Blogspot or FB?

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Which Blog DO You Use?

  • Facebook

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Blogspot

    Votes: 23 76.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Alaskan Sea-Duction
Vessel Make
1988 M/Y Camargue YachtFisher
So for a long time I used BlogSpot for ASD adventures. Had some issues with uploading pics, so I created a public ASD FB page.

So TF, which one do you like better? BlogSpot or Facebook and why?
I won't have anything to do with Facebook. I do not visit Facebook or have a personal Facebook account so I won't visit your blog on Facebook. Obviously, I am a minority in this regards but I know there are others who avoid Facebook.

Now if I just could figure out how to avoid Google.... :whistling:

I never had a email account until 10+ years ago, when iPhone 1st came out my wife bought me one, then my daughter set up a email account and a FB account. I've never had a problem on FB and have found that posting pictures and explanations of our trips is very easy for family and friends to see. So my vote is for the FB, I'll look for your page.

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I used facebook for a few years than dumped it. Too much spew and too little content. It's just as bad a TV. And even if you try to view a public page, it hassles you about signing up. And you can't comment without signing up.
Good question! With our first boat, all blogging was blogspot. Now we are trying FB with a closed group. Haven't had a whole lot to share yet, but I think it will be much easier with FB.
Good question! With our first boat, all blogging was blogspot. Now we are trying FB with a closed group. Haven't had a whole lot to share yet, but I think it will be much easier with FB.

I will add that the audience can be much bigger on Facebook too.In addition, it is far easier to post there. Blogspot can be more creative if you want to fiddle with it, but Facebook it just like any status update. I like it far better.
Have no desire to do FB, kids & grandkids seem to live on it. Watching them glued to it convinced me not to use it.

The blog seems to work for us, even that was a leep!
Blogspot is a better platform in my opinion. However, for those who are currently using Facebook regularly, you likely will find that Facebook is much easier, quicker, and more convenient to update.

I am too lazy/busy to regularly update my blog. I occasionally post to FB, but to be honest I don't really like Facebook.
Have no use for either.
People's reaction to Facebook amuses me. Some like to throw up a cross against it as if it's some type of devil. As if being non-Facebook is a badge of honor. Others who aren't involved in Facebook then go on to say how awful it is. But if you're not on it, how do you know?

Facebook is a communications tool. It's a pretty great one to share ideas, receive feedback and comments, and exchange media like photos and video. It's a pretty nice, low impact way to create a cruising blog for family and friends. You'll get a lot more comments and feedback along the way with Facebook if you want that. It'll probably be more fun and can take advantage of checking in to keep track of location.

Blogspot is a little more work. If won't be seen by as many people (a reality for most people) but it'll provide a better reference to go back to in the future since the entire blogspot site will be all yours. Facebook will tend to intermix your content with others, especially when others see it.

In all cases, having done blogs and Facebook for many years, don't take it too seriously. Don't put pressure on yourself to post every X days. Just post as you want. In that way, Facebook is a bit easier and a lot more fun.

In full disclosure, I run one of the largest boating groups on Facebook with about 6,000 active users. Our TakingPaws blogspot page is also pretty well followed by 3,000 subscribed users following our cruising from our dogs' perspectives.
People's reaction to Facebook amuses me.

I'm amused that you're amused. I have no strong feeling about FB as a platform; as a company I refuse to deal with them or use their products.
People's reaction to Facebook amuses me. Some like to throw up a cross against it as if it's some type of devil. As if being non-Facebook is a badge of honor. Others who aren't involved in Facebook then go on to say how awful it is. But if you're not on it, how do you know?


I'm amused how you're amused and choose to be insulting towards those who don't use or like facebook. We don't think of it as a badge of courage, just something that doesn't interest us. We don't care to read every aspect of other's lives. Nor to get ads every other post. We have other means of communicating with our friends.

As to how awful it is, it isn't inherently bad but it does definitely have it's risks. Those are especially increasing for young people entering college or applying for jobs. Increasingly, colleges and employers are insisting on checking their facebook accounts. They read not only their posts but the posts their friends make and the posts others make on their wall. The part missed by many is that facebook isn't like talking at home to your friends, it's a public record. I don't agree with colleges and employers insisting on getting access to your account, but that's a reality. There have been teachers to lose their jobs because of facebook posts too.

There are also those who make the mistake of talking about their jobs on facebook. Some talk about their bosses. Some share information they shouldn't. They sometimes lose their jobs. Remember "loose lips sink ships."

There are other risks in facebook. Announce to the world your vacations and that you're away from home. There are those who look for such information and don't think for a moment they can't find it.

Now, perhaps our major reason personally for not liking facebook is that we don't want to read posts that lower our opinions of acquaintances. Posts about things they did over the weekend or posts expressing strong views, sometimes bigoted and prejudiced, other times just insulting to parts of the population.

To those who like facebook, I am glad you do and have no problems with your use of it. I do warn all of you that everything posted is public and just keep yourself aware of that.

How do I know about it. Research, reading without posting. So, glad we can amuse you, but perhaps you should learn to not be so intolerant of those who don't share your opinions whether its of facebook or of your eboatcards. They may also be some of the biggest promoters of Active Captain.

