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Feb 9, 2011
Vessel Make
Tollycraft 34' Tri Cabin
In case someone on TF might be interested. I have nothing to do with this boat, owner, or its sale. Ran across the ad on SF CA CL. Best luck! - Art ;)

In case someone on TF might be interested. I have nothing to do with this boat, owner, or its sale. Ran across the ad on SF CA CL. Best luck! - Art ;)


It may be a great deal for someone, but I'd be very careful on this one, just looking at the listing.
It may be a great deal for someone, but I'd be very careful on this one, just looking at the listing.

Did not read to bottom of ad before seeing Conrad's caution. Hope I have not placed a link to someone elses bad ad on TF. Might be OK... Nice looking boat, but It is worded odd at ad bottom. Have caution and good luck if you do research. Sorry if I posted a blooper ad link! :ermm:
"If it sounds too good to be true it probably is." On my reading that advert comes with audible and visual alarms. BruceK
Holy smokes. If I were looking for another one, I'd sure check it out. I always wanted to cruise the Delta. Hmmm. Whoever buys it can call me so we can switch boats on vacations.
Sounds like one would have to send/transfer $10K to some bank account just to hold it, then zip the money is gone and all you would have is a nice lookin picture of a boat.

Reminds me of an ad on Kijji, seller was going to Russia, need to sell in a hurry, would ship anywhere in the world for free, just send the deposit, then send remaining when it is in your driveway, nothing to lose, if you didn't like it seller would pay to have it returned.... :hide:

I almost fell for it :facepalm: :rofl:
"If it sounds too good to be true it probably is." On my reading that advert comes with audible and visual alarms. BruceK

I'm not sure. You don't buy a boat without seeing it or at least I don't. So when you see the boat and meet the seller you ask for the title or the Doc papers.

I didn't see anything that says send money now.
Did I miis that?
Did I miis that?

Nope ya didn't miss a thing and yep you are correct about seeing it first and receiving the papers etc.. but sometimes from ads like that one will get a call saying " we'll hold it for you if you are serious.. with a small downpayment to show us your are really interested and we'll hold it in trust ( totally refundable ) until you are able to get here for a look ".

Nobody in their right mind would do that but there is always one that will get taken.

The ad just doesn't seem to be above board to me... maybe it is just my trust factor on most ads I guess.
In case someone on TF might be interested. I have nothing to do with this boat, owner, or its sale. Ran across the ad on SF CA CL. Best luck! - Art ;)


I called - to check out the advertised Manatee...

She's a 1985 - Owner (Billy Markajis) sounds legit and needs to sell due to his econimic trouble. Will talk your ear off on improvements he's done to boat and that his friend the previous owner did to it. It's docked at Delta Bay Club in SF Delta Loop Billy's # is 415.516.0600

Good luck if you call or go see it! - Art
Take a moisture meter and a hammer with you. The Manatee is a fully cored hull, which also has its advantages, but if old blisters weren't addressed or through hulls weren't installed well, water intrusion can be a problem. A full peal and re-glass job to fix a water logged hull could cost you 25 boat units. With just what the guy reports, it'd be hard to believe that a boat like that with a good hull wouldn't be quite a bargain. I've seen two of these go for less than 100K, but they were really in bad shape. When my Admiral and I were searching for a trawler, part of our criteria was that the boat would not be depreciating. Previous to the downturn, the Manatee was appreciating quite well and even held its own after 2007. Spending wisely, one can actually put some money into these boats, but you have to start with a good hull or a very good price. If this one has both, well.....I guess that remains to be seen.
I saw this boat last summer, looked in kinda rough shape. We will be back at this marina Friday; I will take a look and see if the boat looks spruced up from last year.
I saw this boat last summer, looked in kinda rough shape. We will be back at this marina Friday; I will take a look and see if the boat looks spruced up from last year.

Great Jennifer! If you get opp to see the Manatee, looking forward to your report. Billy talked a blue streak... be interesting to see if that streak was filled with some BS. He said it's in good condition with expensive bottom job not long ago! Price is pretty good if it's OK. Could become nice trawler for a TF member. - Art :popcorn:
I am a coast away from this boat.. and not interested in looking at it, but I think the Forum has shown its real value here, in getting knowledgeable people contributing and discussing specific boats/issues, for the benefit of anyone who might be looking.
I saw this boat last summer, looked in kinda rough shape. We will be back at this marina Friday; I will take a look and see if the boat looks spruced up from last year.

