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For Sale: 1996 Carver 325 $34K

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Feb 4, 2017
United States
1996 Carver 325 Aft Cabin


32ft Carver 325 Aft cabin, 1996, only 350 hours, two engines, great condition, was docking in fresh water till last year. Bottom just painted, new zincs, all maintenance done, new navigating system Lowrance HDS7
The fabulous open concept layout of the Carver 325 Aft Cabin includes large windows, plenty of ventilation and a better galley and storage than most boats over 40 feet. The aft cabin stateroom features both a double and single berth, and the six-foot sofa bed and huge forward dinette sleep four more in comfort. There is safe and easy access to the aft deck and swim platform by way of molded steps and two hand rails. The huge lockable storage box/seat on the swim platform will stow plenty of gear and water toys for the whole family. Duel zone AC and heat, new plastic windows.
I am a cash buyer looking for a 325 to export to Dubai before 3oth April.
Can you please supply full details of mehanical & electrical equipment
engine / genset hours etc.
As well as full inventory (Tender etc.) that comes with the boat.
I am a cash buyer looking for a 325 to export to Dubai before 3oth April.
Can you please supply full details of mehanical & electrical equipment
engine / genset hours etc.
As well as full inventory (Tender etc.) that comes with the boat.

Hello, Keith!

Everything with a boat will be included. You can see the boat anytime, it is in Boston Bay Marina in Boston.
Call me 617 429-1139 and we can meet and see the boat. I did buy it 2 years ago and did not use and not familiar with it.

Best Regards
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Hi Diomid
I am based in Dubai, UAE.
I am looking to buy online and engage a surveyor to conduct the survey on my behalf.
If you have s much info as possible this will help.
Hi Diomid
I am based in Dubai, UAE.
I am looking to buy online and engage a surveyor to conduct the survey on my behalf.
If you have s much info as possible this will help.


All info I have - is in the add. Anybody can come in and take a look and see anything. The boat only have 350 hours - almost new, in great condition, new navigation system.
I guess it would help to post some picture of your boat so everybody can see it.

I do not know how to add pictures - can you help?

Thank you!

click on the attachment icon in the comment toolbar (just right to the smiley icon), this will open a window popup to use to upload your pictures. Select your picture files, upload them then close the popup window. Then back in the comment field, click again on the attachment icon it will show you the list of picture files you uploaded. Click on the file to add within your comment and it will add it. Then submit your comment and you will post you pictures.

Warning to sellers: Scams abound especially from offshore buyers who cannot personally close a deal.

I'm in the banking business and see this scam frequently.
Buyer pays with a cashier's check made out for a round number.
Say the boat is 30000, but the check is for 36,000.
Buyer says "oops my secretary screwed up"
Just deposit the check and wire me the difference, less 1,000 for your trouble.
So the buyer is getting a 1,000 bonus right?
Check gets deposited, wire is sent.
And it's an official bank check, good as gold right?

Wrong. The check is a fraud. The seller is out 5,000. The buyer vaporizes.
One of several variations on the same scam.
Sounds completely legit to me. I mean, who wouldn't want to buy a 21 year old Carver quickly, site unseen, from the other side of the globe off of TF?
Sounds completely legit to me. I mean, who wouldn't want to buy a 21 year old Carver quickly, site unseen, from the other side of the globe off of TF?

Exactly... and from Dubai... shipping costs alone would exceed the purchase price.
OK, let's not get carried away here with the comments. :) I agree that it seems a bit strange, but none of you (nor me) have any idea of what might be going on insofar as buying a boat from Dubai, so please do not jump to conclusions. I will share this -- Aegeancat is where he says he is, so it is NOT something coming from Nigeria. (We check those things in situations like this.) You have warned the OP, and that should be sufficient. Just let him proceed however he sees fit. OK???
All is well. If someone from Dubai wants to buy an old boat and ship it wherever they desire for more than the vessel is worth, indeed that is their business. Was just sharing my real life experiences and hoping to keep a fellow boater from feeling the sting of a deal gone bad. Sometimes if things don't make sense they are OK. But most often, somebody gets hurt.
Of course this proposal may be 100% legit. Another form of scam in a long distance "purchase" is the buyer sends freight cost to the seller to pay the freight to someone he nominates. If the seller pays out the freight, and payment from buyer to seller later fails, the seller is out of pocket. There could be many variations.
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