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For Sale: Bruce Roberts Trawler 40ft

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jan 16, 2012
Well equipped trawler perfectly suited for the Northwest; has cruised from San Francisco to the Ballard locks and beyond, returning south to the Bay area. Trucked back to Skagit County where she has undergone extensive refits and upgrades.
-Power: Isuzu 6BD1 Diesel with 250 hours, new 105 amp alternator w/Balmar solid
state voltage regulator
-Vetus Bow Thruster
-New Gulf Coast partial bypass oil filtration system with remote oil filter
-28X28 Three blade bronze prop on 1.75 inch stainless shaft with new line cutter
-Fuel Capacity: 455 gallons Fresh water capacity: 150 gallons
Galley up design with gimbaled Force 10 stove/oven, Microwave, 10 Cu Ft. Fridge and
setee for 4
Staterooms: Two with 4 berths and additional fold down table for children
Head/shower with additional washroom capable of adding second head
-LOA 40Ft BEAM: 13.5 Ft. DRAFT: 4 Ft
Rose Point Coastal Explorer charting software running on wireless nav net
Comm. - VHF1 Icom M-127 VHF2 Icom M-57 VHF3 Uniden MHS125 (handheld)
Furuno GPS, Autopilot, Radar
Depth: #1 Interphase Probe, #2 Airmar depth/temp DT800 (new not installed)
Anti-collision: Digital Yacht AIT2000 Class B Transponder
New 4KW pure sine wave inverter with 100 amp charger
- Solid Fiberglass hull

- - -You won’t find more boat for your money. I have been working for over a year to upgrade and refit for a cruise of 4000 nautical miles to Ecuador, South America. Plans changed when the import duty was changed to 120% of the boat’s value.
This is ONLY reason I am selling; I cannot justify paying this ridiculous tax on arrival.
LOTS MORE to this vessel than room to describe here. I have over 18 years experience building/refitting, and didn’t cut any corners. This is a SAFE, capable vessel. Someone once asked me when I was knee deep in fiberglass resin, are you a perfectionist? Yes, I said. Their reply, I'm sorry for you! Need I say more?

CALL: Paul @ 360-630-5487, or 360-567-6178 maverick44@earthlink.net
Boat is located in Conway, Washington State, very near to La Conner and Anacortes.
I have a couple. Waiting for paint to dry! LOl I can't find my post anymore. Any idea where I can edit it? I remember when I posted 3 years ago, you could just open the post and edit. But now I don't see where to add images that are not from a url?
You should see it now. It got placed into an approval bin b/c you're a newbie and included a link. You should be good once you've got 10 posts. At this moment you're sitting at 9, so you're at the finish line!

Here's a link to some helpful guidance in posting.


Welcome to TF...and good luck with your sale!
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Picture of Gambler

This is a picture of the boat we are selling in this thread. :)
$35,000. Sorry! I thought this was in the ad above. The name of the boat is Gambler.
No. We have the rails, but haven't put them on yet. Gambler went all the way to SFO from Seattle and back and back down again on the open ocean without the rails. But, not a good idea in a rough sea if you have to go out. :)
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Not sold yet

Hi. The boat is in La Conner, WA. Paul is doing some 'bright work' like painting, etc. A person could actually put this boat in the water right now and motor up the inside passage as is. There is some carpentry work, etc. still to do, but the mechanics are sound and ready for cast off. :)
Do you entertain showing her at this point, or only after everything is completed? What else are you planning to do with this project on her?
Paul is basically working on cosmetics at this point, which the new owner could just as easily do. He would show the boat mid week I am guessing. Sounds like you already talked with him? He wants of course, to clean up some of the 'project clutter' b4 someone comes. Just give him a call and leave a message. The phone doesn't ring out at the boat where he is working, but when he comes back in for a break, he will be sure to get the message. Or email is fine too to me and I'll let him know.
No, I have not talked to anyone about this project, except here. Maybe it was someone else. I would like to know more details about your planned cruise. I will send you a PM to the address above.
Ok. We have no planned cruise. The cruise if off. That is why we are selling the boat.
I understand that you have cancelled your plan. I just wanted to know about the plan, when it was still alive. I sent you a PM.
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