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Can't find the boat that I want

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Mar 16, 2020
United States
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Meridian 368
We're getting ready to make the move from lake to ocean and looking for our next boat. I'm not finding the configuration that I want. Maybe it doesn't exist. If could find a model of boat that meets my needs, I can keep an eye out for the right deal. Right now, I'm not finding even one model of boat that checks all of the important boxes. Here's what I'd like and appreciate any ideas:

Trawler but with a full beam aft cabin. This is a must and seems rare. The DeFever 49 CMY is an example but doesn't meet other criteria.

A hard top over the cockpit where I can store the dinghy. Also seems somewhat rare. I don't want the dinghy on the swim platform or taking up the cockpit. Too much in the way.

Decent size cockpit for entertaining, at least comfortably fitting 4 chairs and a table. No built in benches that have me looking at the boat instead of out towards the water. A flat bow that would accommodate a couple of chairs from time to time would be a plus.

A nice forward queen berth (not split) with an ensuite head with a shower enclosure. Can double as the day head. The DeFever doesn't meet these criteria. We anticipate having regular guests and want them to be comfortable.

Canvas bridge enclosure. Could add this.

At least a bow thruster. Could add this.

Twin engine diesel.

Up to 50 feet. 2005 or newer. Up to $420K. Some flexibility in these for the right boat.

Tell me, am I dreaming or does this configuration exist? We're not in a big hurry. So willing to search and wait for the right boat.
It is very common actually, save for the queen bed in the bow, but there are those too. A V berth with a filler gets that job done fine, having been the guest in a set up like that. What you refer to as a cockpit will be a sundeck or aft deck on most aft cabin boats with roof top dinghy storage, and for most people becomes the most used "room" on the boat.
Stop looking for a "brand" boats. Go to advanced search and search for your preferences.

I've owned three boats and each were custom one-offs by well known builders.
I call them orphan boats because no one knows what they are..

These boats often sell for considerably less than "brand" boats because they have no marketing or general market knowledge behind them. All three of mine have been absolute winners and far better built than even the very high end brands..

PS. After surveying thousands of boats (other than my own) I've only seen three that were truly impressive and I could find absolutely nothing wrong ... all three were home built.
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I saw some aft cabin boats in our search but it seemed to come at the cost of the rear deck .We did want the full width salon so that space goes out to the stern making it all feel larger.
Boatpoker which brokerage site has the type of search function you suggest? I agree that one offs amy be a great opportunity.
Tell me, am I dreaming or does this configuration exist? We're not in a big hurry. So willing to search and wait for the right boat.

You might have a look at the Powerboat Guide, Broker's Edition. Softcopy is keyword searchable.

Every boat in the free world isn't in there, but you might get some ideas...

Trawler but with a full beam aft cabin. This is a must and seems rare.

Decent size cockpit for entertaining, at least comfortably fitting 4 chairs and a table.

Not a lot of cockpit's on Aft Cabin's. Carver makes one, but I wouldn't call it a 'trawler' and it's certainly not large enough for table and chairs. I wouldn't call the aft deck (above the aft cabin) a cockpit. We may be dealing with a semantics's issue here.

Hatteras Motor Yachts fits most of your list, again with the exception of it being considered a 'trawler' and the aft deck, not being at water level.
This gets most of the boxes but master suite is not forward.

The OP's punch list includes 'Aft Cabin'. I've never seen a Master Suite forward in an an Aft Cabin Boat.
Is there a specific reason that you want the master aft rather than full beam mid-ships, they are certainly much quieter?
The OP's punch list includes 'Aft Cabin'. I've never seen a Master Suite forward in an an Aft Cabin Boat.

He wants the master cabin to be aft, and the guest sweet to be forward with a queen.
I don’t think you can fit everything you want into 50 ft. really. That CPMY is a fairly heavy displacement boat and has a ton crammed into it but you want everything the CPMY has along with a longer cockpit and a longer foc’sle cabin in under 50 ft. And he CPMY is 49 ft and chubby already.
Carver's 560 is an aft cabin motor yacht, with guest in the bow. Their 564 version is the same boat with a cockpit added. The cockpit isn't covered, but could be... but most would likely just use the party deck (?) above the aft cabin for hanging out. They cruise slow well enough.

There are other similar examples...

Looking for a boat

I saw one boat that had a main sleeping cabin mid ship. Just can’t Remember. Anyone know of brand. Looking at 40 foot max
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