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Sold-1974 Marine Trader 34 Dual Cabin

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Jul 19, 2017
Asking $23,900, open to reasonable offers.

I have been renovating this boat to make it seaworthy and have greatly enjoyed the process. All mechanical systems have been rebuilt or restored. Boat is completely functional and can be cruised today. A complete log, from 2016 thru current, will convey with receipts for all work done and materials used. Also, hundreds of pictures documenting the work done.

Starting in August 2016, Engine room was gutted, cleaned and painted. New Mueller plastic fuel tanks installed. Ford Lehman 120HP was rebuilt and reinstalled. Northern Lights M643 genset was rebuilt and reinstalled. Mechanical steering was upgraded to Hynautic hydraulic system, new rudder has been installed. Sanitation systems rebuilt and holding tank added. Air conditioning system installed. New batteries, battery wiring, battery charger have been installed. New shaft log installed. And many other mechanical system improvements. Boat has Garmin 740 GPS with 2 stations, and Garmin depth finder. Handheld VHF, Propane control system, stereo system, TV/DVD in Salon.

Current main engine hours are 2524 and was rebuilt at 2259. Current genset hours are 3211 and was rebuilt at 3022. Boat will continue to be used, so actual hours will be higher.

Fuel capacity 104 gallons.
Water capacity, estimated 120 gallons.
Holding tank capacity, 13 gallons.

Structural and cosmetic, the hull sides and top sides were repainted with Brightside. Aft cabin sliding hatch/cabin top replaced. New headliner panels and teak trim installed in aft cabin. New swim platform installed, new cap rail on the fwd port side installed. New Sampson's post fabricated and installed.

Remaining items needing attention. The decks have several soft spots. I have not addressed these, therefore the decks were not painted. I have a windlass that has not been installed.

Please feel free to ask additional questions, jwagner@servicetoday-inc.com

Josh 20190920_190009.jpeg20190920_190513.jpeg20190920_195316.jpeg20190920_194234.jpeg20190920_195712.jpeg20190920_195853.jpegIMG_20161029_114714507.jpg1904.jpeg20190920_194926.jpeg20190920_194509.jpeg20190920_193234.jpeg
Sorry, I forgot to list the location. The boat is located on a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, Choptank River in Trappe Md.
Hey there do you have any pictures of the boat and how much are you asking for it
I sold my 1973 MT34 two years ago for a comparable price. With your engine and genset rebuilds, new tanks, steering and other upgrades, I’m guessing this one won’t last long unless there’s a serious issue with the decks.
Curious why you’re selling after putting that much $$/effort.
How long ago did you repaint with Brightside and how is it holding up?
Sorry for the delay answering. Brightside was done fall-winter of 2016. Matterhorn White is holding up well, everything was primed first with a 2-part epoxy, Interprotect 2000e. The red boot stripe did not adhere well at the boot strip (starting to peel in some locations) and will be redone this spring. The same red seems fine at the cove stripe, so I assume some water intrusion between the layers. Overall I would reccomend based on my experience at this point.
Update, reduced asking price to $18,000. Fresh bottom paint and zinc, exterior teak has been cleaned and oiled in May. Boat is in the water and ready for sea trails, come take a look. Currently located in Trappe, Maryland at Ferry Point Marina. Slip is paid thru November 2020 and is included. Updated pictures coming soon.
Boat has sold, congratulations to the new owner.

Thanks for all interest.
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