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Wanted Ocean Alexander 40-45, Tollycraft 44-45

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Aug 8, 2018
Vessel Name
Island Time
Vessel Make
1989 Tollycraft 44 CPMY
Hi. Were looking for a power boat. Good condition etc. Not a project boat.

Ocean Alexander 42, 44, 450
Tollycraft 44 or 45.

Or similar. We are on the TX Gulf Coast. Not wanting to truck a boat. So, TX to FL and or on the Intercostal where the boat could get down to TX. The closer to TX the better.


Yup we are still looking for one of the above boats to purchase. Should you note a Tollycraft 44-45, with twin Cats 375hp or Cummins with upper and lower helm stations please PM me. No West coast boats. Gulf or East Coast. East of Panama Canal. John
Yup we are still looking for one of the above boats to purchase. Should you note a Tollycraft 44-45, with twin Cats 375hp or Cummins with upper and lower helm stations please PM me. No West coast boats. Gulf or East Coast. East of Panama Canal. John

You realize Tollycraft and OA are from the Seattle area. You are eliminating a huge percentage of these boats in the US by not looking on the west coast. I have an OA 42.
MV Celestia,

Yes I do realize that and know a lot about both brands. However, to move one from West to the Gulf is some $25-30K. Not ideal. Also the height of either boat is >14-15' on a truck special permits and disassembly of about 1/2 the boat is required adding to the cost. Usually the upper bridge deck has to be removed to clear. Going around through the Panama canal is even more costly. If you have a solution less than about $25K I might consider it. OA were imported to both coasts from Taiwan. Not so for the Tolly's. I though about moving one down to Mexico and up into the Sea of Cortez and then across to TX, but did not find a solution. This might be possible but I don't know. Thanks for thinking about it.
I understand your pain. I had to pass on some great boats located east of the Mississippi as the cost to bring them to the West Coast was 30% of their Value of the boat.
MV Celestia,

Yes I do realize that and know a lot about both brands. However, to move one from West to the Gulf is some $25-30K. Not ideal. Also the height of either boat is >14-15' on a truck special permits and disassembly of about 1/2 the boat is required adding to the cost. Usually the upper bridge deck has to be removed to clear. Going around through the Panama canal is even more costly. If you have a solution less than about $25K I might consider it. OA were imported to both coasts from Taiwan. Not so for the Tolly's. I though about moving one down to Mexico and up into the Sea of Cortez and then across to TX, but did not find a solution. This might be possible but I don't know. Thanks for thinking about it.

I hear you. I had a Beneteau 473 In Ft Lauderdale that I wanted to move to Seattle once I moved. It was $25K for that. I sold it and bought here. Wish I would have shipped it. The price was 30%-40% more for the same boat. here. OA USA is based out of Seattle. Maybe give them a call. They may know of listings your way.
When I was looking for a 440 I investigated transporting from Seattle to Lake Michigan via truck, as the upper tier of the country has far fewer highway impediments than the mid and southern routes. Seattle to Menominee, Michigan was my plan as an excellent boat transport company is located in Menominee. We ended up buying our boat in Austin Texas (Lake Travis) and trucking it north to Green Bay. But even that route has become troublesome. Of course any boat on the Great Loop circuit could be moved to the Gulf Coast on its own bottom. We did not remove the flybridge, but did employ a lead pole truck for most of the route. The height on the trailer was 15' 4" with the venturi, arch, sunroof, compass, seats removed (see photo).

By the way, back in the day the now defunct dealership in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin sold a fair number of boats on the Great Lakes. Unfortunately, most of those fresh water gems have been snapped up by Loopers.

Here's a link that you've probably already seen. The OA trawler/motoryacht offerings in your desired size range have pretty much dried up over the past year. https://www.boattrader.com/boats/make-ocean-alexander/page-2/

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Hi there. So we closed on a 1989 Tollycraft 44 CPMY. Yes we found one only 375 miles away from TX in LA. Just brought her home to Galveston, TX. Very happy with our purchase. She has twin 3208 CATS, 8 HP bow thruster 8KW Westerbeke Generator. We found her through social media and did a private party purchase. We cruised her up the Intercostal Waterway to TX. We will begin refit to make her ours. It is always helpful if the prior owner helps you out with how they ran the the boat, its operation and prior maintenance records.

We agreed upon a written contract subject to Sea Trial, Engine surveys etc. You can download these from Boat US. Then we both agreed to use Triton Marine Title Company, Inc. to close the deal and to do the USCG title and transfer.



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