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Diesel Duck 462

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Apr 24, 2015
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Diesel Duck 462

[FONT=&quot]MOKEN, one of the finest Diesel Duck 462 trawlers, is now offered for sale. Designed by George Buehler and built by Seahorse Marine in China, her original owner took possession in 2008 and cruised to the Philippines. After changing hands in 2012, her current owners have lavished their attention on this passagemaker as they cruised through SE Asia to Langkawi, Malaysia, where she is presently berthed and available for viewing.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]MOKEN is more than ready for coastal cruising or heading offshore. She is powered by a well-maintained 135 HP John Deere engine and Northern lights gen set, and has everything that a well-equipped bluewater cruising yacht needs.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This vessel has been maintained to the highest of standards. She turns heads everywhere she goes, and now that her owners’ plans have changed, she is ready for more adventures with you. Technical specs and more photos are available here: https://moken.ca/about-moken/[/FONT]
Offered at USD $550,000

Genecop, the selling process involves many decisions, not least of which is asking price. We're still working out the details, including updating our website and pulling together lists of spares and included equipment, and after some thought have now set the initial asking price at USD $550,000.
Interior Photos

Here are a couple of interior shots


  • Helm Station.jpg
    Helm Station.jpg
    110.6 KB · Views: 315
  • Salon.jpg
    119.7 KB · Views: 320
  • Galley Looking towards Bow.jpg
    Galley Looking towards Bow.jpg
    138.4 KB · Views: 296
If I were 10 years younger, I would make that boat mine, mine. mine, I say MINE. SMILE

It will be great to read the complete write up and specs.
So the sails are the "get home" engine?

Knowing the decision was made by the previous owner, it is surprising a M3 rated engine was chosen vice a M1 (continuous duty) rated engine if blue water cruising was the intent. The M3 JD can probably cross the Pacific just fine but the way JD worded the rating doesn't seem like they recommend it.

Very nice and super equipped boat and hope you find a buyer quickly.
So the sails are the "get home" engine?

Knowing the decision was made by the previous owner, it is surprising a M3 rated engine was chosen vice a M1 (continuous duty) rated engine if blue water cruising was the intent. The M3 JD can probably cross the Pacific just fine but the way JD worded the rating doesn't seem like they recommend it.

Very nice and super equipped boat and hope you find a buyer quickly.

Looks like the M1 rating is 105 hp at 2300 compared to the M3 of 135 hp at 2500. So if it's sized such that normal cruise is in the 50 - 75% power range, that engine should be more than up to the task. It's just got some extra power available that can't be used continuously.
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