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Wanted— diesel genset

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jul 10, 2022
Hello all,

Looking for a late model (lower hours) diesel genset, 7.5-9kw for my 1980 42 Grand Bahama. The old Onan bit the dust— can’t get parts— so it’s time to replace it. Any leads appreciated!
Welcome aboard. It is going to be tough to get a low hour genset. Not many people get rid of low hour gensets, but good luck.
Welcome aboard. It is going to be tough to get a low hour genset. Not many people get rid of low hour gensets, but good luck.
I would agree with Dave. We bit the bullet and had a 9kw Northern Lights genny installed expensive yes. Genny and labor was 22 boat dollars. Very happy with it. 37 hours so far.
There's always used generators on ebay from people replacing sets.

Depending on the model, parts for Onan can be had from other sources. Ebay, too.
There's always used generators on ebay from people replacing sets.

Depending on the model, parts for Onan can be had from other sources. Ebay, too.
When I was looking, I found a few used generators. Mostly Pandas and Nextgen and the like. Presumably people were swapping for an 1800 RPM gen set with better reliability. I ended up getting a new Northern Lights.

I would be leery of the brands people are usually getting rid of, tells you something.
I would be leery of the brands people are usually getting rid of, tells you something.
That's where I landed too. For my boat, getting a generator in was no small feat - engine needed to be moved. Pandas seem to have an alarmingly high complaint rate. Nextgen owners like them but routinely state they don't think they're built for sustained usage, leading me to believe they are a step-up from a Honda 2000w gas unit on a swim platform.

Saving a few grand on the generator seemed like fools errand to me.

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I would agree with Dave. We bit the bullet and had a 9kw Northern Lights genny installed expensive yes. Genny and labor was 22 boat dollars. Very happy with it. 37 hours so far.

Thanks for the input. I have been thinking that as well, but it never hurts to try.
Northern Lights seems to be a very good unit. We have had Onan in several boats. Had nothing but trouble with one of them. Always broken. Now we have a Kohler but not enough experience with it to say if it is good or bad.
Northern Lights seems to be a very good unit. We have had Onan in several boats. Had nothing but trouble with one of them. Always broken. Now we have a Kohler but not enough experience with it to say if it is good or bad.
Yes, I’ve been doing quite a bit of research lately. The Onan came with the boat, but I am very much leaning toward northern lights; hear a lot of good stuff about them.
I've been thinking about retiring my tired old Onan one day.

One option is to buy a cheap portable Honda as a backup, and put the money toward a beefy solar array. I need a sun shade over the aft trunk cabin anyway. Solar panels would be perfect. Without actually running the numbers, my guess is this arrangement would be cheaper, too.
Thanks. I think my trouble is with a centrifugal switch. I found a switch but my suspicion is it’s the plunger assembly behind it which no one seems to have anymore.
I would agree with Dave. We bit the bullet and had a 9kw Northern Lights genny installed expensive yes. Genny and labor was 22 boat dollars. Very happy with it. 37 hours so far.

I have a bit over 1400 hours on the exact same model.

I have had Zero problems. Change the oil and that's it so far.
John: My original 1987 4.5 KW Northern Lights locked up about a year ago and I played and played with it trying to get the thing to break loose. Finally gave in and found a retired guy who rebuilds old units and resells them. I had to have the center cyl. bored and sleeved to get back to standard parts. With all the new parts, in the end it’s probably going to cost about 4K but the electrical end only had about 20 hr. on the new windings, so she should be like new.

I should add that I also spent another grand on another 5 KW on Craigslist that was worse than mine, only good for parts, none of which I used. I did, however, get a sound shield out of it.

Do yourself a favor and don’t skimp. It’ll only cost you in the end. I didn’t and I still want to convert the boat to total solar eventually. If I do end up chucking the generator, it will be something somebody wants.
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I realise it's not for everyone but tens of thousands of dollars also buys a lot of batteries, inverters and alternators.

I swapped dead 10 and 30kva units for lots of lithium, 10kw inverters and 5000w of solar, came out ahead in $$$$ and no more noise, maintenance etc.

