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Looking for Lord Nelson

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Apr 1, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1978 Marben-27' Flybridge Trawler(extended to 30 feet) Pilothouse Pocket Cruiser[
Seeking to purchase a 37 foot Lord Nelson trawler. There are 24 of these in the PNW, Puget Sound and one in B.C. If any members know of one available or soon, please pass on my phone# (907) 617-0710 or email: ajohnson@kpunet.net
I am a cash buyer-

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They both appeared Al, so I took the liberty of doing a bit of an edit.
You might check with the Lord Nelson Victory Tug Owners Association
You might check with the Lord Nelson Victory Tug Owners Association
Been watching that site like a Grave Robber looking for a fresh body!!!
Thanks, been talking to the owner of the one in Juneau.:banghead:
They both appeared Al, so I took the liberty of doing a bit of an edit.
Thanks Pete, guess the first one was a slow post!!
I have seen a number of the LN with BMW diesels - certainly an unicorn for parts etc.

The preferable power is cummins 4bt - probably around 150hp.

Engine room is quite the magic trick with a foldable kitchen to access
I have seen a number of the LN with BMW diesels - certainly an unicorn for parts etc.

The preferable power is cummins 4bt - probably around 150hp.

Engine room is quite the magic trick with a foldable kitchen to access

BMW would be a mood breaker for me because of parts and service. The Cummins would be great IMO
Been watching that site like a Grave Robber looking for a fresh body!!!
Thanks, been talking to the owner of the one in Juneau.:banghead:

Well Tom, that didn't end well! After an inquiry question the Juneau owner suggested that I seek other options. So- No Sale To Al. :nonono:
Good luck in your search my friend, not to worry, one will come along!
Soooo, you are looking for a Lord Nelson Victory tug/ trawler for free?
We all accept we will generally lose when we sell our boats but, no one is going to give you their boat.

You have a set price, tell the owner what it is, he is given two options of saying 'yes' or 'no'. If he says 'no', move on. No haggling involved.

If you want a free boat, then I suggest you look for a 'project boat' then, devote your life and your money bringing the boat back to life.
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Soooo, you are looking for a Lord Nelson Victory tug/ trawler for free?
We all accept we will generally lose when we sell our boats but, no one is going to give you their boat.

You have a set price, tell the owner what it is, he is given two options of saying 'yes' or 'no'. If he says 'no', move on. No haggling involved.

If you want a free boat, then I suggest you look for a 'project boat' then, devote your life and your money bringing the boat back to life.

I don't think he wants one for free. I think Al likes these boats and would like to own one. How did you come to the conclusion he wanted one for free?
Seeking to purchase a 37 foot Lord Nelson trawler. There are 24 of these in the PNW, Puget Sound and one in B.C. If any members know of one available or soon, please pass on my phone# (907) 617-0710 or email: ajohnson@kpunet.net
I am a cash buyer-


In our little ol' Port Townsend Yacht Club we have four Lord Nelson 37s! I'll bring it up at our next meeting in case any of them are interested in selling.
I don't think he wants one for free. I think Al likes these boats and would like to own one. How did you come to the conclusion he wanted one for free?

That 'free' was a figurative manner.

He just cant find one to buy at his price.
Soooo, you are looking for a Lord Nelson Victory tug/ trawler for free?
We all accept we will generally lose when we sell our boats but, no one is going to give you their boat.

You have a set price, tell the owner what it is, he is given two options of saying 'yes' or 'no'. If he says 'no', move on. No haggling involved.

If you want a free boat, then I suggest you look for a 'project boat' then, devote your life and your money bringing the boat back to life.

I am offended by your post. It is totally rude with no foundation for the conclusion you have drawn and suggested as the actual situation or facts

With this said, were you in need and I were in the area to extend assistance, knowing you for your post, would assist.

PS: "He just cant find one to buy at his price."
Absolutely misspoken and without foundation.
and factual knowledge.
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In our little ol' Port Townsend Yacht Club we have four Lord Nelson 37s! I'll bring it up at our next meeting in case any of them are interested in selling.

Bless you:flowers::flowers:
yes the cummins is preferred but I have sold some with Yanmars and many with the original BMW engine, last one I sold with BMW engine, seller had a whole backup engine with 300-400 hours on it he bought thinking parts would be hard to source, they were not and that engine went to new owner.

