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Wanted: Raymarine Joystick

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Jan 14, 2016
United States
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WANTED: would like to purchase a Raymarine joystick. I need both components. Please respond thru the forum or give me a call 650 704-0323.
Thank you.

Complete system with joy stick mounted in sealed box on a stainless swivel arm. I will call on Monday with details.


  • Joystick1.jpg
    142.5 KB · Views: 146
Received the joystick. Thank you. It looks barely used and I am impressed with your bracket engineering. Hope to install it soon.have a great summer and best of luck with your new Tiara.
David ... makes a big difference when you can keep electronics out of the weather. Your install should be plugin and use with the SeaTalk interface. Hope your summer goes well.

Hi Jim,
Just going thru the install instructions and noticed a loose page which speeks of an independent ground wire. Do I need to wire that up or is the ground incorporated in the multiple wire cable which emerges from the white box. Thanks for your input.
David ... I just installed with wiring as it exists between joystick and control box and plugged in Seatalk. Don't no why Raymarine called for separate ground.
hi jim,
Finally made it to the boat. Plugged in the joystick into seatalk. Turned on power steering in autopilot calibration menu. Cant get it to work. The wires coming out of the. Joystick (6) dosent correspond to the diagram (5). There appears to be a white wire combined with the red. Any ideas? My next attempt will be to skil seatalk daisychain and wire directly to the course computer. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Engaging joystick

Do not change any of the wiring. Raymarine (Autohelm) was not good at documenting changes they implemented. The joystick wire, white connector, plugs into the extension wire that goes to the interface box. Interface box input, curved SeaTalk plug, goes into SeaTalk1 network and must have power on red wire. The button on the top of the joy stick, not well marked, turns the joystick on and off.

Thanks for getting back to me. Ive tried several curved plug seatalk variations without success. I spoke with Raymarine. We could see that the joystick was connected to the network but RM had no explaination as to why it didnt work. I turned on power steering but still nothing. I was going to wire directly to course computer but it shows 4 wires input. Seatalk only gives me 3. What am i missing. Any further suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you
David ... As I remember the wiring ... I had the joystick powered directly from the course computer SeaTalk terminal. (S1G) This same SeaTalk wiring was also the connection for my upgraded P70R AP control head. If I was not using the AP, I did not want connected devices powered up. If you are on the MFD SeaTalk buss, that may be the issue. Just turning on power steer in the control head is step 1, you need to push the very top of the joystick ... activation button. That button turns on the joystick control or returns control to AP head.

I understand re the on off button. Do i understand that the ap control head and joystick were on one bus and the mfd depth speed and rudder angle for example were on a different buss? If so how do they communicate?
Connect directly JS to course computer didnt work.
David … I talked with the gentleman that bought the boat where I had the joystick installed. I had given him the navigation component wiring diagram I made up when I installed the system. I had him refresh my memory of the interface installation.

1) S1G – AP computer - powered by independent breaker switch – power to SeaTalk1 through internal fuse – (SeaTalk1 – connection 1) to (Seatalk1 3-way junction block) (SeaTalk1 – connection 2) to (3 position terminal strip)
2) P70R – AP control head – (SeaTalkNG / SeaTalk1 adapter cable) to (SeaTalk1 junction block)
3) Joystick interface module (SeaTalk1) to (SeaTalk1 3-way junction block)
4) C140W display – (SeaTalk1 – yellow & ground wire only) to (terminal strip)
5) DSM 300 depth – SeaTalk HS to C140W (port 1)
6) 4kw HD open array radar – SeaTalk HS to C140W (port 2)
7) rudder position sender – direct wire to S1G
8) KVH 1000 fluxgate heading sensor – (NMEA 0183 out) to (S1G NMEA in)
9) GPS is internal to C140W

The independent breaker switch also supplied power to the KVH heading sensor through a 3a inline fuse. My installation used SeaTalk1 – AP connection 1 exclusively for AP. All power was supplied through the AP. I used the AP SeaTalk1 - connection 2 to communicate with MFD and did not use the red power wire in this connection. I had no other SeaTalk devices installed. I do not know what impact another powered SeaTalk1 buss would have on communication priority between components.

As a side note: I purchased a AP smart controller, Raymarine’s remote wireless hand held. It comes with an interface module similar to the joystick one. I unplugged the joystick from the 3-way connector, plugged in the smart controller and had remote AP control but did not have access to depth or speed that should be available on the SeaTalk1 buss. I have the same data transfer issue with my new Evolution AP system and the wireless remote. Still working on it!!

I hope this gives you some insight as to where to look.

Thank you Jim. Thats a lot of info to digest. Interestingly i have a raymarine wireless remote. I will plug the joystick in, in its place and see what happens. If no go I will consult the local raymarine dealer and he can go from your notes. Thank you once again.
Hi Jim,
Long time no talk. Realized I never got back to you...sorry. The joystick is fully functional! I clipped the white wire and that resolved the problem. Who knows why your configuration wouldn't work for me. Hope your enjoying your boat.
David ... Thanks for the update ... glad you got it resolved. :) I hope that you are also getting some "cruising time". I have managed about 250 hrs since early February and hope to get another 25 by years end. All inland for me.

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