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Seeking Mainship 390 Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Nov 9, 2020
Vessel Name
Nauti by Nautre
Vessel Make
Retired military couple seeking gently loved Mainship 390 Trawler, preferably 1999 or early 2000. Due to a medical condition that ended a military career, we would prefer stairs to ladders. Now that the twins have finished university and grown up and left home, we need a new baby to love. Live close the St Lawrence and looking northern states and Canada. If you have the right boat for the right price, let us know. Thanks!
Have you looked at the 390 in boats for sale???
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Retired military couple seeking gently loved Mainship 390 Trawler, preferably 1999 or early 2000. Due to a medical condition that ended a military career, we would prefer stairs to ladders. Now that the twins have finished university and grown up and left home, we need a new baby to love. Live close the St Lawrence and looking northern states and Canada. If you have the right boat for the right price, let us know. Thanks!

Check out all the boat sale sites... even Craigs list, and the forums (like you're doing). Boats are hard to buy now and overpriced... but they are out there.

You might want to include the MS 400 and 34 also... very similar with a lot of advantages. But all good boats.... and totally agree on the stairs. Ladders suck.
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We certainly have Sunshine. There is one there but it is listed outside our comfort range.

NADA Guide has a 2001 390 Trawler listed just below 90,000 for excellent condition.

As we are now pensioners living on a very fixed income, we have to consider value for our savings...after all we are not doctors and lawyers that have money to throw away! We refuse to consider financing or a loan to pay far more than fair market value.

Thank you very much for your kind suggestion, it is greatly appreciated.

Have a great day,

I think I have alerts on every site that I can think of...and we are even willing to pay for our own broker to ensure legal sale for registration in Canada.

They are crazy overpriced here...cruisers that would sell for 50,000 are listed for 100,000 or even a couple at 200,000. It's a crazy world we're living in right now.

We will get there one day.

Thank you for your help Sunshine and have a great day,

Having just purchased a similar boat (2001 390) I will tell you that your 90k number is not realistic, especially in this market. Plan for 120-140 for anything you’d want, assuming it is priced somewhat based on condition.

Condition matters greatly. We purchased our 390 never seeing it, a full priced offer written by a buyer’s agent with plenty of conditions. It was good timing and a lot of trust. Thankfully I found some good people and we worked everything out. And I got a great boat!

If you do find one, plan for an additional 10k of “stuff” just to get safe and in the water. And then have all your other fees like slip costs, maintenance, improvements, budgeted for and sitting waiting to spend. Notice I did not mention fuel? It’s the least of all the costs on a boat like this.

If you are DIY you can save a lot. As I’ve learned here…when you DIY tools and parts are free! Marina help is expensive but sometimes the best option for advanced stuff.

In this market if you aren’t familiar with what things are selling for and can’t gauge conditions from hopefully current pictures and data, you will have a tough time buying a boat. I studied this site for years and was watching the market for years to gain this knowledge.

If you wait to go see it, 5 of us will have written offers and the boat will be gone. It’s not ideal, but how it is right now. I wanted to go boating, and I was willing to pay extra to get what I wanted in this market. Some may say crazy, if so, then im happy to be crazy!

In our case we got lucky and got the offer accepted. The rest of the shoppers here called the day after me and got on the wait list haha! The selling broker literally said he got 5 calls a week for the boat because the boating sites lag and don’t take ads down.

Post what you find here and we can help. I learned a ton here and still do daily! IMG_2679.jpg
Having just purchased a similar boat (2001 390) I will tell you that your 90k number is not realistic, especially in this market. Plan for 120-140 for anything you’d want, assuming it is priced somewhat based on condition.

Condition matters greatly. We purchased our 390 never seeing it, a full priced offer written by a buyer’s agent with plenty of conditions. It was good timing and a lot of trust. Thankfully I found some good people and we worked everything out. And I got a great boat!

If you do find one, plan for an additional 10k of “stuff” just to get safe and in the water. And then have all your other fees like slip costs, maintenance, improvements, budgeted for and sitting waiting to spend. Notice I did not mention fuel? It’s the least of all the costs on a boat like this.

If you are DIY you can save a lot. As I’ve learned here…when you DIY tools and parts are free! Marina help is expensive but sometimes the best option for advanced stuff.

In this market if you aren’t familiar with what things are selling for and can’t gauge conditions from hopefully current pictures and data, you will have a tough time buying a boat. I studied this site for years and was watching the market for years to gain this knowledge.

If you wait to go see it, 5 of us will have written offers and the boat will be gone. It’s not ideal, but how it is right now. I wanted to go boating, and I was willing to pay extra to get what I wanted in this market. Some may say crazy, if so, then im happy to be crazy!

In our case we got lucky and got the offer accepted. The rest of the shoppers here called the day after me and got on the wait list haha! The selling broker literally said he got 5 calls a week for the boat because the boating sites lag and don’t take ads down.

