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New Helmsman 38E

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 12, 2021
Hello! We are in Victoria BC and are very excited to be on the list for a Helmsman 38E. Fell in love a couple of years ago but not easy to see them in the flesh. We are in the process of finalizing our options list for delivery summer 2023 and would be grateful for any suggestions —already had some great advice from a couple of current owners. First question is L or T shaped counter in the salon and if anyone has a double or one-and-a-half sink? Please share your thoughts.
Cheers and thanks.
And by the way, the standard galley for us. But with electric induction cooktop and convection microwave.
And by the way, the standard galley for us. But with electric induction cooktop and convection microwave.

We did the same and also ordered the one and a half sink. We’re hull 50. What is your number?
Just in the process of choosing options and about to make deposit so haven't got the hull number yet. Have only seen an L-shape countertop layout and it is difficult to put anything but a single sink in the corner. Would have to move it to stern or side. My impression from photos was that T-shape broke up the salon space but I guess it gives you a corner to put things in!
Everything seems to be a compromise!
The T provides for a space for another chair. A big deal for us.
Hello! We are in Victoria BC and are very excited to be on the list for a Helmsman 38E. Fell in love a couple of years ago but not easy to see them in the flesh. We are in the process of finalizing our options list for delivery summer 2023 and would be grateful for any suggestions

Welcome aboard,

We're Hull No. 50, to be christened "Alba Bella". Our 38E is just about to go in the molds, if it already hasn't. We're just across the water from you in La Conner. There are two of them in our marina and we had been drooling on them before we decided to order a new build. We'll be seeing you out on the water.
Just in the process of choosing options and about to make deposit so haven't got the hull number yet. Have only seen an L-shape countertop layout and it is difficult to put anything but a single sink in the corner. Would have to move it to stern or side. My impression from photos was that T-shape broke up the salon space but I guess it gives you a corner to put things in!
Everything seems to be a compromise!

Hi Cathy and Justin, you are buying a great boat!

We are hull 49. We thought about the L shape, but went with the T shape. The reasoning was:
It helps define the main traffic area through the boat
As FWT mentioned, it sets up a place for a recliner or other type seating
To us, it seemed to “cut off” the galley area. Having been on one, it has sufficient space for a galley with the T, IMO.

On the sink, my wife wanted the counter space more than the extra sink area.

Having said all that, you won’t go wrong either way. One suggestion would be to see if Scott has received any comments back from buyers who have opted for the L shape.
Last edited:

We are hull 57!
Thank you all for your opinions—they have been very helpful. We have decided on the T shaped galley and a 1 and a half sink is now standard. Everyone's advice to listen carefully to Scott was right on the mark!
Can't wait to charter a Helmsman next Spring and really get a feel for her before finalizing everything.
We are hull 57!
Thank you all for your opinions—they have been very helpful. We have decided on the T shaped galley and a 1 and a half sink is now standard. Everyone's advice to listen carefully to Scott was right on the mark!
Can't wait to charter a Helmsman next Spring and really get a feel for her before finalizing everything.

from looking at the layouts, I would definitely chose the T layout as well Congrats!
Congrats on your new boat. How are you able to wait that long for a new boat? My wife says I get very bitchy if I am without a boat for 3 weeks…
We are hull 57!
Thank you all for your opinions—they have been very helpful. We have decided on the T shaped galley and a 1 and a half sink is now standard. Everyone's advice to listen carefully to Scott was right on the mark!
Can't wait to charter a Helmsman next Spring and really get a feel for her before finalizing everything.


I think I might need to reach out to Scott, but first maybe you can answer a few questions.

Dimensions of the 1.5, compared to the old standard single?

How does a 1.5 change the cabinetry?

Have any pics or links to both?
Salon Galley Layout

For those who are still working with galley / salon layout you may have some fun reviewing custom layout we designed on the first H38E that incorporated the new deck mold tooling. Our intent starting out was to maximize interior space and provide for easy access from the aft deck to the PH. We elected to place the galley to port and 10' long L-shape sofa to starboard. We then built and partially filled in the L shape sofa with two ottomans that provided a large comfortable "play pen" for two people to layout and watch TV. This area also provided for overnight guests to sleep with adjacent head / shower since the 38E is a single stateroom boat. These Ottomans also served for storage inside and with the top flipped over a nice finished wood table. Since we had most meals in the PH where the views were better we never missed a formal table in the salon. While not for everyone this layout worked out great and we would do it again. Pictures can be found in my large thread under Helmsman.

John T. N4050, N4061, N3522, H38E - former owners
Marshall Marine 16' Sandpiper Day Sailor - waiting delivery :)
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