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For Sale: Complete boat computer system – only $400!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Veteran Member
Apr 2, 2016
United States
My apologies; I can't figure out how to edit a prior post:

Did you ever wish you had a fully capable computer and monitor for your boat, rather than trying to squint at a phone or a tablet?* I have just what you need, at only $400

The full description is in the attached document “AC/DC Boat Computer System” – but you’d have to search diligently to find something missing. *

Everything but the laser printer will run on the clean power 12VDC provided by the Buck-Boost transformer, or the 5VDC equivalent which runs the added 4 USB port hub (for a total of 11 usable USB ports).

The 24” MagInnovision monitor has a bulkhead mount as well as a stand mount, should you wish to use it to watch movies, as we did, selected from the full terabyte of movies on one of the external hard drives.

Or perhaps you want to listen to some of the 500GB of music of all genres from Medieval to Baroque through Rap, using one of the provided cables to feed your sound system – which is also how you’d hear your movies.

Want to make sure you have everything backed up?* The two 2TB drives will handle that with aplomb.

You want a nav-station chartplotter with a 24” screen?* OpenCPN, full charts for US east coast and Bahamas, and a GPS puck to tell you where you are accompany the IslandTimePC Mini-ITX format, DVD RW+/-, Serial, Parallel, 3 versions of monitor connections, and a plethora of USB connections allow you all the comforts of home.

You say that your boat is fully 120VAC?* No worries.* So’s every one of these devices, and you have a 5-port AC switched power supply to operate them independently, as the base for the no-fly (stable in heavy seas) laser printer which outputs no-run printed pages.

In my application, I mounted virtually everything other than the monitor and the face of the computer out of sight, under a shelf, secured by straps.* I mounted the monitor on the bulkhead in the front of the nav station, and the face of the computer was available under it. For movies, we sat opposite the screen and speakers for a theater experience.* I lifted the monitor out of the bulkhead mount, reattached the original base (one screw), plugged in the included power and data cables, and selected the movie we wanted from the external terabyte drive, or inserted a DVD into the drive on the computer itself...

Which has 16GB of Ram and 2TB of 7200RPM laptop-efficient disk storage, operating under Windows 10, which is Windows 11-ready, should you care to make that (free) upgrade.

This is a LOT of stuff, and it’s currently in Vero Beach FL, where pickup is free, but UPS *COULD* safely and securely package it all up and ship it wherever you want it.* I have no idea, unfortunately, what that would cost.* However, I'm reasonably sure it might double the cost.* Best to be able to pick it up.* The Vero Beach City Marina, or Fort Pierce City Marinas would both be convenient to ICW or coastal cruisers.

I set this up on AC power just to photograph it off the boat, and apologize for the lesser quality of the phone pix (vs the electronic SLR I used for the others).* I’ll answer questions here, but contact me directly if you’re seriously interested in the package, at skipgundlach@gmail.com.

If it's not sold before then, I'll have it set up at the Seven Seas Cruising Association annual meeting and Conference in Melbourne FL the second weekend in November.

Go here to see all the photos: *https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=b2NCMU1kX251QXZrWGVnVEl0d3c4M28taHFKNXVR

Email me skipgundlach@gmail for correspondence and a full listing of components you'll get.


  • Nav3.jpg
    103.6 KB · Views: 35
Reduced!! Now $200

My apologies for still not knowing how to edit after the fact:

The electronic world continues to advance, and new stuff of equivalence (albeit with most not having the 12VDC filtered power) continues to price-drop.

Accordingly, and in particular because the admiral is getting grouchy over my still having it in the van, other than the printer, you can have it for $200 (still picked up; UPS packaging and delivery nearly certainly would double the cost).

The two 2TB externals are - I think, without digging them out and putting eyes on them - WD My Book Essential - units; I am not certain of the 500G (full of music of all genres) and 1T (hundreds of movies) product names. All run just fine. All have PS and USB cables. The monitor has a base and wall mount and HDMI and VGA cables.

AC power supplies with each in case you wanted it in an all 110VAC environment, as well as the BuckBoost for 12/12 VDC (computer, monitor, external HDDs) and 12/5 VDC (4-port USB hub) for filtered, regulated boat power.

Brother Laser Printer (no color, but also no-run-printing in moist conditions), 5-port AC switch base, and teak bulkhead-to-left shelf mount surround $50 more.

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