Post what you find here and we can help. I learned a ton here and still do daily!View attachment 118393

Thank you for sharing your expertise and sound advise, we appreciate any and all comments and suggestions.

We know that boating is a very expense hobby and truly miss our small Rinker. Hubby talked me into a bigger boat, and we sold ours thinking we could replace it in no time at all. How wrong we were!

We have had an offer accepted on a Carver 3607 Aft Cabin only to find at survey that one of the engines had water in it rather than fuel, and we walked away from that quickly. Outdoor storing in winter in Canada means freezing and thawing and didn’t want to risk rebuild issues or the expense of buying a new engine. You can’t replace just one!

This will probably be our last boat and we want to check off all the bucket list for both of us and the Mainship seems to do that.

I am hoping that all the people with no experience that bought last spring and summer in a frenzy are going to realize the cost of maintenance and storage and walk away. So there may be a couple up for sale this fall before winter storage time.

I have faith that I will get my dream boat one day!

Appreciate your help Sunshine. Have a great day,


There's a lot of folks out there that feel this market will change, and I'm one of them. Prices may not go down much but I'll be they will... but the market will soften. It's a matter of when and how much.

History will repeat itself... always does. This market of things going up several percent points per month just is NOT sustainable. There will be an adjustment.

But, do you have the time to wait? And that's something to consider.

And, yes, right now you'd be lucky to get in below $100k. However, keep searching... put feelers out. I've found boats on Craigslist, thru friends, thru boating associations and others, and often not listed.

As mentioned, condition is very important... suspect you don't want a "project". And, you're right, the Mainship is an excellent value, having had two of them.

I'll PM you if I come across one.
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Have you looked at the 390 in boats for sale???
Hi Mia -

In case you didn't see it, this is the post Bacchus is referencing: https://www.trawlerforum.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1010293&postcount=1

For what it's worth... after a great deal of research the owners feel they have priced their boat fairly for it's condition and the current market. We floated this out there for them in advance of a formal listing and the response has been quite something.

Best of luck in your hunt!
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There's a lot of folks out there that feel this market will change, and I'm one of them. Prices may not go down much but I'll be they will... but the market will soften. It's a matter of when and how much.

History will repeat itself... always does. This market of things going up several percent points per month just is NOT sustainable. There will be an adjustment.

But, do you have the time to wait? And that's something to consider.

And, yes, right now you'd be lucky to get in below $100k. However, keep searching... put feelers out. I've found boats on Craigslist, thru friends, thru boating associations and others, and often not listed.

As mentioned, condition is very important... suspect you don't want a "project". And, you're right, the Mainship is an excellent value, having had two of them.

I'll PM you if I come across one.

I am pleasantly pleased with the support and experience everyone is willing to share and offers to help. it is heartwarming to know that the human aspect still exists in our present conditions.

I will keep searching and not let up until I find my next baby!

Thank you very much for your help Sunshine!

Have a good one,

All great points.

I’d highly recommend an experienced buyer’s broker as well.

In our case it solidified the deal quickly. You will probably know more about the boat than your broker, but in my case I valued the experience of the broker with all the deal and negotiating and sale process stuff. My broker was part of a larger company and they had all the processes down and the admin help to track down titles and make sure paperwork was in order.

Everything was flawless, even through a few things we had to have corrected on the boat popped up, everyone worked together to get things resolved.

Best of luck! Read, read , read this forum, feel free to post things you find and we will all help when we can. Great bunch of folks here. Why I fly the TF burgee.
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Hi Mia -

In case you didn't see it, this is the post Bacchus is referencing: https://www.trawlerforum.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1010293&postcount=1

For what it's worth... after a great deal of research the owners feel they have priced their boat fairly for it's condition and the current market. We floated this out there for them in advance of a formal listing and the response has been quite something.

Best of luck in your hunt!

Thank you, we did see it and found it a bit above our price range with the exchange rates in mind...we are pensioners after all and this all that I have managed to save up!

Have a great day,

All great points.

I’d highly recommend an experienced buyer’s broker as well.

In our case it solidified the deal quickly. You will probably know more about the boat than your broker, but in my case I valued the experience of the broker with all the deal and negotiating and sale process stuff. My broker was part of a larger company and they had all the processes down and the admin help to track down titles and make sure paperwork was in order.

Everything was flawless, even through a few things we had to have corrected on the boat popped up, everyone worked together to get things resolved.

Best of luck! Read, read , read this forum, feel free to post things you find and we will all help when we can. Great bunch of folks here. Why I fly the TF burgee.

I will do my research and I am thankful for the advise and expertise.

This is am amazing site and I am happy our broker recommended it to me.

You have all been so friendly and a great help!

Thanks again,

Mncruiser Would you mind sharing who you used as your buyer broker and cost?
The 1999 and older will be a Mainship 350. It was rebadged to a 390 in later model years. The 390 was replaced by the 34T, which deleted a second stateroom and moved the galley lower to provide a wider salon.
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