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For Sale: 28' Monterey Clipper FS

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Aug 26, 2012
This boat was my father's project that he never did complete. It has been sitting since he passed away a few years ago. I have not had the heart to do anything with this boat. He did a huge amount of work to it and did not get a chance to enjoy it.

When he got it the fuel tank leaked and the stringers were soaked with diesel. He hated that smell and was very sensitive to smells so he gutted the whole cabin. Some rotted stringers were replaced and a new floor was put down with marine grade plywood. The fuel tank was replaced and so was the water tank. The 4 cyl Perkins was rebuilt too. Dad had a hard time finding parts and a decent mechanic to do the rebuild. We did launch the boat a few times but the RPMs were not high enough. It could be something with the governor, but I do not know for sure. I will get the engine started one of these days but I want to empty the diesel tank first and put fresh fuel. I have enough projects and responsibilities on my hands to totally finish the boat and it has been languishing on the hard for too long. Someone should enjoy it.

Pics to follow soon. Boat is in the Bronx NYC. Asking $25K, it is a documented vessel with the Coast Guard and has a fiberglass hull. It has been shrink wrapped over the winters and opened up in the springs to air out. Winter storage could be included with the sale. The rig has been stored indoors.
I would love to hear any other specifications and see the pictures when you get the chance to post them.
Thank you for your interest, this boat is from your neck of the woods, eh? It is listed on the registration from the previous owner as a vessel made in 1972. On the certificate of documentation it has a length of 30.6, a 10.0 beam and 5.7 depth. There is an official number routed out in wooden plaque below the deck in the transom that matches the doc. Here are some pics for your clicks:


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VERY VERY much like my Willy. 30' Willard. Even the same prop now. It's a tad smaller than Willy but looks larger. I like her stern better than the Willard and if it were longer it would be the near perfect boat. Of course one man's perfect boat is not another's. Any more pics?

PS These boats may be the same but if not the're VERY similar.


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I like her stern better than the Willard and if it were longer it would be the near perfect boat. Of course one man's perfect boat is not another's. Any more pics?

PS These boats may be the same but if not the're VERY similar.

Thanks, she does have a nice butt, here are some more pics. They did make a 32' Monte I think. Your Willard has beautiful lines. It is a lovely boat. I love the cabin design and how the windshield windows are angled. She looks very stout and very similar.


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:smitten:Isn't that a work of art? Can you or cannot see a "soul" flaring on this boat?

I don't care to be called romantic...
Hmmm, but how does one comfortably man the helm with what appears to be a settee immediately beneath?
Great question and good eye Mark. I completely missed that earlier.

Still a nice looking boat though. Any engine room pictures DE?
Great question and good eye Mark. I completely missed that earlier.

Still a nice looking boat though. Any engine room pictures DE?

I can't open the hatch to see the engine. There is a post supporting the wrap on top of it. Dad didn't put it all back together and I haven't had a chance to do it. There is a seat for the helm someplace. Finding the stay sail will be more of a challenge. I know where in boom and mast are though. Thanks for the compliments, part of me wants to keep her.
Listen to that part if you know you have the staying power to keep at it and be good to her.
Otherwise sell her. But I doubt you'll get even close to 25K. Maybe in a year or so someone will come along that just has to have her. I'd like to see you and the boat to do wonderful things for each other but chances are probably against it. One way you could do good is to fix her up so she is seaworthy and looks good then you'll get much more for the boat and maybe have a bit of fun doing it. You'll be in a much better position also to know if you are a good owner for her. But selling her for 12 to 15K now may be the best bet. Depends on your time and how much of a boater you are ect. My dad had a beautiful 67 Cadillac and I had a great time w that car but in the end it just wasn't me and I sold it. It was dad's car. He loved it but eventually it wasn't worth it to me.
My thoughts exactly (over priced), I think Eric is giving you sound advice. 12 k would be an offer that you should expect to be about max for this boat in current condition.
thanks for the opinions and advice. I said I was asking 25. I will see what happens. I am in no rush to sell it. It wouldn't take too much to get her in shape to be launched.
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