Again, not for everyone but perhaps worth a back of a napkin sanity check??

Good luck.
I realise it's not for everyone but tens of thousands of dollars also buys a lot of batteries, inverters and alternators.

I swapped dead 10 and 30kva units for lots of lithium, 10kw inverters and 5000w of solar, came out ahead in $$$$ and no more noise, maintenance etc.

Again, not for everyone but perhaps worth a back of a napkin sanity check??

Good luck.

Exactly. I wish I could talk my Admiral into this total solar transformation but I’ve agreed to use only my Soc Sec to pay for it, so it’s not going to be a working system tomorrow. Painful was the modt recent expenditure on two new wet cell 8D’s to keep the bilge pumps going this season while we bask in the cool of Banff, Alberta for 6 weeks.:confused:
Exactly. I wish I could talk my Admiral into this total solar transformation but I’ve agreed to use only my Soc Sec to pay for it, so it’s not going to be a working system tomorrow. Painful was the modt recent expenditure on two new wet cell 8D’s to keep the bilge pumps going this season while we bask in the cool of Banff, Alberta for 6 weeks.:confused:

Sure, it would be hard to justify as a nice to have but I was starting with a clean slate having to replace both the 10 (dead) and 30kva (unbelievably loud). That was going to add up to serious coin. With lots of flat roof space, it was a no brainer. I don't see myself ever missing the noise, maintenance, spares inventory etc etc etc.

My Admiral was all for it when I explained there would be no more power Tetris between kettles, hotplates, hot water etc. Plug it in and it works!!

It's certainly not a solution for everyone, but I have noticed a few going this route.

If you an identify exactly what you need, I can check though my supply of Onan parts. Guessing it is an 7.5kW MDJE?
Thanks, but I don’t know what I need. It is a 7.5. I replaced the centrifugal switch, I checked the fiber pin behind it it’s all working I replaced the oil pressure safety switch I tested the two overheat switches, they’re good, and I still have the same problem. It starts but as soon as you release the starter it dies. I’m going to replace it and sell the old set for parts. Do you know anybody is interested in buying the Onan let me know.
Your solenoid is good? Can you hold the solenoid open and run it? That bypasses the safety switches, etc.
Yes if I hold the solenoid open it runs. And it opens when you crank the starter. Somethings cutting off the electricity when you let go of the starter.
Yes if I hold the solenoid open it runs. And it opens when you crank the starter. Somethings cutting off the electricity when you let go of the starter.
Exact same issues. For me it was the voltage regulator. I had replaced the alternator, which in turned fried the regulator. My alternator was also pumping 17.4v to the battery when it was running.
Thanks for the tip. I will check it. I’d rather sell the unit running than not.
Thanks, but I don’t know what I need. It is a 7.5. I replaced the centrifugal switch, I checked the fiber pin behind it it’s all working I replaced the oil pressure safety switch I tested the two overheat switches, they’re good, and I still have the same problem. It starts but as soon as you release the starter it dies. I’m going to replace it and sell the old set for parts. Do you know anybody is interested in buying the Onan let me know.
I might be interested. I'm still keeping an old Onan 7.5 MDJE thumping along. It would depend upon general condition. Iunderstand that something in the control system has failed. Before the control system failure was it running OK? Making voltage and RPM?

If you want to try one more thing before you throw in the towel I had a similar problem. It turned out to be the relay that controls all of those stop circuits.

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Yes it was running perfectly, and generating electricity perfectly before this happened on Fourth of July weekend. I .actually have a spare relay, but I got so disgusted with the whole thing I decided not to dive in and pull it out. If you’re interested, I would be happy to entertain an offer. I also have a sound shield it’s old but it still works, and that would be included along with a few spare parts. Where are you located?
PS I can be reached at 310-367-5890 if you wanna talk about it. The units in pretty good shape, no oil or fuel leaks, raw water pump has a new impeller in it with about 20 hours on it, I change the heat exchanger not long ago, and as I said in my first post it was running perfectly until Fourth of July weekend.

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