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Loop boat wanted

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Mr. cj. Actually, speed zones on the Rideau are in kilometers per hour. 10km/hr is the standard. That is about 6 statute mph.
The first bridge from the lock at Lake Michigan is DeSable/Michigan Ave. it does have a clearance of 17’ however there are established weeks- days -times that it opens for sailboats to allow transit. In the spring, it’s twice weekly in the morning and midday for part of April and May as I recall. They have a published schedule on a Chicago bridge website.
"Actually, speed zones on the Rideau are in kilometers per hour. 10km/hr is the standard. That is about 6 statute mph."

YES! Thank you.

The speed zones are very useful as internet is delivered along with electric to many cabins and islands.

Many are unsecured so sending and receiving E mail can be done with some patience.
I have a very nice Albin 34 that would be perfect for the loop.

It is in excellent condition and I'm in St Petersburg.
727 656 0596
Lots of "perfect" boats for the loop.

The one that causes the least amount of stress is maybe the "perfect" one.
The first bridge from the lock at Lake Michigan is DeSable/Michigan Ave. it does have a clearance of 17’ however there are established weeks- days -times that it opens for sailboats to allow transit. In the spring, it’s twice weekly in the morning and midday for part of April and May as I recall. They have a published schedule on a Chicago bridge website.

There is a fixed railroad bridge with slightly less clearance further down the river that limits a Looper's air draft.

Island Gypsy 36 ready for Great Loop

This boat has had all the mechanical issues addressed. Bottom painted and ready to go. It is located in Galveston Tx. And It is ready to depart for Englewood today. Check out the listing on yacht world.. it has all the details of the rehab and updating with pictures..
My wife and I want to begin the loop in April/May 2020 leaving from south west coast of Florida-Englewood-we are looking to buy a suitable boat sometime in the fall of 2019 or early 2020 with the intention of becoming comfortable with the boat between purchase and departure. We have taken one boat to survey only to find a number of problems and in the opinion of the survey person we simply were going to pay too much for the boat. There was no negotiation with the seller so we walked away reluctantly . We really want a boat and was wondering if any of you out there might be finishing your loop sometime in the fall and might be interested in selling your pride and joy. Our budget tops at 60k. Would be very interested in talking to anyone out there whose plan might mesh with ours. Thanks cliff

I do not know if your projects have materialized but I allow myself to send you a link concerning my trawler that I put on sale a few weeks ago.
My boat has been totally renovated and is ready to make a new Great Loop!
Comming to tampa

My island Gypsy 36 is in the process of being relocated to Tampa . She has left Galveston. She is presently in Port Fourchon Louisiana and is projected to arrive in Tampa some time next week. Ill post when it is here in Tampa.
My boat is supposed to be a great looper and is available?
! A 1972 Gulfstar 36, I’m only the 3rd owner, the last people lived aboard for 17 years! She only has 6554.5 hours on twin Lehman diesels. If you have further interest please email me coastaloverstock@gmail.com
If it were my choice I'd take the Gulfstar.
Look on Yachtworld. I have an Atlantic 30 that has done the loop. It is the right size for this trip. United Yacht brokers has the listing.

Don Knight
Loop boat

Hello CBOUCH. I am putting up the Amanda Rene up for sale in a week or so. She is a 1999 Mainship 350 trawler with 3000 hours. I have owned the boat for 2 years. She was a one owner boat before me. I bought her with 2500 hours on her. We brought her to Key West for the winter and then back to NJ. She is in the water now. I can send the survey that was done when I bought her. She has twin 4cyl Yanmar diesels. If interested, give me a shout back and we can discuss further. She has done the loop with the previous owner and gone to the Bahamas.
Thanks bought a boat do not know how to get this one off .
Hey Cliff,

let us know, what you are a new owner of? How was your experience buying a used boat?

Best :thumb:

Loop Boat

My wife and I want to begin the loop in April/May 2020 leaving from south west coast of Florida-Englewood-we are looking to buy a suitable boat sometime in the fall of 2019 or early 2020 with the intention of becoming comfortable with the boat between purchase and departure. We have taken one boat to survey only to find a number of problems and in the opinion of the survey person we simply were going to pay too much for the boat. There was no negotiation with the seller so we walked away reluctantly . We really want a boat and was wondering if any of you out there might be finishing your loop sometime in the fall and might be interested in selling your pride and joy. Our budget tops at 60k. Would be very interested in talking to anyone out there whose plan might mesh with ours. Thanks cliff

I have just listed the perfect loop boat if you are still looking. It is an Atlantic 30 in great shape. It is on the Trawler forum.
USCHI is for sale TURNKEY...1976 Gulfstar MK II see it on vayachts.com our yacht world...you won’t be disappointed
Link above was redirected to Dominion Yachts. . . .couldn't find USCHI. Help?
USCHI on yachtworld..43 Gulfstar trawler
We're just putting our 1990 Albin 32+2 for sale. Lots of upgrades. 300hp turbo charged Cummins diesel. Totally rebuilt in 2006 only 1400 hrs. Custom dingy davits, bow thruster, mosquito netting, shade curtains. New canvas in 2016. Double anchors each with 70' of chain and 150' of rode. Two 100 watt solar panels. Plus many other upgrades. Maintenance log of all work done. $54,900
I gave a 36 ft albin for sale perfect for a loop contact me for more info Asking 39,900
Kevin Guilfoyle
Oriental nc
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I have a 1983 36 ft albin for sake check it out on yacht world
Kevin Guilfoyle
Oriental nc
Cliff, several beautiful loop boats have been offered and presented to you and your wife. Are you considering any of these or rejecting them for consideration?.... Just curious how your search is going?
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