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Other: Lord Nelson Tug at Auction

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Never been on a LNVT but like most tugs style I really like the low in hull main cabin. It's like a sail boat BUT it has huge windows so you can see out.
Then with the fairly high steering position without being outside ( like on a fly bridge).I don't like being out in the sun. Or cold.or in a bag!
Great Easy access to deck from steering when docking is great. Not just being high and mighty on the fly bridge while your less enthusiastic half has all the stress with the lines etc.
Vertical or leaning FWD windows only way to go , look right and practical, sloping back....impractical just racy looking......
Central engine position so you don't have to have a fat stern to carry the engine weight.
Tugs do a lot of things well for a small package.
2 cents
Pac Mule; Your boat William was replaced with a 37 LNVT, named John Williams. If you go to the LNVT web page and look up 37 LNVT #68.

They say every boat is a compromise, but if you’re looking For a Parade Boat, the Lord Nelson is no compromise.
Pac Mule; Your boat William was replaced with a 37 LNVT, named John Williams. If you go to the LNVT web page and look up 37 LNVT #68.

Hey John good to here from you . Hope all is well . I've talked to John several times about the Lord Nelson Tug . I think he is removing the teak decks now . He's done a bunch of work on his Tug .
What's wrong with it looking like a tug?? Haha

I like the lines/look of the LN, I'd be interested in taking one on The Loop, but I'd have to take one for a spin before pulling the trigger. Everyone has their own flavor, but I believe $99k is too much. There's one for $70k in my area that's been for sale for years. I think at $99k, that will sit as well.

Salty: That 99K is listed as a “suggested bid”. Most of those suggested bids are wishful thinking.
If William was sold I'd put in some kinda bid . I've got some extra teak lumber lying around .
Salty: That 99K is listed as a “suggested bid”. Most of those suggested bids are wishful thinking.

I've never put a bid in there, do you think they would take something as low as $50k? I assume the bank has to approve it, do you think there's a ton of wiggle room in that $99k price?
Still listed with the yacht broker at $109k. The interesting thing would be to understand how it went from being listed with a YB to being up for auction.
Hard to figure value without knowing condition.
Wood belongs indoors.

As I recall there was little or no varnish on the exterior. The cap rail was painted.

However the interior is almost completly varnished. I didn’t like. It was a bit dark. Any water on the floor could be very dangerous. But it was beautiful.
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this lord nelson was surveyed and sea trialed for a formal offer this summer.
i know, because i paid for it. i was there for every minute of the boat and mechanial survey as well as sea trial. i was a very serious cash buyer. still am .
always like the LN and would still buy if the right one comes along.
the boat is in very rough shape. unfortunate such a classic has been so abused and neglected.
i could go into all the details, but the end summary should speak for itself.
in my opinion, the value given the boat by the surveyor was grossly exagerated given its condition.
regarless, after deducting the cost of replacing the engine, i offered them
an amount that didnt appeal to the bbb's (bankers, brokers, buyers).
to any one who may bid, good luck. :)
Late model

this lord nelson was surveyed and sea trialed for a formal offer this summer.
i know, because i paid for it. i was there for every minute of the boat and mechanial survey as well as sea trial. i was a very serious cash buyer. still am .
always like the LN and would still buy if the right one comes along.
the boat is in very rough shape. unfortunate such a classic has been so abused and neglected.
i could go into all the details, but the end summary should speak for itself.
in my opinion, the value given the boat by the surveyor was grossly exagerated given its condition.
regarless, after deducting the cost of replacing the engine, i offered them
an amount that didnt appeal to the bbb's (bankers, brokers, buyers).
to any one who may bid, good luck. :)

Thanks for the Imfo. One thing going for it is it's a late model . LNVT site points out many things that make it better than an early model. Sounds to me that you should be the buyer just somebody wants too much , if there's a bank involved they usually want what they are owed and don't care how long they have to wait for it. I think an interesting and attractive boat will always be a good buy shame it's on the wrong coast for me. The one thing I would like to see in a 37' boat would be a separate shower, not as high a priority 35 years ago!
Also if you read some of the blog posting on the LNVT site there are some impressive trips done in them.
Cheers Warren
Ps just noticed it's not on auction site did somebody buy it?
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Love the tug talk. My son works for Moran and absolutely loves it. Currently in New York Harbor.
If and when I can get my mmc id love to go down to the docks and hop on a tug. NYC only 30 min away from me.
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