Boot Dusseldorf

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Oct 11, 2013
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Mainship 37 Motor Yacht
We've been hoping to go to Boot Dusseldorf for years now but never been able to get there for one reason or another. Cancelled in '20 and '21, etc. I see they're still on for January '22, or at least their website and FB pages say they are, but with the situation in Austria and Germany I can't imagine they're going to be able to pull it off this time either. I googled but don't see any discussion or buzz about another cancellation, even on sites like Sailing Anarchy. I don't suppose anybody has heard anything? Trying to figure out if we should spend any time at all on travel planning or just give it up again.
Update (Dec 30): Cancelled again for 2022. I'm really surprised they waited until about three weeks prior to announce the cancellation. That must be a financial kick in the head to the remaining vendors who were still signed up, and any travelers on the hook for airfare and reservations.
Changed my mind this morning, not attending. Even though it is the largest boat show in the world, the list of exhibitors just doesn't appeal to my interests. It is purely a European show. Not a single "trawler" style vessel. No Cummins or Deere display. No American inclusion, Nordy, Kadey, Bering, Fleming, etc. Grand Banks is there with their new 54, but that's just a modern go-fast with traditional styling (dated styling IMO). Anyway, just isn't worth the 2+ hour drive with 32°F weather.

Last year I was planning on attending TrawlerFest down in Stuart, but decided against that after chatting with some of you guys who attended.

Either boat shows are going downhill, or more likely, my interest is waning.

Anyway, hope someone here does attend Boot and can report more on it.

I have the idea trawlers just don't appeal to a lot of people in Europe. When I see the websites of the brokers I mostly see the IKEA boats, but only once every year or two years I see a trawler.
Don't know why trawlers don't appeal to anyone in Europe, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that there are so many other brands that fill up the market on the sweet water. Not a lot of people actually take their boat out to sea. The only ones who do that are the people in the Med, but they want to get everywhere fast.
In all the time I have been in the Med I can safely say that if I have seen 5 trawlers it was a lot and then we are talking Greece, Turkey and Croatia.
Perhaps it will change in the future with the price hikes in fuel prices, but it is indeed annoying. You want to attend a boat show, hoping you will see something of a segment of the boating market only to find out it is simply not there.

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