They are great boats, too bad more were not produced.
yes the cummins is preferred but I have sold some with Yanmars and many with the original BMW engine, last one I sold with BMW engine, seller had a whole backup engine with 300-400 hours on it he bought thinking parts would be hard to source, they were not and that engine went to new owner.

They are great boats, too bad more were not produced.

Encouraging to hear. Hoping to secure a known source for reference should one with show up. Would think any potential seller would have such so not too worried up to that point. Yes, the molds exist and the demand would seem warrant a second run of the 37s. Thanks. :thumb:
I will check around Anacortes, we have several friends that own, and love their LNVT's. Did you sell your Marben?
yes agreed, but I think I heard they stopped making the boats cause it was costing more than what they were selling for in the end.
I will check around Anacortes, we have several friends that own, and love their LNVT's. Did you sell your Marben?

Not yet, Damn good boat, there is nothing lacking in any department of conditions. It will remain my last boat pending no success in this Lord Nelson acquisition endeavor.

Let me tell you a tale, I enjoy telling it. My wife had a retirement account with a online brokerage account. After morning coffee I would occasionally check it. If it were up in value, I would raise my coffee cup and proclaim to her "Want to see a picture of my new boat?"

In one of our 'last of life' talks, she asked what I intended with her account, I responded that I would transfer into my name and of course pass the total to the children. She said, "Buy your new boat". True story.
So that began the urge to accomplish her wish and my "2-foot-its" as we both admired the Lord Nelson or at least I believe she did, that was the picture I held on making the proclamations.

Thanks for asking.
yes agreed, but I think I heard they stopped making the boats cause it was costing more than what they were selling for in the end.

Accurate observation, some of the FOB America prices posted on the Lord Nelson owners sheets, were in the high 50s/60,thousand dollar range, One could surely agree to what the new cost would be. Scary.:facepalm::eek:
Sad story: There used to be one at the Clearwater Beach Municipal Marina that I would lust after. Then it was gone. A while later I was working in Odessa & drove past a boat in a front yard. I turned around & went back to check it out. It was the Lord Nelson Victory Tug planted in the ground. Turns out one of my neighbors knows the owner. The boat sank at the dock & he got an insurance settlement but instead of letting them have the boat or getting it fixed he turned it into a cottage. My neighbor said he helped take a chainsaw to the bulwarks to make access easier when they built the stairs. Broke my heart.
37’ hull number 52, aka Monkey, based in the Newburyport MA area, sold twice recently. You might try to find the current owner, it may be available. The original owner kept it until 2021.
The LNVT Owners Assn website is awesome. The one up in Bristol Maine needed work.

There was one in the Caribbean that needed a LOT of work.

Two years ago, we were under contract from one near Middletown CT, but walked away as the pilot house really was not conducive to distance cruising for my admiral and I to be together underway. It was picked up and trucked to the west coast!
More on our discernment process:

There is an excellent story of the one on Shelter Island (eastern Long Island NY) that had to be re-powered. I had a great 1 hour phone call with the guy who did the work out there.
It is pictured in this blog post: https://shellerina.com/2017/06/13/cruise-day-six-shelter-island/

Reportedly they are kinda roll-y ... and one or two have had stabilizers installed.
But they certainly are sweet looking!
Sad indeed.

The one that we almost bought (Aramis 37VT40) had a standing offer (low ball apparently) by a resort owner in northern New Endland who wanted to put a hot tub in the salon, and float it in his duck pond at the resort.

The seller just couldn't go there, if you know what I mean.

But it was finally, reportedly sold to a good owner who is treating her well.

Here on The Great Loop, we are running into a good number of Great Harbor vessels... which are similarly few in number, and have a huge following.
With this said, were you in need and I were in the area to extend assistance, knowing you for your post, would assist.

I know this to be true. In my case, I was desperately thirsty and Al arrived with a six-pack of Ambers:D
Lord Horatio Nelson died 21 October 1805. Thus the scarcity.:)
Seriously Al, we all (almost) know you would pay a reasonable price for one of these rare beasts if only you could find one. Good luck with the search.

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