How does this happen?

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Mr. BL. WTF indeed. One can only speculate but since the article stated the vessel was coming out of dry dock, lack of proper bracing/hull support could be a cause...Condolences to the families of the deceased.
Condolences to the deceased indeed.

How does this happen BL? In a word, stability. A gentleman recently inquired about stability of his Nordic Tug and I was appalled by the replies he received from supposedly licensed "masters". This is where the rubber meets the road on stability. If you calculate it wrong, even on boats that have operated fine for years, lives will often be lost.
Likely a sea valve that was overhauled while on dry dock and inadvertently left open. Then bulkhead doors were open to allow ease of access for dock workers and equipment. The boat was in a graving dock. When flooding the dock, water flowed in though open sea valve and progressed unchecked through the hull causing the capsize.
My take.

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