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1985 Kingston Aluminum Yacht 44' - Beaufort, NC - PRICE REDUCED! $125,000

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Aug 29, 2014
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Kingston Aluminum Yacht 44' Custom
Manufacturer: Kingston Aluminum Yacht (Metalcraft Marine)
Year: 1985
Mode: Custom
Length: 44' (approximately 50' LOA with dinghy and anchor accounted for)
PRICE REDUCED 21 March 2023: $125,000
Location: Beaufort, NC
Contact: Please contact Broker John Painter at Bluewater Yacht Sales at
404-737-2387 for details or showings

Also, please feel free to ask any questions in the thread, or via direct message. I'll answer as best I can.

Further details and pictures can be found at the YachtWorld listing here.


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Greetings Sports Fans!

I just wanted to drop in and give this thread a little bump. Sylphide is still for sale, and has a new asking price. The broker might take a minute to update the listing, but the new asking price is $125,000.

I'd like to highlight a few of the improvements I've made in the last two years. In late 2022, she was hauled out for bottom work. She was shot blasted down to bare metal, inspected, zinc chromate primed, barrier coated, and antifouled. New zincs all around.


Also in 2022, I decided to add two brand new Dometic reverse cycle heat/AC systems. One forward, one aft. I also had the boat's shore power service increased from 30A to 50A to accommodate the new equipment. A new isolation transformer was installed at this time, as well. Also part of this refit was a brand new Vitrifrigo ACDC refrigerator in the galley. Some cabinetry was needed to make the new unit fit, but I think the yard did a nice job. The result of these projects was the single largest check I've ever written to anyone for anything ever. It cost more than my college loans, lol.

New Fridge:


New Isolation Transformer:

New Heat/AC Units:



Here are a few random photos that have been posted elsewhere, but might be welcome here, too. Some of these pics are a few years old, but still give you the idea of what things look like.













As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have. I'm happy to answer. The broker's information is in the first post, and I'm sure he'd love to hear from you, too!

Thanks Gang, I hope you're all well.
Wayfarer, really nice, clean interior. Question, what do you think about trying to steer a course with the flat card compass, especially at night?
Wayfarer, really nice, clean interior. Question, what do you think about trying to steer a course with the flat card compass, especially at night?

Thanks! I never had an issue steering with that compass. It's part of the autopilot system, which has always been reliable for me. No issues steering at night.
Thanks! I never had an issue steering with that compass. It's part of the autopilot system, which has always been reliable for me. No issues steering at night.
Looks like a Wood-Freeman autopilot like one I used to have.
Very rugged old school analog device. :socool:
Yes so I was wondering what the OPs thoughts were when hand steering, not when on an autopilot. I had a 5" flat card (his looks like 7.5") connected to my Wood Freeman. But I hand steered a lot and used my 5" Danforth. The flat card was just a nightmare, especially at night, with those tiny numbers.
Looks like a Wood-Freeman autopilot like one I used to have.
Very rugged old school analog device. :socool:

This one is a Wagner. I don't know all that much about it, aside from what it looks like and how it works. It's pretty old tech at this point. My surveyor smirked and said something about it being 'from WW2.' I have actually worked on ships of WW2 vintage, and I can safely say my autopilot was MUCH better, lol. In fact, the Wagner has been more reliable than any autopilot on any ship I've ever sailed. It may be old, but it's good stuff.

Yes so I was wondering what the OPs thoughts were when hand steering, not when on an autopilot. I had a 5" flat card (his looks like 7.5") connected to my Wood Freeman. But I hand steered a lot and used my 5" Danforth. The flat card was just a nightmare, especially at night, with those tiny numbers.

Yeah, the numbers are pretty small, and I can totally understand them being hard to make out. I rarely ever traveled at night, so I honestly don't even remember what it looks like in the dark. I guess the way I tend to steer has me getting in the ballpark with a heading, picking something out the window to steer on, then relying on my course over ground to fine tune from there. I rarely steer a compass heading, so it hasn't ever been an issue.

I suppose the biggest issue I had with it was it's size. it's a lovely looking piece of dash jewelry, but it does take up a lot of real estate. It meant finding a place to set down my coffee cup wasn't as easy as it could be. It's a tragic tale, and I deserve a lot of credit and sympathy :)
Dave, I wish you the best with the sale. If that vessel were over here, I'd buy it today.
@Wayfarer, couple questions. What is the range at your typical cruise speed? What do you think about those spray rails/chines, and do they cause wave slap when moored?
@Wayfarer, couple questions. What is the range at your typical cruise speed? What do you think about those spray rails/chines, and do they cause wave slap when moored?

The theoretical range at 7 knots is something like 2,000 miles in flat seas without any reserve or running of the generator. The chines do cause a bit of wave slap at anchor, but nothing that ever bothered me. The first night I spent aboard there was a little wave slap on the quarter that kept me up, but once I knew what it was it never bothered me.

Dave, I wish you the best with the sale. If that vessel were over here, I'd buy it today.

Thankee sir. It sounds like I finally found a buyer. Hopefully we’ll close next week.
Thankee sir. It sounds like I finally found a buyer. Hopefully we’ll close next week.

Fingers crossed. And the sales contract stipulates that the new buyer will continue chronicling their adventures for us, right? :D
Fingers crossed. And the sales contract stipulates that the new buyer will continue chronicling their adventures for us, right? :D

Lol they can do whatever they want as long as the check clears!
Curious if you know what the motivation was behind the bow configuration. Was the vessel based off a tug or some working vessel perhaps?
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