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For Sale: 1986 Marine Trader 36' Sundeck.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Dec 10, 2007
Vessel Name
Silver Lining
Vessel Make
Heritage East 44 / Twin Perkins T6.3544

Bottom painted 2015. The engine recently had $11K work done to the crankshaft, bearings, head gasket, exhaust gaskets, and harmonic balancer. Boat runs perfectly. Cruises at 7-7.5 knots.

Engine is a single Lehman 135 with a little over 5000 hours. It sips fuel. About 3mpg at 19.5K rpm, about 4mpg at 17.5K rpm. In the picture, it shows full curtains, but I replaced with a new bimini only in 2013. Similar boats size/vintage listing for $65K, but I need a bit of cosmetic work currently - scratches, hazing on the fiberglass, varnish, and some deck paint. Interior is beautiful. Price is $49K. Not urgent to sell, but we're not using her as much as we intended, I will let go very quickly if the offer is reasonable.

The boat is located in New Bern NC for showing. If you come through me, this will discount what I have with the current broker and pricing will be more flexible.

PM me if seriously interested.


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I have been watching your boat. I purchased the same one about 6 weeks ago. I LOVE this boat. Everything about it! There are a few differences in yours than mine, but at the price you want? It will go fast! I have a mercedes engine in mine. That was the real difference along with a davit and full curtains.

Honestly? I can't believe your boat hasn't sold yet! Good luck! She is a beauty.
Those sundeck 36's are beauties.
If I were ever to cheat on Angelina, it would be with one of them.
I have been watching your boat. I purchased the same one about 6 weeks ago. I LOVE this boat. Everything about it!
Honestly? I can't believe your boat hasn't sold yet! Good luck! She is a beauty.

It might be time to change brokers. We love the boat, but we have been slaves to family needs and there's minimal time to enjoy her. (I wish I could sell the family, live on the boat, and be more of a bum, but my Admiral tells me that would be very expensive on me. :hide:) I have several cosmetic items (deck paint, varnish, pilot house paint) I am working on. Most are external. This is the reason I suspect.

To be honest, I would rather sell my house. The boat is much more relaxing.
Those sundeck 36's are beauties.
If I were ever to cheat on Angelina, it would be with one of them.

One of the selling reasons, is actually, if we got a Europa style this would be better with less stairs. We are not feeble, quite the opposite, but we like the straight in Europa style for comfort and our large dog (85 pounds) doesn't have to climb the 6 foot up the ladder from the swim platform... :)

But for now, I will continue to do 85-pound Labrador dead-lifts up a pitching ladder when fluffy wants to swim. :facepalm:


  • 2015-12-09 18.13.26.jpg
    2015-12-09 18.13.26.jpg
    81.6 KB · Views: 200
Ben! Hope you're still checking this forum. We'd love to come see the boat!
Ben! Hope you're still checking this forum. We'd love to come see the boat!

I hope he is still checking it too. It is listed on yachtworld. I think her name is sandcastle out of new bern nc.

I totally LOVE mine! Good luck!
I hope he is still checking it too. It is listed on yachtworld. I think her name is sandcastle out of new bern nc.

I totally LOVE mine! Good luck!

Yes, the pics look great on yachtworld! I've been trying to hold out on contacting him through there, because of this...
If you come through me, this will discount what I have with the current broker and pricing will be more flexible.
Yes, the pics look great on yachtworld! I've been trying to hold out on contacting him through there, because of this...

Send him a PM. That may trigger an email being sent to him as well.
Don't give up on this one lowcountry.

Marine Traders are nortorious for window leaks. Mine was. I knew that going into it. It was a much easier fix than I thought. I re-seated then myself! Just don't use 5200. It truly is a beautiful boat. I did not see this one in person only because the one I bought was in the city I live. BUT had I not bought "Southerly", I just may have bought this one.

No I don't know this person, just love my boat!
Ben - I have tried to PM you but it will not go through. Please contact me. Thank you
Ben - I have tried to PM you but it will not go through. Please contact me. Thank you

Hey Gary, others have said that it is listed on Yachtworld. I would suggest a search on there for this boat and then deal with the broker.
Hey Gary, others have said that it is listed on Yachtworld. I would suggest a search on there for this boat and then deal with the broker.

Ben and Gary have connected now.
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