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Wanted: Whitcraft by Rockwell Houseboat - $1 (U.S.A)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 28, 2015

Looking for a Whitcraft houseboat by Rockwell Co. Preferably turn-key in good shape and not need any repairs.. Size and age immaterial as long as it's mechanically sound and seaworthy. My budget is $75,000 or less. Must be a Whitcraft or something similar to Whitcraft's hull configuration. Thank you!
Wanted: V-hulled, high freeboard houseboat


Looking for a V-hulled, high freeboard houseboat such as Whitcraft, Skipperliner, Tucker Marine, etc. or something similar. Preferably turn-key in good shape and not need any repairs. Diesel engines only. Size and age immaterial as long as it's mechanically sound and seaworthy. Thank you!
Welcome aboard. Are there actually any of those currently for sale? What years were they made?
Welcome aboard. Are there actually any of those currently for sale? What years were they made?

Thanks for the greeting. I've seen 3 Whitcrafts and 1 Skipperliner-all pretty much junk. It would be nice to have a large clearinghouse instead of using a broker. Age born around late 60's for the Whitcraft. I don't know about Skipperliner...
Realizing this is a trawler website, I PM'd the moderator (who graciously welcomed me to the forum), explaining that I couldn't get approval to post in "Houseboat Forum". So, you older members, please don't get upset for my request for a houseboat here! I just don't know where else to turn...
Mr. i. No need to apologize IMO. In spite of the 11K+ members (wow that's a big number) very few if any members, I suspect, actually own a "trawler". (Let's NOT go there again guys and gals).
The vessel you're looking for readily fits into the demographics of this site- again IMO. I wish you the best of success in your quest and don't be a stranger.
There still are many of these on the Upper Misissippi. Although they becoming more rare. You might focus your search from the Twin Cities south to about Burlington Iowa. You are probably more likely to find one away from the larger cities. There is a free sales oriented magazine centered around the river called the Scuttlebutt. It has a good representation of the marina/dealers as well as a some private ads. I think it is published in or near the Twin Cities. I seem to remember they had steel hulls although I think some were aluminum. Finding diesel power may be a challenge.
Thanks Cap'n! I'll try seeing if I can find that mag online. I was thinking if I cud find 1 cheap enuf I'd have it converted to diesel. Any opinions on alum, steel or fiber as the best to hold up to seawater?
Realizing this is a trawler website, I PM'd the moderator (who graciously welcomed me to the forum), explaining that I couldn't get approval to post in "Houseboat Forum". So, you older members, please don't get upset for my request for a houseboat here! I just don't know where else to turn...

No one is going to get upset. Well, most no one anyway. :) We ourselves struggle regularly with just what a "trawler" is, so throwing a houseboat into the mixture just makes the stew a little more spicy.
The Whitcraft and Tucker boats that I have seen appeared to be saltier than typical notions of a houseboat. They have formed bows, higher freeboard, strictly inboard power, etc. Shallow draft, admittedly, flat deadrise and rather exposed running gear. Crossing the Stream or a Great Lake on a breezy day might be a little overambitious, but you could probably go lots of places if you can take enough time to pick your weather.

FWIW, last year a Whitcraft lingered for months for sale on Craig's List here in Jacksonville, FL. Nice interior, but the engines had been removed - it was used as a floating business office at a marina. The asking price kept ticking down, though very gradually. Soon after it hit $10K OBO, the ad disappeared from CL.

A year or so before that, a nice-looking Tucker was for sale at the Acosta Creek marina, about forty miles upriver from here. It remained on the market for quite a while at a price of around $85K, as I recall. The seller eventually reported that it been bought and returned on its own bottom to Cincinnati, where those predominantly aluminum boats were built by a commercial towboat yard. That example had twin six-cylinder Perkins diesels with V-drives.
The Whitcraft and Tucker boats that I have seen appeared to be saltier than typical notions of a houseboat. They have formed bows, higher freeboard, strictly inboard power, etc. Shallow draft, admittedly, flat deadrise and rather exposed running gear. Crossing the Stream or a Great Lake on a breezy day might be a little overambitious, but you could probably go lots of places if you can take enough time to pick your weather.

Interesting. I had never heard the name before this thread, but googled some and saw some nice photos. Not a bad looking boat! I've seen the Stream flat calm before, so yeah, one could make it over to the Bahamas so long as waiting for weather is not a problem.
A vessel similar in design and concept was the 43' Pearson Portsmouth "coastal cruiser," initially built by Pearson Yachts in the early to mid 1970s, and revived briefly during the early 1980s. Typically powered with twin V-drives, either gas or diesel (the standard diesel was the ubiquitous Perkins 6-354). Lots of space and accommodations, reportedly not bad build quality. But again, exposed running gear hanging down off a relatively flat bottomed hull prone to pound in a seaway. A nice high formed bow looks seaworthy, but the almost alarmingly low freeboard aft kind of cancels that impression.
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