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Other: A New Boating Publication Is Born

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Capn Chuck

Jan 20, 2009
We are very excited to share our news with all of our friends. Susan and I have worked hard the last year compiling and completing our first book, after many years of research. The Great Book Of Anchorages is an anchorage guide that covers Hampton Roads to Key West and includes the St. Johns River. This is a brand new format unlike any other currently published. It's not another cruising guide, but strictly an anchorage guide. This will be the first of 6 publications we plan to finish in the near future. We leave in December for the Bahamas to research that area. We're currently working on the books website and hope to have it up and running in about a week. The book can be purchased through the new website when it's finished. For details, visit our Facebook link:

This is the first in a series of books so stay tuned! Susan and Chuck
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Nice job Chuck! If you're book is as good as your blog, I am sure you will have a lot of success with it. I'll be standing in line to buy your Northwest Puget Sound and British Columbia version after the Bahamas. HAHA.

BTW, your blog was very helpful with your detailed info on oil changes etc..... thank you for the time you spent to post that.

Good Luck guys!
Well thank you. I know many of the members here are in the PNW. We have already had a few friends ask us to come and cover that area. You just never know. Chuck
I have a book here of that type. Anchorages and Marine Parks by Peter Vass.
I agree on the concept of the book. I used my i-pad w the Navamatics app for scouting anchorages while underway and not sacrificing my navigational responsibilities in front of my face.
Anyway a lot of the cruise guides are more interested in telling you about the menus of restaurants, how clean the rest rooms are and the attitudes of the dock attendants at the resorts than where to anchor, what the bottom's like and about hazards to navigation. There's a remote chance the prior may be more interesting than the latter but as an operator of a boat I'm going to need and want to know the latter.
I read the Hemmingway cruise guides mostly for the anchoring information.
Are you doing bottom observations or testing of any kind?
MB, You comments are exactly why we chose the format we are using for the book. It's pretty unique compared to others. Not sure what your asking about observations or testing. Bottom types are noted for the individual anchorages. We're not interested in any technical details, simply what the average boater like ourselves needs to know in order to determine if an anchorage will be suitable for their purposes. Chuck
In addition, a lot of hazzards might not be there next week, next month or next year. And new ones might be there that popped up after going to press. Charts should show the more permanent ones though, or we hope so.
Congrats on your new publication Chuck. I'll take a copy, since my Admiral and I will likely be exploring the ICW this next year in precisely the same areas your book covers.
Thanks. I'll post here as soon as the website is live. I hope it will only be a day or two. We have a special introductory price. Chuck
Sounds like a great idea for a cruising guide. From one new start up idea to another, I hope it works out well for you!
I just realized that I said I would post when the website went live. Well it's been live for a while and the response has been fantastic. We have sold lots of books and the boaters are responding with their comments. We have photo galleries and interactive maps showing many anchorages. Users comments can be seen on the News/Updates tab. Thanks to all the TF members for your words of support. The Great Book of Anchorages . Chuck
Could you publish a sample review so we can see what is in the book? I couldn't find it on your website.

David, There are articles and information on anchoring but the majority of the book is the chartlets and anchoring information pages. On the home page there is an image of the pages and if you click on it you can see an enlarged photo. There are about 540 anchorages and free docks displayed in these pages. The home page also give a description of the contents of the book. I can answer any other questions you might have. Thanks. Chuck
Capn Chuck:

Could you post the text of those three anchorage reviews on the home page of your website. I can't read them.

Capn Chuck, your web site has dauphin island labeled Mississippi. It's actually in Alabama. That only leaves Cat island as the lone representative of Mississippi? Man if you ever make it here your going to rewrite your book.
Thanks swampu, Your correct on the photo label. I guess we were thinking Mississippi Sound, which is where it is, We have been in that area a few times, the trips are posted on our Sea Trek site. But the Gulf Coast edition of the anchorages books won't be done until the end of 2013 or the beginning of 2014 when we can get back and research it. The Bahamas will be early next year, then the Chesapeake, followed by the inland waterways of the Great Loop and then the Gulf coast. Thanks for the catch. The photo on the interactive map for the gulf coast is in the right place. Chuck
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