I was just thinking the same thing, PG. I bet that's the one we saw looking like it needed lots of attention. Take a pic to post!

Glad to hear you're making it back to the delta this weekend.
I was just thinking the same thing, PG. I bet that's the one we saw looking like it needed lots of attention. Take a pic to post!

Glad to hear you're making it back to the delta this weekend.

Hey Al, yes I am sure it is the same one, it did NOT look pretty last summer. I'm hoping to be amazed at the transformation when we see it this weekend. :blush:

We are really looking forward to being back up there and hope to see you and meet Meg.
Naybody know the name of the Krogen Manatee for sale on Craig's list. Is it the one or two stateroom model?
Pineapple Girl is there this weekend. I'm sure she'll report back with the details when she returns.
Pineapple Girl is there this weekend. I'm sure she'll report back with the details when she returns.

Hey All! I believe it is called "Brutus" and from the exterior it looked like it has seen quite a bit of TLC from when we saw it last year (when it was surronded by water hyacinth and looking much neglected). It has new canvas and looks freshly waxed. The craigslist ad says it is the custom two stateroom model and that he has done work inside as well so I'd say it is worth a look if you are in the market. I would not have said that based on its appearance last time I saw it but it is looking good now! :dance:
Naybody know the name of the Krogen Manatee for sale on Craig's list. Is it the one or two stateroom model?

per the ad it is a two stateroom and I believe the name is Brutus (rode past it in the dinghy on Saturday).
Howdy, Jennifer!

Thanks for posting. :socool:

At first I wondered, due to the ad's wording... Now I don't feel like I maybe placed a bogus trawler ad recommendation on TF. On phone owner told me that many thousand dollar bottom job was done just a few months ago. You get opp to take picts? ;)

Hope you had a great delta weekend!

Complications arose for daughter and April 3rd baby... baby OK now... daughter still working through items... hope perfectly OK within next week or two. Two things for daughter got real rough! For assured R&R as well as ongoing hospital visits my wife is pretty much staying now with her, baby, and hubby - I visit, often. So... our delta visits will be delayed for a while till all is in the clear! :D

Look forward to meeting you and yours some day - in delta 4th July weekend would be perfect, or any other time too! Let's stay in touch! :dance:

Hey Art, no photos, Didn't take phone or camera in the dink. Just got a new phone a week ago after dropping the phone in the marina. :banghead:

I am sorry to hear about your daughter and granddaughter. hope things are better soon!

We plan to spend June 30- July 8 in the delta "somewhere" hope to see you then but if not, sometime! :thumb:
Howdy, Jennifer!

Thanks for posting. :socool:

At first I wondered, due to the ad's wording... Now I don't feel like I maybe placed a bogus trawler ad recommendation on TF. On phone owner told me that many thousand dollar bottom job was done just a few months ago. You get opp to take picts? ;)

Hope you had a great delta weekend!

Complications arose for daughter and April 3rd baby... baby OK now... daughter still working through items... hope perfectly OK within next week or two. Two things for daughter got real rough! For assured R&R as well as ongoing hospital visits my wife is pretty much staying now with her, baby, and hubby - I visit, often. So... our delta visits will be delayed for a while till all is in the clear! :D

Look forward to meeting you and yours some day - in delta 4th July weekend would be perfect, or any other time too! Let's stay in touch! :dance:

Hi...Come and see My Beauitful KROGEN MANATEE and meet ME !
sounds like one would have to send/transfer $10k to some bank account just to hold it, then zip the money is gone and all you would have is a nice lookin picture of a boat.

reminds me of an ad on kijji, seller was going to russia, need to sell in a hurry, would ship anywhere in the world for free, just send the deposit, then send remaining when it is in your driveway, nothing to lose, if you didn't like it seller would pay to have it returned.... :hide:

i almost fell for it :facepalm: :rofl:

come and see the vessel, where in my add do i asked for monies up front !
36 ft Krogen Manatee for sale..

per the ad it is a two stateroom and I believe the name is Brutus (rode past it in the dinghy on Saturday).

Dear One...Next time come-by and I would be HAPPY TO SHOW YOU BRUTUS...BILY
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