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49’ DeFever Raised Pilot House Plan B

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Bob H

May 19, 2020
United States
My wife and I are in our early eighties and are branching out in our 40 year boating career to include long range cruising. As a former USAF jet fighter pilot, I am looking for a 49’ DeFever Raised Pilot House Plan B that either has (or will eventually have after I get my hands on it) the latest in navigation and communication equipment. Stabilizers, a bow thruster, and a dinghy with an electric trim/tilt outboard would be great! Considering our limited budget, the boat would probably be in the 1985 to 1990 range. We are located in Los Angeles, so a boat on the West coast, I.e., US, CAN or MEX would be preferable.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards, Bob H.
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Welcome to the forum! Good luck with your search.

Limited budget? What is your limit? That is a relative term. Check Yacht World. As a point of reference there is a 1990 Plan B for sale in Chesapeake, VA for $249k.
My wife and I are in our early eighties and are branching out in our 40 year boating career to include long range cruising. As a former USAF jet fighter pilot, I am looking for a 49’ DeFever Raised Pilot House Plan B that either has (or will eventually have after I get my hands on it) the latest in navigation and communication equipment. Stabilizers, a bow thruster, and a dinghy with an electric trim/tilt outboard would be great! Considering our limited budget, the boat would probably be in the 1985 to 1990 range. We are located in Los Angeles, so a boat on the West coast, I.e., US, CAN or MEX would be preferable.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards, Bob H.
Yea, I saw that one too. The price is in the ball park, but the boat is in VA! Want to bring boat into Los Angeles area to get it ready for long cruises. I know all of the mechanics I will need to use here. I don’t know anybody in VA. Same goes for the hull, engine and electronics surveyors. I know I am looking for a needle in a haystack, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.
49’ DeFever Raised Pilot House Plab B

BTW, we were originally looking for a 44’ DeFever like yours. We couldn’t figure out how to get into the boat from a dinghy without having to climb a vertical ladder. The 49’ RPH has a transom door which would make entry easier with bags of groceries, for example. Also, the interior stairs going down to the master and guest staterooms were awkward for us old folks. We had to go down backwards! We are hoping that this problem is fixed in the 49’ RPH, as we have not been able to board one, as yet. The potential for falls seems too great, especially in a boat that has a tendency to roll. What do you think?
It's just my opinion but I think you should reconsider buying this boat. I say this based on your statement that you found it difficult to negotiate the ladders on the DF44. Well, the ladders to the staterooms on the DF49 are the same. Plus, the ladder to the flybridge deck is VERTICAL. Will you ever be able to get up there? Also, consider your ability to easily get into the engine room the necessity of which will be often. Running a DF 44 or 49 requires a reasonably physically fit and agile crew as do most larger boats.

A while back at a America's Great Loop Cruisers Association Looperpalooza in Fort Myers, we opened our boat, as many do at this annual event, to a crawl, an open house of sorts. One gentleman absolutely frightened hell out of me getting on and off. That guy was an accident waiting to happen so much so that my wife and I swore to never open our boat again. Obviously, I have no way of knowing your overall fitness but I encourage you to think hard on all that a boat of this size demands. If I am off base here, I humbly apologize and certainly do not mean to offend.

I am seventy years old and in very good shape, six feet tall, 170 lbs. No back problems, no knee problems but climbing all these stairs and ladders is not as easy as it was just a few years ago. We figure we have no more than five more years aboard before the going gets to be more than it is worth. We are full-time live aboards.
BTW, we were originally looking for a 44’ DeFever like yours. We couldn’t figure out how to get into the boat from a dinghy without having to climb a vertical ladder. The 49’ RPH has a transom door which would make entry easier with bags of groceries, for example. Also, the interior stairs going down to the master and guest staterooms were awkward for us old folks. We had to go down backwards! We are hoping that this problem is fixed in the 49’ RPH, as we have not been able to board one, as yet. The potential for falls seems too great, especially in a boat that has a tendency to roll. What do you think?
Thanks for your insight! We have yet to get aboard a 49’ RPH Plan B. But if the steps/ladders to the staterooms are the same as the 44’, you’re right. It wouldn’t take too long for a nasty fall. I, too, am six feet tall and weigh 180. Still pretty spry for my age but I have given thought to adding one or two younger crew on any extended cruises. BTW, On the 49’ RPH, I thought that the ladder going to the FB from the boat deck was a three step ladder at roughly 60 degrees. Also, the Plan B has a “full” size door from the master SR to the ER. I did read or hear somewhere that the 49’ RPH built by CTF had better designed steps down to the SR’s.
I'm not familiar with a Plan B, but here is an alternative that might be worth considering.


Similar styling to De Fever RPH. The OA Mk 1 has internal stairs to access the flybridge. It also has a ladder from the cockpit, but I hardly ever use that. ER can be accessed via half-height door from master stateroom in addition to lifting hatches. ER is crawl in, probably not as good as De Fever in that regard.
There`s a difference between internal ladders and stairs, and the "climbing wall" on the transom of some boats. I prefer a conventional cockpit with access "door" from the swim platform. Other issues like docking, boarding animals, etc also come to mind, it`s definitely a valid consideration in choice of boat.
Can't help you with the boat, but God love ya for expanding when in your eighties when most others are contracting.

How many years do you think you will be using this next vessel?

Can't help you with the boat, but God love ya for expanding when in your eighties when most others are contracting.

How many years do you think you will be using this next vessel?

. Good question! Probably no more than 3 to 5 years. I look at it as a project for me. Not a total fixer upper, but one that needs new electronics, a bow thruster, etc. I also look at it as a “bug out” boat if things go more to worms than they already are in this country, so our first long range cruise might be to Costa Rica or Panama. Interim cruises in the Sea of Cortez would be fun.
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