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For Sale: SOLD Intellian i4 antenna, controller, 2 boxes - No Dome $1100

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Feb 18, 2018
Vessel Name
Crystal's Cottage
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 48AE

We just removed a Intellian i4 system from our boat. The system was working when it was removed. We are asking $1,100. plus shipping.

System includes:
1 Antenna
1 Controller
2 Set top boxes
50 ft coax cable (new)

Does not include a dome. Several are for sale on ebay.

Please PM me if interested.


Hello Jeremiah. Is this still for sale? Alan
Hi Alan,

Yes. Still for sale. Send me a PM and I'm happy to answer any questions.


The I4 will not get HD signals from Direct TV service. For HD you will need a DishTV RV account. That's what we have and the system works well including changing locals when having moved to another market.
Or you can get an intellian s6hd
The I4 will not get HD signals from Direct TV service. For HD you will need a DishTV RV account. That's what we have and the system works well including changing locals when having moved to another market.
Yes, of course. The least expensive S6HD I could find on-line was over $7,300. This Intellian I4 is only $1,100 plus the cost of a new dome, less than $400. Even brand new an Intellian I4 can be had for $3,600. Plus, with a Dish RV account local stations can be tuned in as one travels to a new market through an app which takes no more than five minutes to do so. Also, the RV account allows for the suspension of service at will. With Direct TV, to get local stations, that is, the common network stations, one has to use a New York address which will get one only New York City stations everywhere one travels. Why, oh why, anyone would choose Direct TV for boat television is beyond me. The KVH unit capable of receiving HD signals is over $12,000. Oh, and the cost of the channel packages of both are very close in price.
Or you can get an intellian s6hd
Lowering price to $800. Please PM me if interested.

Happy New Year!
I will take it. Will PM with my mobile to discuss.
This item is sold. Have a happy new year everyone.

Yes, of course. The least expensive S6HD I could find on-line was over $7,300. This Intellian I4 is only $1,100 plus the cost of a new dome, less than $400. Even brand new an Intellian I4 can be had for $3,600. Plus, with a Dish RV account local stations can be tuned in as one travels to a new market through an app which takes no more than five minutes to do so. Also, the RV account allows for the suspension of service at will. With Direct TV, to get local stations, that is, the common network stations, one has to use a New York address which will get one only New York City stations everywhere one travels. Why, oh why, anyone would choose Direct TV for boat television is beyond me. The KVH unit capable of receiving HD signals is over $12,000. Oh, and the cost of the channel packages of both are very close in price.

That is not true. I get local channels. Directv has changed their policy regarding this feature over the last few years.
I have directv at home and we use it there, plus we have the NFL Sunday ticket you cant get on dish. I am charged monthly as if the receiver is in another room at my house.. /For our boat , Directv is just a better service than Dish overall. Some people shop at kmart , some like costco.
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I've had both Dish and Direct. Couldn't discern any difference. With Direct, can you change locals when you move your boat to a new service area? I don't care about NFL.
That is not true. I get local channels. Directv has changed their policy regarding this feature over the last few years.
I have directv at home and we use it there, plus we have the NFL Sunday ticket you cant get on dish. I am charged monthly as if the receiver is in another room at my house.. /For our boat , Directv is just a better service than Dish overall. Some people shop at kmart , some like costco.
Another point, the reason you are getting locals is because you have a land-based account and bring a receiver aboard from home. I bet you can't get your locals away from your home market. For boaters who do not have Direct TV service at home, Direct is one large pain when it comes to getting local service. Dish, with an RV account is painless, can be paused at will, and changing locals to a new market takes five minutes with an app.
That is not true. I get local channels. Directv has changed their policy regarding this feature over the last few years.
I have directv at home and we use it there, plus we have the NFL Sunday ticket you cant get on dish. I am charged monthly as if the receiver is in another room at my house.. /For our boat , Directv is just a better service than Dish overall. Some people shop at kmart , some like costco.
DirectTV and Dish are on borrowed time. Everything is moving to streaming. In the next few years Starlink will have a marine antenna and we will stream the internet to the boat from anywhere in the world.

I just hope Intellian comes up with an upgrade for the I series antenna to pick up Starlink otherwise I will need to buy another $4,000 antenna.
DirectTV/DISH on borrowed time due to Starlink

I don't think the Starlink economics and technology will quickly support a push to mobile broadband streaming of video. Perhaps over the next 10 years but I feel pretty comfortable that the Intellian/KVH solutions will be the primary method for boats to receive TV for at least the next 5 years.
Near shore perhaps 5G cellular in the low/mid band frequencies (no millimeter 5G due to limited propogation) will be a viable alternative but that depends upon whether the carriers decide to offer this at attractive prices.

I have been in technology since 1980 and have been wrong as many times (or more?) as I have been right. I kind of gave up on the crystal ball when it comes to technology. Warren Buffett at one time (circa 1990) was asked why he did not invest in much technology. His response was along the lines of "Because it is too damn tough to tell the winners from the loosers".

As has been proven time and again it is really difficult to project in advance which technology/company will grab the largest market share. I can recall that the cable companies were going to kill over the air TV and then it was fiber optics from the carriers that was the cable killers. So far their seems to be enough room in the market to support all of these but watching what happens over the next 5 years will be a lot of fun!
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