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Wanted: Looking for Anchor

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Senior Member
Nov 5, 2016
Vessel Name
Donna Mae
Vessel Make
2005 Mainship 430
Have an undersized 44lb Bruce claw anchor on our Mainship 430. 20T displacement. Needing to upGrade. If anyone has a current generation spade or plow anchor they don’t need anymore I would be interested. Will be needing to replace the 200’ 3/8” chain as well. Thx!
Shipping will be a killer - difficult to box-up and expensive. You may want to include your location for local pick-up. EBay ocassionally has some used anchors, though usually older style like Deltas.

About a month ago, Mantus ran a 30% off sale. Their M2 anchor dis-assembles so is easier to ship. I believe I paid just over $500 plus around $50 shipping for a 55-lb anchor. SV Panope likes the M2 a lot (though Vulcan is a bit higher).

Good luck -

I always wonder about what happens to the anchors from the hurricane boats. Seems like a pretty easy straightforward thing to salvage?

I wish I could snoop around a couple of those boat graveyards.
Shipping will be a killer - difficult to box-up and expensive. You may want to include your location for local pick-up. EBay ocassionally has some used anchors, though usually older style like Deltas.

About a month ago, Mantus ran a 30% off sale. Their M2 anchor dis-assembles so is easier to ship. I believe I paid just over $500 plus around $50 shipping for a 55-lb anchor. SV Panope likes the M2 a lot (though Vulcan is a bit higher).

Good luck -


Good suggestion. Currently in Brunswick Ga and heading south once I find a marina. Have family in Titusville and Venice that can pick up.
Shipping will be a killer - difficult to box-up and expensive. You may want to include your location for local pick-up. EBay ocassionally has some used anchors, though usually older style like Deltas.

About a month ago, Mantus ran a 30% off sale. Their M2 anchor dis-assembles so is easier to ship. I believe I paid just over $500 plus around $50 shipping for a 55-lb anchor. SV Panope likes the M2 a lot (though Vulcan is a bit higher).

Good luck -


Just checked. No longer on sale. Need an 85lb. $1470. [emoji52]
Just checked. No longer on sale. Need an 85lb. $1470. [emoji52]
85 lb anchor for a 43 foot Mainship? That is a really, really big anchor!!!

Given your family on Florida west coast, suggest above to check for salvage from Ian is a good one.

85 lb anchor for a 43 foot Mainship? That is a really, really big anchor!!!

Given your family on Florida west coast, suggest above to check for salvage from Ian is a good one.


It's a little big, but the next size down for Mantus is 65 lbs. And I certainly wouldn't want anything smaller than that. My boat is a hair shorter, a bit narrower, and a at least 12k lbs lighter than a Mainship 430 and I've got a 73 lb Vulcan on the bow. I'd probably have gone for the 65 lb size with a Mantus.
85 lb anchor for a 43 foot Mainship? That is a really, really big anchor!!!

Given your family on Florida west coast, suggest above to check for salvage from Ian is a good one.


I guess it is all about perspective I have a very similar size boat only I use a 105 pound mantus with 3/8" ht chain. I have been Is living on the hook full time for the last 7 years. Ever a single time have I drugged in some of the most challenging bottoms you will find. Survived winds at 65 miles an hour during a storm in Key West which has a notoriously difficult problem. I figure as long as the windless can deal with it all is good
Those Mainships are pretty chunky. Guess we are talking about trawlers here. No slight intended.

I'm comparing to my boat. I'm longer but leaner. Probably comparable in critical dimensions. I chose a 73(?) pound Rocna. The dealer called in Rocna when I wanted the next size up, and they ganged up on me.

After 10,000 miles anchoring every night I can find no fault and have no regret over my choice.
No issues. Just surprised - going from a 44lb claw to an 85lb M2 is a really big jump. Folks on Mainships don't usually contemplate riding out hurricanes. Finding a new-generation anchor used is a shot in the dark. But you never know - no harm in asking.

I did the loop in my Mainship 34 with a 44 pound claw and all rope rode. No windlass. Anchored every night.

