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Wanted: worlds best 46 or 47 Grand Banks Classic or Heritage CL

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Aug 27, 2018
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1981 Fairchild Scout
We just finished www.nwexplorations.com Juneau to Ketchikan voyage in a 2001 Grand Banks Classic. Although there is something to be said for walking off and leaving the boat at the end, and although my wife had to be carried off due to an unfortunate fall, I think we are interested in ownership. Luckily this happened on the next to the last day, after she stuck the landing for fuel in Ketchikan with help from a NWE captains guidance over the radio. My wife is a pilot, so she really enjoys things mechanical. She enjoyed piloting the boat most of all, and that means buy-in! And we witnessed what must be some of the most beautiful scenery on earth.

The wish list is for a nearly perfect, low hour, fully load boat. By that I mean the essentials like updated electronics, latest model available, stabilizers, water maker, washer/dryer, davit and dink, and in Palm Beach or Bristol condition.

I noted they made a later model, the 47 Heritage Classic that has a different bottom for more speed, and a few other changes. Has anyone owned both models? I wonder which is better, regardless of the speed. What are the other trade offs? Is the latter model indeed better all around? For instance the 46 has windows that open by sliding them, I don't think the 47 does. The 47s cockpit appears to be higher off the water than the 46. I like being lower with a large transom door. I was told the 46 has more interior room, but the 47 is laid out better and will cruise at 20 plus all day....the issue of course is finding either in Bristol condition.

I would also consider this boat I missed here if anyone knows where it is, thought about it too long and it was sold.


But, since this will be hard to find I would also consider the following boats. 53 to 64 Alaskan, Aleutian, 49 GB, 50 plus Defever or Outer Reef. It would be neat to find a perfect 49 GB, but I have not seen it. A what seemed to be a perfect 52 very low hour Defever popped up in our home waters, Hilton Head SC, but it was on the market for about two hours!


Some of the above may be dreaming. I know with a larger boat over 60 feet I will have a captain for a while as we learn. It makes sense that the 46/47 GB would be a better option to start with if we indeed are going to operate it ourselves and really use it for more than just a floating condo. Anyway, thanks for reading this, any leads for the best boats out there would be appreciated. Low hours, pristine, ready to go.


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Should include Marlow and Flemming.

Yes, both beautiful boats. I love Tony Fleming's series, by far the best production for cruising I have seen. Dramatic, excellent cinematography and a beautiful boat. And something about his soothing British accent..We visited the Marlow yard in Palmetto and love just how neat it was and almost boutique like with the old house now an office. I was high on Marlow then I started reading what the detractors said about the under water exhaust, hydrolock, vibrations, etc. To get the Fleming I would want, it would be in the 2.2 mm range based on what I have seen in todays market and I am not sure we really want to spend that much, but heck, what you have becomes someone else's when you die right?

We sell our fantastic Grand Banks 52 fully rebuilt and upgraded (even the engines are new generation).
Have a look on Youtube : Grand Banks 52 Ocean Bear
Have a dream
We sell our fantastic Grand Banks 52 fully rebuilt and upgraded (even the engines are new generation).
Have a look on Youtube : Grand Banks 52 Ocean Bear
Have a dream

Very nice, and in France? That would be a dream. Go, buy the boat, get a French/English captain and tour the coast, on to Italy and the rest of Europe. Hmmm...

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