gate lock ,lift it to unlock,. rotate and lower to lock. It is handed , and will only lock when mounted as shown , custom probably for a TT $40

SS anchor swivel 1/2 of what you can find it for NOS.

The DC master was removed from a boat that did not sink.

The top 4 CB can be pulled for off on, the white ones are to reset after a load pops them.

Everything plus shipping cost.


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anchor swivel price?

how much $ shipped to 07677? what size chain ?
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Can you give me a model # for the charger?
The anchor swivel is rated for 3/8 chain.

It can be seen at Jamestown Dist as ASP 64410 , Their price is $96.10.

How about $50 and I will pay shipping to you? Pay Pal or USPS money order.

The 24V 25A battery charger is serial B 12468099 model XC 2524.

For Marine and RV ignition protected.on label.
I'll pass

my chain is 5/16" and the price, which I am sure is very fair, is a bit more than I want to spend. thank you and good luck with the sale
James town does have a 5/16 unit but it is $66+ shipping and only rated at 850Kgk, rather than 2000Kgf as this Italian made unit.

Sea Dog has some at even less , but I believe they are Chinese,

Good hunting
$hipping is IN$ANE!

Shipped the aluminum dink chocks from here to Ca and it was stoopid expen$ive.

We will be leaving SW FL after the middle of April, and our usual route is up I-95 .

I will have many of the listed items on board our motor home , so if you want something heavy, like the 4 bronze ports , over 100lbs , let me know and we can work out a campground near by your location.

The goodies will be heading to the used marine gear retailer in Mystic CT where the prices will be 20% higher for his commission..
The anchor swivel is rated for 3/8 chain.

It can be seen at Jamestown Dist as ASP 64410 , Their price is $96.10.

How about $50 and I will pay shipping to you? Pay Pal or USPS money order.

The 24V 25A battery charger is serial B 12468099 model XC 2524.

For Marine and RV ignition protected.on label.

I will take that deal if still available. 98103
"I will take that deal if still available. 98103 "

The Anchor swivel or the 24V battery charger?
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