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Wanted: Autohelm Z101 wired remote control

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sep 4, 2011
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MC 42 (Overseas Co) Monk 42
In search of a wired remote control for my Autohelm ST 7000 auto pilot. The Z101 handheld wired remote fits the unit. It must be a three wire Seatalk remote.
Try a raymarine s100 wireless remote. Ought to work.

Try a raymarine s100 wireless remote. Ought to work.


Thanks, but that is a $
500 option. I was looking for a used manual jog remote I could pick up for much less. BTW you have my favorite boat!
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There's a thread over on CF from last June that describes adding a wireless remote to an Autohelm 3000. These things are cheap on Amazon and eBay - like under $15, even with two remotes.
There's a thread over on CF from last June that describes adding a wireless remote to an Autohelm 3000. These things are cheap on Amazon and eBay - like under $15, even with two remotes.

Thanks, that was a pretty cool project. The 3000 is a 4 wire setup and I have a 3 wire Seatalk system. I actually have a 4 wire Z076 wired remote that I bought thinking it was a Z101.
Found this one on ebay - about $150 cheaper than you were thinking.

Or this one on Amazon, about $475 cheaper. And it comes with two remotes. And if it fails, for another $15 you can replace it. Or keep several spares.

My point is that today, wireless remotes are a commodity, and incredibly inexpensive. They come as an add-on to thousands of consumer products. Most LED light strips come with one. Air conditioners and fans come with one. I even found some fake candle tea lights that come with a remote.

Anyone selling a remote for hundreds of dollars is a crook. Sure, I'd pay more for quality. But not 3,000% more.
I guess I don't understand how this would work with an autopilot. Somehow the device needs to be networked into the autopilot control head. I understand that there is no magic to a remote, but how do you propose making this one work?
The 3000 that Capt Tom is working with has three signal/data wires and a Hot/High wire. Based on the CF discussion the relay remote works in that application. Its a different animal than my ST7000 which is the old Seatalk comm system that only has one data wire. I assume the Seatalk uses dropping resistors to differentiate the +1, -1, +10, -10 signals.
It also has to signal auto, standby and track. Good luck.
Remotes are ubiquitous as noted but be careful of frequency overcrowding. When I change tv channels my led lights change color! Imagine if it caused an autopilot to change course.
I have a couple remote for a st7000 with 3 wire sea talk. I am planning on replacing my auto pilot. I will be heading to the boat in a few weeks and will get you the model number.
Thanks, I look forward to hearing back.
Sorry the remotes I have are ST600R, if you think that would let me know
Sorry the remotes I have are ST600R, if you think that would let me know
The ST600R is a control unit. I am looking for a Z101 remote. Picture attached. $_1 (1).JPG
I am still in the market for a Z101 Autoheld remote if someone has one laying around.
Does the ST6000+ support a remote like this? If so, how long is the wire?
Dave I have a complete Autohelm 6000 that was removed from my boat in working order and has a Z101 remote, 3 wire. We can likely work something out for just the remote or the whole thing if it is useful to you. See pic attached.


  • IMG_0538.jpg
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Thanks for the offer. I just bought one on eBay 15 minutes ago.
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