Now, back to the OP. We would prefer access to a blog you're written as we will not visit your facebook account.
I also prefer the Blogs, mainly because it's usually less cluttered with advertising.
So, glad we can amuse you, but perhaps you should learn to not be so intolerant of those who don't share your opinions whether its of facebook or of your eboatcards. They may also be some of the biggest promoters of Active Captain.

I didn't think I was being intolerant. Just amused. What makes you think it was in response to your one line posting?

Why does everything I say about every subject come back to a threat about ActiveCaptain? For heavens sake, love me, hate me, whatever. ActiveCaptain is a tool where all the data comes from the community. All of it. If someone is disgusted by my personal feelings and amusements about Facebook and that makes you unable to stomach the benefits of ActiveCaptain, then you're hurting yourself, not me. Don't use ActiveCaptain.

If you go down that road where you need to be in love with the opinions of management for the companies of every product you use, you're going to end up living in a cave.

I'm a real person, a real trawler owner, and a real cruiser out at anchor right now behind some islands in the Exumas. I just happen to be the developer of ActiveCaptain too. So what?
Facebook is ghey.

I've never seen the point of blogs but at least they are not ghey.
I didn't think I was being intolerant. Just amused. What makes you think it was in response to your one line posting?

Why does everything I say about every subject come back to a threat about ActiveCaptain? For heavens sake, love me, hate me, whatever. ActiveCaptain is a tool where all the data comes from the community. All of it. If someone is disgusted by my personal feelings and amusements about Facebook and that makes you unable to stomach the benefits of ActiveCaptain, then you're hurting yourself, not me. Don't use ActiveCaptain.

If you go down that road where you need to be in love with the opinions of management for the companies of every product you use, you're going to end up living in a cave.

I'm a real person, a real trawler owner, and a real cruiser out at anchor right now behind some islands in the Exumas. I just happen to be the developer of ActiveCaptain too. So what?

For the record I love AC! :smitten::thumb:
I didn't think I was being intolerant. Just amused. What makes you think it was in response to your one line posting?

Why does everything I say about every subject come back to a threat about ActiveCaptain? For heavens sake, love me, hate me, whatever. ActiveCaptain is a tool where all the data comes from the community. All of it. If someone is disgusted by my personal feelings and amusements about Facebook and that makes you unable to stomach the benefits of ActiveCaptain, then you're hurting yourself, not me. Don't use ActiveCaptain.

If you go down that road where you need to be in love with the opinions of management for the companies of every product you use, you're going to end up living in a cave.

I'm a real person, a real trawler owner, and a real cruiser out at anchor right now behind some islands in the Exumas. I just happen to be the developer of ActiveCaptain too. So what?

I am a huge supporter of AC, encourage people to go there every day. AC has no stronger supporter than me. I am not a supporter of your other product and have expressed that to you in public and private. In public, only when you push it in public. My support or dislike of any of your products is not predicated on how I feel about you as an individual or as a boater.

I didn't indicate your post was aimed at me or who it was aimed at. I felt it was aimed at everyone who has an opinion different than yours regarding facebook.

I found this paragraph, "People's reaction to Facebook amuses me. Some like to throw up a cross against it as if it's some type of devil. As if being non-Facebook is a badge of honor. Others who aren't involved in Facebook then go on to say how awful it is. But if you're not on it, how do you know?" as intolerant and judgmental of those of us who don't like facebook. You characterized those of us who don't use facebook in an ugly manner and as irrational in that respect.

I mentioned eboatcards only because you show the same attitude of disrespect of opinions of others toward those of us who don't like it. As to Active Captain, I neither said nor have ever said anything negative and gave it only a mention. Meanwhile you mentioned it 5 times in your rant back. At no point did I in any way make a threat regarding the use of AC. I use it daily. I encourage others. I will continue to do so regardless of anything else.

I fully respect your choice to use facebook. I don't choose to do so and expect that choice to be respected as well.
OK kids take it outside, let's get back to the subject at hand......
To the OP, I think whether or not you would choose a blog platform or FB depends on what your purpose is. Here is how I would break it down.,

A blog provides much better control over your presentation. This is great for those that are willing to take the time to write and edit thoughtful posts. However, it does take time and a certain amount of writing skill to do it well. You write blogs for several reasons. One is to stroke your own ego with the thought that you have lots of stuff to say that lots of folks will want to read. Another reason is convenience. You may have some real information that you think may be useful to others (or yourself) to be able to look back on. Finally, it provides a place to share your experiences with friends and family.

One key to a good blog is that it should be updated regularly. I have a blog that is NOT well done because I don't take the time to update it. It is useful however. I can share write ups of locations or projects that other Catalina 400 owners or local sailors may find interesting. I don't have regular subscribers because the blog isn't updated, or of a wide enough interest.

For these purposes, I think it is far superior to Facebook. I just included two links in this post to two different types of blog posts. Anyone can simply click on those, read those posts, and be done. They don't have to have a Facebook account and I don't have to have a public Facebook account.

