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1986 Monk 42 For Sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
May 7, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Vessel Name
Good Vibrations
Vessel Make
Mainship 34T
I've just begun to market my Monk 42 trawler. It's in terrific condition with over $50,000 in upgrades and improvements over the past few years. Check out the details here:


Keep in mind that due to the horrendous exchange rate between the Cdn and the US Dollar, Americans certainly have the advantage when buying a Canadian boat.

Also consider that this is a Georgian Bay, Ontario fresh-water boat. Comments are always welcome. Thanks.
I've been advised that my asking price was a little high and have adjusted it downward. It's now priced exactly as evaluated by a highly experienced and qualified marine surveyor last year.
Mr. RW. I always like to see ER pictures. Thanks. I might add, a fresh water boat can usually command a somewhat higher price.
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Thanks RT. And I've been told the same thing that fresh water boats usually get a premium. If you hear of anyone interested, let me know. RW
By the way, the engine room looks good; quite clean. At the next opportunity, I'll snap a couple of shots for posting. Thanks for the tip.
Nice ride! I am not in the market as we continue to Monk 38 but am interested to know what Davit System is depicted in the photograph. I removed the crane and am looking to carry the tender aft. We carry a 10' Walter Bay with a 15HP Yamaha.
Davit System

It's an electrically powered Sea Weed Tend'r Roller. I was unaware Monk built a 38 foot - just a 36 and 42. Where was it built? Taiwan or Nova Scotia?
It's an electrically powered Sea Weed Tend'r Roller. I was unaware Monk built a 38 foot - just a 36 and 42. Where was it built? Taiwan or Nova Scotia?
She was built in Taiwan by TaiChao in 1978. My avatar is the original Monk Model 2 drawing. She is the sedan model. Been in the family for 20 years. We just went through a full refit including new windows, glass decks and awlgrip along with many upgrades and refreshes. She is good to go for another 40 years.
Nice vessel. Before we bought Blue Sky I looked hard at a Monk 36 and found the saloon area a bit small. This looks to have addressed that. Timing is everything I guess.
A bit pricy

I hear you. However, my decision to price my boat as I did was based upon an appraisers opinion of value. And his opinion was based upon the craft's excellent condition, the relatively low engine hours, the fact that she's been a fresh-water boat all her life, and of course, supply and demand. I've found no other fresh-water Monk 42's for sale in Ontario or the eastern USA. Have you?
Let it be known to the naysayers that the first guy to come view my 1986 Monk 42, for which I was asking $180,000 Cdn, paid me $175,000. He saw the value and appreciated the top condition of my vessel. That's about $135,000 USD for my American friends. Anyway, she's sold. Fortunately, he's slipless for a couple of weeks. Thus I get to enjoy her for a bit longer. I also offered to captain her down the Trent-Severn Waterway with him to her new home in Mississauga. That'll be a bitter-sweet finale.
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Congratulations to both buyer and seller fort meories made and memories to come. Monk is solid value.
Congrats, Ross. That didn't take too long at all. Seems like it was pretty fair deal all around.
Looking at boats, specifically on sites such as this, it would be time saving to see it has been sold before you start reviewing and find almost at the end of comments it is sold!!

Looking at boats, specifically on sites such as this, it would be time saving to see it has been sold before you start reviewing and find almost at the end of comments it is sold!!

Sorry, LorMur. If this were an marketing venue, I'd agree with your sentiment. But it's primarily a helpful forum of like-minded people. My former vessel was advertised for sale and sold on boatdealers.ca, which permits a sold report and removal from its site. Good luck with your search.
Hello Ross Wilson. The section i was perusing on the trawler forum was "Boats for Sale" listing as per the title, boats for sale. I would have to label this section as a marketing venue deeming it to provide on each listing whether the boat is for sale or is sold. This saves a lot of search time for folks looking to find and purchase a boat.
Did you happen to look at the date of the original post?

Seriously, it's not good form to come in here, open up a year-old thread, and beat up on the OP.
No. Assumed a listing would be updated. Found out this is not the case. No intent to "beat-up" anyone. Will not use Trawler Forum in our search as we have learned our lesson one cannot immediately become aware if the boat is for sale or sold by reading the listings on the TF "Boats for Sale" site.
As already implied ... is not a dedicated trading site nor eBay. Look at it like an old fashion street corner pole. It keeps advertising till the bill is visible/legible.

The boat is SOLD but one can still learn something from the discussion, including the fact that the boat was SOLD.

The benefit of this site is that all posters are more less vetted and the ads are not likely scams ... contrast this with Craigs List or Kijiji Classified.

Good luck to you finding your boat.
We have no problem with discussions as provided on TF.
There is a great offering of information and education from several of the sites including the boats for sale when one is searching for positive discussions etc. even if a boat is sold.......no criticism on this.

However, we still maintain it would be a positive inclusion to ensure when a listing is SOLD it is shown on the original listing to allow a searcher serious to purchase, is able to decide whether they would pursue looking at a SOLD listing to see if any valuable info. can be garnered from it, or continue on to active FOR SALE listings on types of boats they are considering using their time more efficiently specific to what their objective is.

It would not be difficult to have this required.
Please correct us if we are wrong!
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