IMO it's an excellent all-round anchor. In the SE it's maybe a bit light, but not outrageously so.
85 lb anchor for a 43 foot Mainship? That is a really, really big anchor!!!

Given your family on Florida west coast, suggest above to check for salvage from Ian is a good one.


Yeah. That’s what the sizing guide showed for a 20T displacement.
Those Mainships are pretty chunky. Guess we are talking about trawlers here. No slight intended.

I'm comparing to my boat. I'm longer but leaner. Probably comparable in critical dimensions. I chose a 73(?) pound Rocna. The dealer called in Rocna when I wanted the next size up, and they ganged up on me.

After 10,000 miles anchoring every night I can find no fault and have no regret over my choice.

Yep. Different anchors different sizing. A delta o shows less than 60 lb for the boat.
Yep. Different anchors different sizing. A delta o shows less than 60 lb for the boat.

Yup, different anchor manufacturers use different assumptions for wind strength, etc. in their sizing guides. And some don't really tell you much about the assumptions they use.
It's a little big, but the next size down for Mantus is 65 lbs. And I certainly wouldn't want anything smaller than that. My boat is a hair shorter, a bit narrower, and a at least 12k lbs lighter than a Mainship 430 and I've got a 73 lb Vulcan on the bow. I'd probably have gone for the 65 lb size with a Mantus.

Rocna has you sized at a 33KG (72.75lbs).
Rocna has you sized at a 33KG (72.75lbs).

My interpretation of their chart recommended the 25kg / 55lb model for my boat. I went one larger. The chart does recommend the 33kg / 73lb model for a Mainship 430, being slightly longer and a decent bit heavier than my boat.
I have a 43 Albin with 3/8ht chain and 88lb Rocna. Very Happy! I also like the Mantus but just feel the Rocna is a bit stronger built. Just my opinion.
Do you have a marine consignment store near you? May be able find one thru them.
I also went with a Mantus 65 lb for our 430. The key is to lay out at least 100’ of 7/8 chain. The anchor holds perfectly. I actually thought about the 85lb. But thought it may be just a bit too heavy if I ever have to haul it up by hand.
I am gobsmacked by this thread of folks with huge anchors. When I walk down a dock (or boatyard lately). virtually all anchors are under-sized. If anchors were diamond rings, 99.999% of the ones I see are the size of the ring a buddy in high school bought a gal he knocked-up on prom night.

Where are all these boats with enormous anchors?

Just curious - Peter
I am gobsmacked by this thread of folks with huge anchors. When I walk down a dock (or boatyard lately). virtually all anchors are under-sized. If anchors were diamond rings, 99.999% of the ones I see are the size of the ring a buddy in high school bought a gal he knocked-up on prom night.

Where are all these boats with enormous anchors?

Just curious - Peter
At anchor :)
I am gobsmacked by this thread of folks with huge anchors. When I walk down a dock (or boatyard lately). virtually all anchors are under-sized. If anchors were diamond rings, 99.999% of the ones I see are the size of the ring a buddy in high school bought a gal he knocked-up on prom night.

Where are all these boats with enormous anchors?

Just curious - Peter

Out cruising.:lol:
I think the majority of boats carrying huge anchors use them a lot, and don't spend a lot of time in marinas. And when they're at a dock, it's often not a marina full of weekend warriors, but somewhere a little more off the beaten path. Walking the docks in many marinas will show you mostly the anchors chosen by boats that avoid anchoring as much as possible.

In our home-base marina, we have the largest anchor by a good margin. There are a couple of sailboats with good size new gen anchors and that's about it. I think ours is the only one that's above the manufacturer recommended size. There are boats that have 15+ feet on us and a smaller anchor. But outside of those couple of sailboats, the rest of the boats only ever anchor for a few hours during the day to hang out, and if they travel at all, they marina hop. So as long as there's something on the bow, that's all they care.
Check Sailorman Consignment in Ft Lauderdale they have a huge stock of anchors up to mega yacht size . I would imagine lots of items showing up from hurricane salvage .

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