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For Sale: New John Deere 4045 Diesel Engine (Non Marinized)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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May 9, 2014
Hello everyone, I have a new (never used) John Deere 4045 turbo engine which was purchased for $14,000 and didn't fit the application we had. Its been sitting in the shop for a bit and its time to part with it. If interested please let me know, I can post pictures of it in the morning. Looking to get $9,500 obo. Thank You
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Which HP? Configured for keel cooling or heat-exchanger?
SO it's an Industrial motor ?

Photos please ? Is it still on a shipping pallet ? Thanks, Cadillac (772) 285-2266
It is still on the pallet, comes with the engine box setup


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After 40 years with the company, as of today. I retired in 09 but have been consulting for the past 5 years excluding a month off for retirement. I have never seen a blue Deere engine. Based on the leaping Deere logo I would say this is an early 2000, 2001 or 2002 model. In 2002 (I think) the company changed the Deere logo to a two legged deer with it's front leg aiming up. My guess is this was an engine sold to a OEM manufacturer of pumps or generators with a blue color scheme. I don't mean this to be taken as it is not a good value for someone capable of doing the marinization. This would make a phenomenal trawler engine at the price with the conversion. If someone were truly interested in it I could probably date it from the serial number.
I just checked and must admit to a bit of memory lapse. Deere changed from the trademark logo shown in the picture in 2000.
Thank You Capn Craig for the information, I was wondering why it was blue as well. All the engines ive came across were green or tan.
I don't mean this to be taken as it is not a good value for someone capable of doing the marinization.

Do as the commercial operators do and use a keel cooler with a dry stack exhaust , and no marinization is needed.

This with a rebuilt Twin Disc would be a good way to travel for someone that can use the HP.
A diesel that has sat unused for 15 years hardly seems like a good deal. O rings, cylinder rings, seals, crank bearing surfaces, piston rings etc all can go bad with time unless the engine was pickled to JD specs. Let alone the on engine filter turning to mush and plugging the downstream fuel systems.

One good thing is if pickled right it has been stored in AZ low humidity.
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Your right about it being older and being an engine that has been sitting for a while, it could possibly have issues with rings and bearings like every other engine out there. It hasn't been started except by the factory when it was tested and sold. I'm not trying to get rich off the motor as i'm just trying to find somebody that would put it to good use and get a fraction of the money back that was spent on it. A rebuilt motor of the same model that uses a 20 yr old block goes for over $8,000 and that's usually just a long block without the starter, turbo, radiator, etc. John Deere engines are very sturdy, parts are readily available and reasonably priced. An in-frame overhaul kit which would replace most of those questionable parts can be purchased for around $900. Most new 4045tf model diesel engines made by John Deere go for well over $15,000.

Id be willing to take less just for the doubts on the condition of the seals, bearings, etc. Enough to by a rebuild kit if necessary and have a fresh, NEW engine...not an old used block with a few fresh parts.

Id take $8,000 just to make room for possible issues
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