The Emotional Wave

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Feb 7, 2010
I thougt readers may enjoy this short chapter from*our book.* It takes a fun look at the emotional wave we have been on (twice) living aboard a trawler.* Possibly you can identify with one of the phases?**I could not get the*graphics to copy but the text should be enough.* *Hope you enjoy!
The Emotional Wave
of Purchasing a Trawler

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esire, Research, Planning, Commitment, Reality and Fulfillment.* Sound familiar? If you have ever gone through the process of purchasing the boat of your dreams you may have experienced emotions similar to these.* In our recently published book Lifes a Journey, Why Not Live it Aboard a Trawler we thought we would have a little fun and address the emotional wave we have been on for over five years. I should say waves as the basis of our writing includes two Nordhavn purchases and commissioning journeys.
Our emotional wave starts out with the state of desire followed by four totally different emotions before concluding with fulfillment.*****
Sequencing and associated levels of enjoyment are based on our personal experiences but may lend themselves to others.*If you happen to already own a boat, or in the process of purchasing one you, may find yourself somewhere along this journey.* So lets have a little fun and take a ride on our wave of emotions.

Desire: some may call this the dreaming phase and it is usually the first emotion experienced on the wave.* It is the result of a natural feeling of well being that possibly, your future first mate doesnt recognize. This phase of the journey is relatively safe to all and the least costly.* We say least costly because anything past this stage will usually result in you taking out your wallet for some related items.* We ranked desire at the top of the*scale of positive emotion since most people remain focused only on the positive aspects of their desire or dream at this point.* Being a mental state it is easy to envision things as you want them to be and without*any reality checks. If you are at this stage of the journey enjoy it as long as you can.**
Research: you have moved past the initial stage of desire and started to explore what this life style is really all about.* You are doing some easy reading, internet research and possibly attended a few boat shows.* The first mate starts to take notice but believes she is safe and doesnt say anything.* You are able to relate your desire to something tangible and the emotional state remains very high though a small sense of reality is starting to take place.* You are still safe financially and riding high on the emotional wave enjoying every minute.* ***
Planning: things are starting to heat up, you have managed to make a mental commitment (unbeknown to the first mate) and your research has become a little more serious. Your first mate is starting to ask why is she going to all these boat shows and why has the collection of boating brochures taken over the coffee table?** You find yourself scheduling sea trials, visiting marinas, looking at costs and doing some serious soul searching. Still not committed, but getting close.* The reality of what this all means is starting to set in and decision points are around the corner. Your emotional high is starting to dip slightly, but youre still enjoying the ride.
Commitment: things have heated up and its time to have a sit down with the first mate.* You selected her favorite restaurant and an expensive*bottle of wine. Around dessert time you spring it on her and ask what she thinks about buying a boat and living life aboard.* At this point one of two things will likely occur, you either find yourself covered in whats left to the $50 bottle of Chardonnay, or if you are very, very fortunate you hear I was wondering what took you so long to ask?* If you received the later, your emotions go crazy and you find yourself experiencing a short state of bliss immediately followed by a sense of nervousness.* You have the approval to proceed with your life long desire, your dream is within reach and its time to commit some serious money. You continue to ride high with emotion.
Reality: many people will be surprised to read that this may be low point in the emotional wave.* Realizing that you have made the commitment to purchase the boat and starting to experience the many aspects of boat ownership for the first time.* You find it a little unnerving and even overwhelming at times.* All that planning you did is starting to show some holes and missed calculations. Just when you think things cannot get any worse, you start the eight week commissioning of your new Nordhavn.* At times you feel that youll never survive the process but you will. Your first mate senses some hesitation in your voice and asks why you even started this dang journey.* With a little luck this phase passes quickly and you both survive it.*
Fulfillment: this is what it is all about.* You successfully navigated through each and every emotional phase and you find yourself (along with the first mate) comfortably aboard enjoying that first sunset and glass of wine outside on the aft deck of your new boat. *What started out as just a desire or dream has reached reality and you are enjoying every minute of it.* Life is good. Congratulations!
I hope you enjoyed our ride on the wave of emotions associated with living out your dream.*
Thanks for sharing. I think it's great to have a resource such as yours that promotes the passion our forum shares!
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