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Might be selling my ST44...

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Mar 7, 2017
Vessel Make
*NO brokers* I might be selling my 2015 ST44 Grey in color. She is up in the North East USA. Anyone interested, please feel free to message me directly. I had a couple unsolicited offers this past summer but was not ready to part with her at the time. Thanks.
It might be helpful to identify what an ST44 is. While owners may know what it is, perspective buyers might not.

It might be helpful to identify what an ST44 is. While owners may know what it is, perspective buyers might not.


This post is in the Beneteau Swift Trawler forum. ST44 is a beneteau swift trawler model.
Probably in excess of $50k in upgrades and tweaks to make the boat perfect:
- whole boat surge protector with remote display
- nearly 1,000 aH custom house battery bank
- battery monitor system
- custom battery charger setup
- galvanic isolator
- Engine racor overhaul, cleaned, clear bowls installed, drain valve installed, vacuum gauge installed
- Generator racor replaced with updated style to make checks, draining, replacement easier
- antennas and wired for whole boat internet system both wifi WAN and cellular
- custom exterior window shades that make a huge difference on hot days and protect the interior from UV, also act as bug screen
- all exterior covers are new IIRC
- updated dinghy lift
- custom new latex mattress with custom fillers that makes the bed almost bigger than a king size
- bottom paint recently done
- Propane oven and stove top which is awesome
- TV in salon
- TV mount in master stateroom (i can provide a TV if desired)
- Dedicated winter heating electrical circuits for space heaters and engine room heaters
- Exterior outlets that work off inverter
- Outlets/wiring for security cameras
- Flybridge LED lighting
- Inverter
- Toilets all just overhauled
- HVAC units cleaned/overhauled
- Extra HVAC unit in salon
- New ice maker
- New bimini
- Reinforced bimini framing
- Custom bimini cover
- Window defogging system
- LED anchor lights
- Custom water filtration system for drinking water and ice maker
- Thousands of dollars of spare parts/fluids
- Grill on fly bridge overhauled (Kenyon was having major issues with all their grills)
- All electronics have been updated to latest software (some had to be sent in to Raymarine as end user cannot do on own, such as AIS, VHF, etc)
- Hailer/auto fog horn
- Custom radar mount to fix the radar being pointed up too much (issue on all ST44)
- smoke and CO detectors throughout
- fire extinguishers throughout
- Probably a dozen other issues fixed that are pretty much issues all ST44 such as leaking rudder shaft seals, VHF interference issues, HVAC drainage issues, water sump vent issues, water fill hose issues, cockpit speakers replaced, etc
- All maintenance up-to-date even the tricky stuff that lots of people skip (dripless seals, coolant flush, etc)
- Boat runs very well, we average 20 knot cruise at 1mpg.

Available for additional:
- Custom dog steps to fly bridge (carbon fiber, lightweight that sits right on top of normal steps)
- AB 9 UL Dinghy with 6HP Yamaha
- Awesome mooring/anchor package (or will put the original back on - 300 ft chain, huge Mantus anchor, bridle, snubber, chain hook, etc)
- Satellite weather hardware available, I never screwed in the antenna but it works, can be installed in <5 minutes
- probably some other stuff that I am forgetting
Why not put up a normal ad on yachtworld or a similar site? Need pictures, hours, asking price and other details. A 10 sec search shows many on the market from upper $200K to almost $600K so hard to make much of a call just based on the info you listed so far.
Why not put up a normal ad on yachtworld or a similar site? Need pictures, hours, asking price and other details. A 10 sec search shows many on the market from upper $200K to almost $600K so hard to make much of a call just based on the info you listed so far.

I have not had any time to do that yet, this was just a preliminary blast hence the "might be selling", in case someone wanted to take a look before she is winterized. I received unsolicited offers over summer without lifting a finger so this was just to say I will consider selling at this time.

There has never been a ST44 for sale in the USA for $200k to my knowledge. Least expensive I see right now is $517k and my boat has dozens of upgrades, but I plan to beat that price, since I am not using a broker.

Still it's kind of a strange thing to "might be selling" w/o all the details and an asking price. I don't know how you expect serious interest if you are not serious to sell.
We're looking at battery monitor and alarm systems, do you have recommendation(s)?

Thanks, Scott & Nancy
well, yes there are price catches big difference in the US market vs Europe market where prices within the EU tax are around 24% ... I understand why you don't use a broker ...
I hate these types of ads.."Might be selling" or "just guaging interest" wreaks of "if I find someone to overpay, I'll sell it. I'm not sure if thats you or not but a proper "Boat for sale ad with pics and asking price would do a lot to help your cause..if your really trying to sell it
I hate these types of ads.."Might be selling" or "just guaging interest" wreaks of "if I find someone to overpay, I'll sell it. I'm not sure if thats you or not but a proper "Boat for sale ad with pics and asking price would do a lot to help your cause..if your really trying to sell it

Then do NOT click to enter the thread and do NOT read the thread! Sheesh!

Can you guys please stop dirtying up my thread? Its generally considered rude and poor message board etiquette to critique and post these sorts of comments on a for sale thread.

I have had some family stuff going on and could not get a proper listing together but am open to selling. I am pricing below a comparable boat that has none of the upgrades this boat has. If you call that overpricing/overpaying then that is your opinion but I think my boat would be the best value option out there. People are "overpricing and overpaying" for cars, houses, and other items, like crazy right now. Its what the market is. Look at new boat, new car, and new house prices, they are insane.
Then do NOT click to enter the thread and do NOT read the thread! Sheesh!

Can you guys please stop dirtying up my thread? Its generally considered rude and poor message board etiquette to critique and post these sorts of comments on a for sale thread.

I have had some family stuff going on and could not get a proper listing together but am open to selling. I am pricing below a comparable boat that has none of the upgrades this boat has. If you call that overpricing/overpaying then that is your opinion but I think my boat would be the best value option out there. People are "overpricing and overpaying" for cars, houses, and other items, like crazy right now. Its what the market is. Look at new boat, new car, and new house prices, they are insane.
Originating posters do not own or control threads posted on TF.
You might consider posting a Boat For Sale ad here on TF vs expecting a discussion thread to stick to selling. If you do please review the TF Classified Rules. You would need to include the boats location and an asking price.

To All
All posts need to abide by the TF Be Nice rule... OK to express differences of opinions but do it respectfully.
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Since he has listed the boat for sale I am going to close and archive this thread since it seems to be going sideways.
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