Facebook is a convenient vehicle for sharing your experiences. I took a weekend cruise a few weeks ago to Olympia for business. Weather was mostly atrocious but the sun did come out a couple times and I was able to grab some photos with my phone and posted them on my FB page. (I tend to only post to FB and Twitter when traveling as it is the only time when I have the time). My friends and family were able to see what I was up to and share those cool photos. I was not about to sit down and spend the time to edit photos, write, edit and proof text to post it to the blog.

So different purposes. If you want to just shout out to your friends, use facebook. If you want to provide something that you think may be useful and of a higher quality, use a blog.
I would say Jeffery was just tossing back into the fray what was already started by others.

Join the AGLCA and they are now hosting cruising blogs an making it easy/free from what I gather.
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Join the AGLCA and they are now hosting cruising blogs an making it easy/free from what I gather.

Are they hosting or simply linking to all blogs of members?

In looking for that I also found there is blogtalkradio and they have a section on ALGCA.
Are they hosting or simply linking to all blogs of members?

In looking for that I also found there is blogtalkradio and they have a section on ALGCA.

sorry, you could be correct that they are just helping and not hosting...but not sure...
A quick perspective from a Marketing Point of View. Both solutions can be great although it depends on your objectives. If you are looking to build a targeted specific (IE Boaters) audience and growing the Reach (audience base) Blogspot may be a better platform as your content can be "Discovered" in relevant Google searches. If there was an objective to attempt at Monetizing the content it is also a better choice. While few may "follow blog updates" as you can see with TF strings and other content they do show up high in Search rankings on Google as people are researching and looking for that specific information.

If Facebook is the direction, your posts and updates only reach a small percentage (5-10%) of your followers and in order to more widely promote your them it requires $. Promoted posts, dark posts, etc. While FB followers might like or share your updates when they see them and this action shows up in their feeds it is probably not the value of driving a search rank position as the "like" or "share" may only be relevant to a small percentage of a Facebook followers friends base.

Just my 2 cents, hope that helps.
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Good points, CB. Facebook is becoming a very expensive way to advertise. It's worth it on some things, but not on others.

Facebook readers are looking for social interaction, not following a story line, which is what a blog presents. Also, you think it's hard keeping a thread here on topic, maintaining a topic on Facebook is nearly impossible. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and Cyberchat all serve their purposes. However, we love to read about cruises and follow boat owners in their endeavors. We've tried to read the blogs of everyone here who has one in their signature and loved them all. We much prefer to be able to follow their story as opposed to getting a snapshot of what they're doing. I find blogs timeless too. It doesn't matter to me if their Alaskan trip was this year or last or five years ago.

For anyone considering, I would suggest visiting the blogs you see referenced here and then decide which of the formats works best for you.
If Facebook is the direction, your posts and updates only reach a small percentage (5-10%) of your followers and in order to more widely promote your them it requires $.
That's just factually incorrect.

If you created your own boating group for your cruising, you will reach 100% of the people who sign up for it.

If you simply post to your own wall, you'll reach 100% of your friends except those friends who get a lot of content from others. Then it's prioritized. If your postings are popular, 100% of them get through to 100% of your friends 100% of the time.

I've never paid a dime for Facebook use/promotion ever.
Facebook: I got up

Facebook: I brushed my teeth

Facebook: Here's a picture of my breakfast

Facebook: Look at this cute kitty picture

Facebook: "Look, This is the Invention the Power Companies Don't Want You To Know About"

Facebook: Off to work

Facebook: Wow, traffic sucks

Reader: OMF-ingG, who cares.

That's why I stopped using Facebook
Facebook: I got up

Facebook: I brushed my teeth

Facebook: Here's a picture of my breakfast

Facebook: Look at this cute kitty picture

Facebook: "Look, This is the Invention the Power Companies Don't Want You To Know About"

Facebook: Off to work

Facebook: Wow, traffic sucks

Reader: OMF-ingG, who cares.

That's why I stopped using Facebook

That may say more about the folks that you choose to "friend" on FB than it does the platform itself. :)
Facebook: I got up

Facebook: I brushed my teeth

Facebook: Here's a picture of my breakfast

Facebook: Look at this cute kitty picture

Facebook: "Look, This is the Invention the Power Companies Don't Want You To Know About"

Facebook: Off to work

Facebook: Wow, traffic sucks

Reader: OMF-ingG, who cares.

That's why I stopped using Facebook

And I'll see who my friends are by who passes this on or who puts this in their status or whatever. Oh, and invitations to play games.

That said, I don't condemn facebook. It's brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of people. People communicate with those across the country who they haven't seen for years. Grandparents share photos of pride with everyone they know or have ever known. For those who are unable to easily get out it keeps them in touch with others and is their social outlet.

In some ways it's like most good things that evolve to some degree of excess. I think it serves it's purpose and for those who enjoy it, then I'm glad they do. It's just not something for me. Then I do have to warn young people that it's not private. Even those not on facebook sometimes have problems from it as someone posts regarding something that took place in privacy and should have remained secret.

Regardless, I feel blogs are better avenues for continual stories.
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