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2006 TMC Alloy Explorer/Trawler Joubert 72' France

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Why complicated? Because of the war in Ukraine?
because Poland is involved in this war and each day more and more ( send equipment, men, the Polish harbor are an entry point also for more equipment, the military base in Poland was used for training Ukrainian soldier, the majority of the military equipment enter to Ukraine by Polish road an railway...).

It is why : yes I am "afraid " it will became more complicated:eek:

I have Polish friend who live not so far from the border and they also became little scary.
More and more weapon's send to Ukraine more and more risk for a general conflagration.

I have Ukrainian colleague they left Ukraine 2 week after the beginning, I have also Russian friend in Moscou and they don't know what will happen in the near future.

It is why I am absolutely not optimist for the near future in this area.

May be navigate in Africa, Central and South America, Asia (not too close of Taiwan :angel:) or Pacific will be safer in the future :flowers::hide:

ps : it is not a "politic" intervention just saying what I fill same if I said It will not be safe to navigate in Yemen.
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Ok. But these conflicts will hopefully end in the foreseeable future, and there is not only the Baltic Sea, but also the Kattegat and the North Sea to Norway, I don't see any problems there immediately.
I spend a lot of time in Poland , and the opinions of the local authorities do not seem to have any fear of further escalation.
Any wy I'm looking now for a home port in the South of France.
We prefere to sail short trips, 50-100nm because of the 2 dogs we have and because my wife does not like to sail at nights.
In 1989 we made "charter" in Yougoslavia , and at this moment also nobody seem scary about thee future ...
A berth in south of France was not easy to find and expansive. But If you use your boat for short time and navigate for the rest of the year you can let her on hard stand ( for example Navy Service or Port Napoleon in Port Saint Louis du Rhone.).
We had in mind to start to visit Port Saint Louis du Rhône, and so go further down direction Spain on our trip to our boat in Torrevieja.
I have noticed that the ports in France are much cheaper than in Spain, at least the ports from Port Saint-louis du Rhône to port de Gruissan, between € 4K and € 7K, while in Spain they start at 7K to 20K in Barcelona.
Yes in the south coast of France they are clearly to zone est of Marseille and west of Marseille.
"rich" people in East and "normal" people in West:socool:
May be same in Spain ?

Concerning Poland today they deploy Patriot missile in one of the Varsovie airport officially for "training":mad:
In Spain I think it is only for rich people because all the way of the coast up to the Portugese border it is between € 7K and € 20K. My place in Torrevieja is € 6K but it is from Belgium 2000km, 2 hours drive and really too hot in summer.
But I remarked in France when you ask for a berth you have to pay € 10,- and then you are on a waiting list: long, very very long.

About The Patriot missiles, I read it and every one knows that it is not for training, but for being "prepared". the same the do in Sweden (even Goteborg).
Hope it does not come that far that they have to use them, because then even on the Mediterranean it will become complicated...
Read what said the Polish prime minister pour "El Mundo":eek::facepalm:

After tomorrow we will fill up our tanks and after that we will look what we could reach in 6000 nm radius (at low speed !!):rofl:
Humanity are crazy, some time I thinking :
with the energy, money, skill spend for war during one hundred year we could be already on March, not, one try but "colony" and even explore at less our solar system.... But unfortunately we are...human:mad:
Lucky you that you can escape 6000nm. But will you reach paradise?
Hope it for you.
Would at least try the same but I'm still tied to companies so far.
But to do it alone (I mean only my ship) for us is a little scary that far
C'est surtout une plaisanterie pour plagier je crois Francis Blanche qui disait dans un sketch : "en cas de guerre mondiale je pars à l'étranger" :)
Nous pourrions continuer en MP sinon nous allons "polluer" ;-)
c'est ça l'idée j'échappe à l'étranger, mais en temps de guerre il n'y a pas d'étranger, c'est partout, alors, vous me faites peur.
It seam we will close this advertising, not acceptable offer until now.
The "best" offer we got was 350k€last year and after pass hour/day to search on the net for this amount we can't find a boat able to do what we want.
For example this Alloy Doggerbank could be interesting ( but one engine and no "get home" ) but the price ...
Or even this smaller one, but sold as soon as they drop the asking price from 420k€to 390k€ (twin engine, stab, 5000lt diesel, too big window for my tast )
We like this one , not for the arrangement (nice done but not functional) but all the dimension are close to our former LC62 but after few year for sale sold last year at an acceptable (for us !) price

This one also sold at an acceptable price but two years ago...now the prices ++++$
interesting for this dimensions compatible to cross France by canal, two simple Perkins, but too much wood ( even if one part was just paint who look wood !)
Except one small old empty hull in "sailaway" condition in USA for the moment we found nothing.
If I find the right "button" I will stop this advertising for the moment.
We already fill up our diesel tank, we have little more than one month to prepare the boat and move from is winter place to...? Somewhere :).
May be try to bring her not far from USA or go to Venezuela for the next "fill-up" of our tank :)

The "Button" ?

Anyone know where is the "button" to close my advertising ?:confused:
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