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For Sale: Love the lines of this

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Feb 24, 2008
St. Lucia, West Indies
Vessel Name
"Dragon Lady"
Vessel Make
DeFever 41
No connection - just love the lines (and the specifications) of THIS .


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One of my favorite boats, though the design is a bit nicer than the finished result.

My client, a poster here on the boards, is showing her at Trawler Fest this weekend in Baltimore. I think she is very well executed although I would re-install the forward mast and add a big furling genny.


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Yes, it needs the jib to balance the rig.

Is your client Humphrey Bogart's ghost? The torpedo tube looks exactly like the African Queen's as she attacked the Lake Victoria German Navy.
Nice boat , but not thrilled with the huge picket fence on the bow.
Nice boat , but not thrilled with the huge picket fence on the bow.

Somebody along the way doubled up the railing. I would remove the second tier also.

Is your client Humphrey Bogart's ghost? The torpedo tube looks exactly like the African Queen's as she attacked the Lake Victoria German Navy.

That's really funny!! A little Hemingway as well as under the canvas of the flybridge is a framework much like Pilar had.
Hey, the first pic looks like my neck of the woods! Can't quite see the Natty Boh sign. And that boat looks might familiar too. Hasn't she been for sale forever? Very nice lines ... and not too much railing for me.
Man if I was a single dude and was ready to do some serious cruising I would buy that boat in a heartbeat.

Alas, I'm a married dude (happily!) with high school age kids who wants to do some cruising, but just can't pull the trigger on a boat yet.

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Re the "picket fence" (as FF put it) I agree the visibility would be poor. My Willard has quite good visibility but my friend Ed out of Craig AK has even better. The 65lb Forfjord anchor goes through the bow and is entirely below the cap rail. All the railings are gone and there is nothing else.
Of interest it can also be seen that he fiber glassed his cap rails so no teak to keep up there either.
Ed lives on a remote island and uses his Willard to go to town ... about once a month.


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One of my favorite boats, though the design is a bit nicer than the finished result.

I actually feel the same way-- the hull looks good but the pilothouse looks odd to me. Would it look better without the tall Bimini on the flybridge? Is the pilothoiluse just too short? Does it need some forward raked windows? Lol.

Maybe Healhustler can do some photoshop magic to make it look better and give me some ideas. I want to talk my DW into this boat but she thinks it's too awkward looking in its current state.

Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
I actually feel the same way-- the hull looks good but the pilothouse looks odd to me. Would it look better without the tall Bimini on the flybridge? Is the pilothoiluse just too short? Does it need some forward raked windows? Lol.

Maybe Healhustler can do some photoshop magic to make it look better and give me some ideas. I want to talk my DW into this boat but she thinks it's too awkward looking in its current state.

Sent from my iPhone using Trawler

The windows in the pilothouse just need to be re-done. Some famous designer once said the windows/ports are the eyes of the ship, if they're wrong the whole thing looks off.....

Then sort out the details, get that dinghy down where it belongs, fix the handrails and bridge top, probably revise the paint scheme.
Mark hasn't noticed the flying bridge yet.
Some famous designer once said the windows/ports are the eyes of the ship...

Hmmm ... the "eyes of the ship" are the hawsepipes, at least on modern ships of the past couple hundred years.

Sailors have been painting eyes on the bows of ships since triremes ruled the waves.


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Eyes on boats, before electronics how else could they see to find fish or get through a fog?
Hmmm ... the "eyes of the ship" are the hawsepipes, at least on modern ships of the past couple hundred years.

Apparently you've never watched Theodore Tugboat.


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Does this look better?

My photoshop skills suck, but squint at it to get the general idea....


Now take the rest of the rails off, that FB (or make the face of it vertical) The bow pulpit and all that stick stuff sticking up and you'd have a very good looking boat.

And for those that just can't do w/o rails just paint them black.
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Now take the rest of the rails off, that FB (or make the face of it vertical) The bow pulpit and all that stick stuff sticking up and you'd have a very good looking boat.

And for those that just can't do w/o rails just paint them black.

Like this? I'm not good enough to make the rails black and it would take a while to delete them...


Now take the rest of the rails off, that FB (or make the face of it vertical) The bow pulpit and all that stick stuff sticking up and you'd have a very good looking boat.

And for those that just can't do w/o rails just paint them black.

Eric that would look like a big Willy! Uh oh, did I say that?:D:hide:
Re the "picket fence" (as FF put it) I agree the visibility would be poor. My Willard has quite good visibility but my friend Ed out of Craig AK has even better. The 65lb Forfjord anchor goes through the bow and is entirely below the cap rail. All the railings are gone and there is nothing else.

That rail-less boat scares me. I want to feel/be secure when I'm out on the deck.

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Hmmm ... the "eyes of the ship" are the hawsepipes, at least on modern ships of the past couple hundred years.

My Coot has orange "eyes":

Nice work, Cardude. Keep up the practice. Working with what you've already done, I moved the Pilothouse windshield a bit farther forward and put another window next to the helm, following your suggestion that the house may be too short. I'm not sure about that fly-bridge, but here it is stretched the same amount as the house below and with a restyled skirt. As Tad suggests, a window change would probably help a lot.


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My feeble attempt of giving Eric his black forward rails without flybridge.


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Looks like it was not such a good idea.

The cabin looks way too small for the boat.

And how would the guy see where he was going?

Mark's boat could use a cleanup too. But it's so perfect otherwise ......
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