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For Sale: Sold-1977 Albin 25 pocket trawler for sale, “best in the US!”

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Jan 21, 2019
1977 Albin 25 “de Luxe” trailer trawler In completely restored and updated condition.
Built in Sweden on the general framework of a sturdy lifeboat, solid fiberglass semi displacement hull cruises at 7 kn sipping 1/2 gallon of diesel per hour. Two separate cabins, aft small with two bunks extending under the cockpit seats, fore cabin with full 6‘1“ headroom, custom galley, queen-size birth, large hanging closet, and built in refrigeration. Designed for a couple or young family to cruise the fjords of Scandinavia. Perfect for exploring coastal US/Canada, the Great Circle Route, cruising to Cuba or any other adventure. Great size for a cruising couple with room for children/friends.

2012: I bought hull #2742 as a stalled project in Connecticut. Purchase price $1000 which I recouped by selling the bits and pieces of original equipment all over the world to follow Albineers. Told my wife with a straight face that it was a “free boat”.
2013-2015: Hull and engine work by Ellis Boat Yard in Southwest Harbor Maine. Fiberglass completely restored. New hull barrier paint. New gel coat. New nonskid. New 36 hp beta marine diesel driving 17 X 13 X3RH prop on 1 1/4 inch shaft
2015-17: interior and final assembly by professional woodworker/wooden boat enthusiast in Seacoast New Hampshire.

Final result: completely new boat inside and out. Only original parts retained are the bow rail and windshield!
I’m 6 foot one so the small head went and we use a porta potty in the aft cabin. All new: 12 V refrigeration, auto pilot, custom cabinetry, pressurized hot and cold water, 100 W solar panel, 50 gal fresh water stored in 3 flexible tanks, 23 gallon diesel tankage, shower sump, manual and automatic bilge pumps, forced hot air heat for cockpit and cabin, 2 overhead cabin hatches, opening cabin and cockpit ports, dimmable LEF red and white cockpit lighting, custom berth cushions with custom fitted sheets, windlass, Ronka anchor with 40 foot chain and 150 foot rope rode, Garmin GPS, swim platform with boarding ladder, etc...

Included is a 2013 custom galvanized trailer with top of the line electric/hydraulic disc brakes. The
Boat is very easy to transport, the weight of the boat and trailer fully loaded is 7500 pounds. In Fall of 2018 I trailered it to New York and cruised the Hudson river and Erie canal. In December 2018, I trailered it to Sarasota Florida and cruised down the intercoastal Waterway to the Everglades.

Unfortunately, my first mate has developed a severe health problem that prevents her from enjoying the boat anymore and I must devote my time to her care.

I’m looking for someone to take over my nautical obsession and make it their own. Asking price of $29,500 is less than 1/3 of total invested.The boat is parked in a storage lot in Sarasota, Florida on its trailer. I can deliver to any location on eastern seacoast. The tow vehicle is for sale separately if desired, a low mileage excellent condition 2012 Ford F1 50 4 x 4 with max towing package.

Check out this link for pictures:https://photos.app.goo.gl/eEUzxBUhJNuTvMkA8

Please email me at aweeks@ehr.org

Andy Weeks 2/20/2019
Wow. What a job you and your professional restorers did with the refit! The pictures tell the story of a beloved Albin returned to bristol condition.

My sympathy to you Andy, that your first mate has fallen ill. I hope you are able to find a buyer here soon.
I'm very sorry to hear that you and your first mate won't be able to enjoy this beautiful little boat.

I enjoyed looking at the pictures showing the work done to your boat.

This restoration looks like a labor of love.

I hope you find some one who appreciates the boat as much as you have.

1977 Albin 25 “de Luxe” trailer trawler In completely restored and updated condition.
Built in Sweden on the general framework of a sturdy lifeboat, solid fiberglass semi displacement hull cruises at 7 kn sipping 1/2 gallon of diesel per hour. Two separate cabins, aft small with two bunks extending under the cockpit seats, fore cabin with full 6‘1“ headroom, custom galley, queen-size birth, large hanging closet, and built in refrigeration. Designed for a couple or young family to cruise the fjords of Scandinavia. Perfect for exploring coastal US/Canada, the Great Circle Route, cruising to Cuba or any other adventure. Great size for a cruising couple with room for children/friends.

2012: I bought hull #2742 as a stalled project in Connecticut. Purchase price $1000 which I recouped by selling the bits and pieces of original equipment all over the world to follow Albineers. Told my wife with a straight face that it was a “free boat”.
2013-2015: Hull and engine work by Ellis Boat Yard in Southwest Harbor Maine. Fiberglass completely restored. New hull barrier paint. New gel coat. New nonskid. New 36 hp beta marine diesel driving 17 X 13 X3RH prop on 1 1/4 inch shaft
2015-17: interior and final assembly by professional woodworker/wooden boat enthusiast in Seacoast New Hampshire.

Final result: completely new boat inside and out. Only original parts retained are the bow rail and windshield!
I’m 6 foot one so the small head went and we use a porta potty in the aft cabin. All new: 12 V refrigeration, auto pilot, custom cabinetry, pressurized hot and cold water, 100 W solar panel, 50 gal fresh water stored in 3 flexible tanks, 23 gallon diesel tankage, shower sump, manual and automatic bilge pumps, forced hot air heat for cockpit and cabin, 2 overhead cabin hatches, opening cabin and cockpit ports, dimmable LEF red and white cockpit lighting, custom berth cushions with custom fitted sheets, windlass, Ronka anchor with 40 foot chain and 150 foot rope rode, Garmin GPS, swim platform with boarding ladder, etc...

Included is a 2013 custom galvanized trailer with top of the line electric/hydraulic disc brakes. The
Boat is very easy to transport, the weight of the boat and trailer fully loaded is 7500 pounds. In Fall of 2018 I trailered it to New York and cruised the Hudson river and Erie canal. In December 2018, I trailered it to Sarasota Florida and cruised down the intercoastal Waterway to the Everglades.

Unfortunately, my first mate has developed a severe health problem that prevents her from enjoying the boat anymore and I must devote my time to her care.

I’m looking for someone to take over my nautical obsession and make it their own. Asking price of $29,500 is less than 1/3 of total invested.The boat is parked in a storage lot in Sarasota, Florida on its trailer. I can deliver to any location on eastern seacoast. The tow vehicle is for sale separately if desired, a low mileage excellent condition 2012 Ford F1 50 4 x 4 with max towing package.

Check out this link for pictures:https://photos.app.goo.gl/eEUzxBUhJNuTvMkA8

Please email me at aweeks@ehr.org

Andy Weeks 2/20/2019

Hi Andy, terrific boat !!
In pic no.20 (of prop shaft) what is that big fat silver thing connected to what looks like a wet exhaust pipe with the blue stripe ?
Is it a water trap or some kind of muffler. Reason I ask is I have neither on my boat and considering some method of quietening my boat. Gets a bit on my nerves on the long trips - 5 hours plus.
Regards Brett
This looks like a perfect rig for the sea of cortez in mexico. I wonder if I could pay someone to haul it for me??
That is one of the nicest Albin 25s I have seen. Try posting on the Albineers of BC forum. For Sale - Albineers of BC someone might drive south to buy her.

I know a couple who liveaboard their albin 25 and trailer the boat to sea of cortez in winter.
Andy, looks beautiful....tell me about the head situation...I am very interested but as a weekend cruiser and taking folks out on her, I think a head is a requirement...can we put the head back in the original location or is it not possible...
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